Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide | Burst DPS] Cryomancer/Psychokino RC Featherfoot *Updated*

Curious as well how this build is going? Maybe a video or somthing. :slight_smile:

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cryo3 for PVP, pkino3 for PVE. cryo3+pkino3 useless on hi lvl - select one. linker - nerfed. build w1-cr1-pk1-cr2 …(enchanted “rod of ice” very good up to 120+ lvl). them select you path. monster gem for cryo skills help alot, but …

If you raise Psych pressure level this will mean high damage on the combo too?

wait, why is cryo3 kino 3 useless on high lvl? wont they bring CC + damage to the team?


i was thinking wiz3 > psy3
but now im thinking wiz3 > cryo1 > psy1 > cryo2 > cryo3

is good?

Hmmm what effects the burst damage of this combo?
The levels of Ice Wall or Psychic Pressure?

You’ve been given us a choice between.
Psychokino (C2) & Linker, but why not Cryomancer (C3) to maximize the damage of Ice Wall for even more burst damage?

The person in the youtube video you showed, even has that.

I was debating whether going Lv.15 on Ice Wall or Psychic Pressure, but after reading this : Link then the choice became pretty obvious, 16 walls to hit & 16 hits to deliver for a maximization.

I quote.
The damage comes from the number of wall you can hit.
So the more wall you have, the more damage you may do IF you hit all the wall.
Each damage from one hit on one wall scale with the level of icewall and your matk.
Ice Wall Lv5,Lv10,Lv15 make 6,11,16 Ice Wall, and Psychic Pressure Lv5,Lv10,Lv15 can touch 9,14,19 wall.
So the idea is Lv15 Ice Wall and Lv10 Psychic Pressure, with some gear to increase your AOE ratio by 2 (14+2=16) After that, people often choose to take Rune Caster for his buff of 300% damage on ice-damage.

I’m not saying that other roads are bad, but i don’t think any other path could possibly raise the damage of this burst than this.

So i’m going Cryomancer C3 > Psychokino C2 > Rune Caster.

This is familiar to the Monks skill from Ragnarok Online, called Asura Strike.
Ultimate skill that shouldn’t be taken lightly :slight_smile:

Probably because this isn’t a build meant to maximise the Icewall PP Combo, but just something that incorporates it.

This build has 2 parts:
Icewall PP Combo = Cryo2 + Kino + Runecaster
Sustain = Linker + Featherfoot

Oh, my mistake then.

it’s in the comments

Which one?
The one that can only leech HP from Beasts, Devils, and Insects?
When would someone have the time to do so during a boss fight?
What about the other bosses?

I just don’t see how it’s worth to trade away the 300% DMG boost for the HP leech.
That can easily be covered by HP potions, couldn’t it?
I think what matters here is to take down the boss as quickly as possible before you’re dead.
Which requires this level of power.

Anyway, if i tend to follow this path, how could i have changed my skills for any better setup?

Appreciate it!

May you explain how works your build please?

Mikhaelsoras, I see too many people saying that Cryo2 isn’t worth it, and that I should go all the way to Cryo3. What do you think about it? May I trade Linker for Cryo3? Or maybe swap FeatherFoot for Cryo3 at the end of the build?

What may be the impacts for PVP and PVE?

Hello, I’m currently using this guide, but i stay out of mana too fast. it is undesirable to add a couple of points to the SPR at the beginning to make up a little?

Yes, because PP uses a percentage of your SP every second. So highter sp poll = bigger sp consuption

Hi Arccai, I think I might go on your build as well. I should go wiz>cryo>psycho>cryo2>cryo3>psycho2 ?? OR >psycho2>cryo3 ?? :frowning:

Hi Cruppy, I think it’s desirable to get 1 lvl in Psycho as rank 3 or 4, so you will be able to use the Ice Wall + PP combo. It’s pretty OP, and I don’t think it’s effectiveness will be as good later on, at least not before you get Rune Caster. (Someone correct me if I am wrong).

i was plan to train a full con wizard c1 > cyro c1 > psycho c1 > cyro c2 > cyro c3 > necro c1 > necro c2

But I was find out the full con convo hit really really low…

Am I no choice should go for int?
Only 50+lol now

Hi there, I really like the concept of this build and I’m planning to use it on my next character, but I have a doubt: How does the damage scale on the combo? Does anybody have the formula (or at least an idea on how the damage is built)?

This question is mostly because I was wondering if a INT/CON (2:1 or 1:1 or even 1:2) would work properly, because I don’t really like the “glass cannon” type of gameplay, i know this is a burst build, but survivability is really important (and in PVP it is crucial).
Thanks, everyone!

I can’t really comment on the Icewall + PP combo as the changes from KTOS might be applied to ours.

Statwise going full con or 1:1 int/con is fully viable on PvP, the latter one is more on PvP/PvE build.

what r the changes on kTOS?