Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo3-psy2 or cryo2-psy3 ----- RUNE CASTER

Hi guys in my rank 7 i want to be a Rune Caster.
But i cant decide if i go CRYO3-PSY2 OR CRYO2-PSY3…

I really like the pp +icewall combo…
so i have some questions…
If i do cryo2-psy3 i can do pp+ice wall combo for more time than cryo1-psy3?
The icewall lv10 has more HP than lv5 ice wall?
If i do cryo3-psy2 i will have more cc but a less dmg??

please guys help me with this dilema.
What is the best for a Rune Caster ? Cryo3-psy2 or cryo2-Psy3?

The best build for Rune Caster is actually:

Wizard C3 > Cryo > Kino > Rune Caster > Warlock

Can you tell why sir please???

I personally like Psycho C3, because of the uncleansable CC (in PvP) of Raise. If you want to maximize the burst rotation, however, read below.

Useful info on Ice Wall + PP from Arccai in another thread on this forum:

so the best if cryo3-psy2?only for the pp combo ?
and for pvp/pve ? cryo3 still the best option?

It’s pretty self explanatory.

Rune Caster has long casting times, Quick Cast fixes it.

Quick Cast gives you 50% matk dmg with the attribute so your ice wall+pp combo hurts a lot combined with Rune of Ice.

Surespell so you won’t get interrupted while doing your combo.

Warlock as a filler for more dmg.

Cryo-Kino combo with just 1 circle on it is enough, usually going more ranks on Cryo is more useful for a full support who intends to go Chronomancer and more ranks into Kino is more for PvP.

This weapon gives to all of you cryomancer skills 1 lvl, it might help with your lvl in your ice wall so it won’t be to weak, I also think there is one that gives 3 lvls to cryomancer skills, but I can’t remember the name of it.

You could also go more ranks of Cryo-Kino if you want for more utility and CC.

Never underestimate those projectiles.
Each one of them makes a tremendous difference.

If you’re good enough with your gameplay, and can handle a 16 hit technique in difficult situations, then its the end of story.

You have to ask yourself, which role you want.
You can be an ultimate weapon with raw power. However, in order to achieve this, you’ll have to make sacrifices in other fields such as, crowd controlling, survivability, hybrids with medium values.


It give a very good damaging ability for cc at the same time. Max Physic Pressure also allow u shoot more tiles which is better wiz3cryo1psycho1.

Downside? Interuptable and loooong rune of ice cast time. Not many peoples know they need protect u, i usually did when i saw them in dun/mission, they simply take down boss super fast enough.

Sacrificing points from IW or PP to obtain a CC ability will cut down on your burst DMG by far.

The levels of Psychic Pressure increases the amount of targets it can hit, and not the actual range. The range is limited to 4x4 cells.
This has been tested.
Wouldn’t matter if your Psychic Pressure was Lv.50

Anyway, this 4x4 cell scale is exactly what can be summoned by your Icewall @ Lv.15

Consider each projectile do 5k times 16.
Casting about twice every second.
You don’t want to get rid of these :wink:

Icewall lv1 is 2 tiles with +1 tile per level, so it is 11tiles with Audra staff is 13 tiles, u lost 1 tile for additional damaging ability :wink: and gravity pole can interact with vertical icewall too.

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But then youll be bound with that staff aswell.
And it has low magic attack.

13 vs 16 is quite a difference.

This is the sacrifices im talking about to maximizing the damage.

I just wanna confirm that +AoE Attack Ratio does not effect the targets of PP.
I believed when 80% of everyone have said it, but its false sh*t.
Everyone who said this, can literally go to hell.

Thank you.

My builds only purpose was to succedd with this 16hit combo, which was false due to peoples lies, im rerolling a tank now.

Can save my Lv190 wizard for the team exp.

I hope someone answers this. I’m currently W1>P1>C3 and I want to know if I should go RC on rank 6 or keep going psycho. I do love raise and gravity pole, but that 300% damage boost though…