Tree of Savior Forum

Grindless rank 7 (need at least scout 1)

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Actually, This is grinding. Real-life soul grinder


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Any class can and should level this way.

I show you how (though it’s similar to yours) in my sweet guide: Xan’s Leveling Guide

Also this has been known for some time. It only takes me about 60-70 hours played to do 1-280.


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Actually I’m really surprised at how quickly I have leveled my archer (no scout) from 1-180 already. After doing two Swordies, it’s refreshing. Just seemed slower, however I was on a learning path and have an extra 11% experience to work with now from team levels.

Good luck new players, we need more of you. x3

Do you need to 100% maps?

im pretty sure non- scouts can do this, especially since cleric c1 has pretty much the same skills as scout, and wizard hs cc.

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Yes, any class can do this and should.

Only time where things start to get sketchy is 1 quest in Namu Temple, 1-2 quests up in the Roxona City area, and Nahash Forest. These are all very doable, but hard to solo without a partner.

Remember though, there is literally no penalty for partying with a friend to do any of these and no exp loss. It’s an MMO. Play together.

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You only need to grind a few (2-3) levels at storage and the way to rank 7 class 15 at maven. If you do every monster kill count you dont even need to grind anymore.
Too much quests, my sc3 went to 268 without any grind, and I did only the easy kill counts (the ones that were possible to do while I was questing.)
I NEVER DONE MERC POST DAILY QUESTS, I dont like them :stuck_out_tongue:

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There should be a “Never” option. I never had to “grind” there per se, just 100%-ed the map and completed all the quests and kill achievements and never came back.

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may I ask?
I think I’ll follow this guide to leveling my scout, just wondering… how many hours you spend per day to leveling like in this guide?

its really not a “guide” just common sense, from someone who has taken 7 different builds past 270 without ever grouping until storage/maven abby I can tell you its pretty straight forward;
do all your quests
do your monster kill counts on each map
at lv100 start running silaui mercenary missions 3x a day (this 1 is extremely important)
and that’s about it, pretty easy

Just skip as many low lvl quests as you can. They will barely give you any exp anyway. There’s also the event at royal mausoleum storage (or was it at chapel?) which nets you 800k~1.2m exp / hr depending on your class to quickly go from 70 to 80-ish, to then card to 90 and do the dg.

Doing monster kills is basically grinding. Unless you only do missions and dailies (which more often than not ask you to grind), you’ll always end up grinding

There’s also a few quests with no level requirement, so if you can have your guild master summon you there to get them, you can get high level cards to pop at the min req level; or ask him to power level you. Of course, even if it’s not you, it’s going to be someone who’ll end up grinding for you to level up