Tree of Savior Forum

Greedy people everywhere

Please let’s not forget the attribute times.
You have to wait 3 days for some attributes, and others that have 5 to 50 levels.

“eyy but they’re casual so they can just learn the attribute and go do their irl stuff”


Well who doesn’t wanna earn extra silver to be greed , either bound by greed make fuss about this kinda childish . Take a look at market no one is touching 20m token do u think It wouldn’t drop price by then . For Newcomer I wouldn’t recommend them to explore the tp shop to play the game unless the afford a token or so too stop being idiot although I would like them to shut up for a second and thing . The should change or improved token this should be at another topic . To people to make this topic is true everyone here has a or more greedy why a not . Have fun guys

Why does it matter the time it took? The caps are imposed by IMC. They have been raising the cap because most whales don’t want to waste their money on tokens and they instead spend it on gacha, since it is more profitable. This is a way to incentivize them on buying more tokens.
Side note, some people underestimate how many “harm” GVG TP did. It was one of the reasons tokens were about 300k back in the day. I’m pretty sure that there is people that still have tokens bought with that TP.

A player shouldn’t be “forced” to endeavor to get more advantages that make things more efficient? If they can’t be bothered on doing research and making a cheap farming char why do they even want a token? They can “build their char and explore the game” in a more casual way. It’s not like a new player will be trading/selling solmiki gear. If they really want to invest into the game they can “just” spend 8€ on a token, since that amount of euros have little to no value according to this thread. Also, IIRC a new player can get a free event token from the TP trader lady at low lvl which should boost them enough.

Seems like you guys sometimes forget that this is a grindy free korean mmo. We should be glad of the mere fact that we can even buy a cheap premium “sub” from the market with in-game currency. It could be a lot worse.

P.S. These posts might imply that I am a whitekinght, but it is not like this. I am always the first one that jumps towards IMC’s throat when they ■■■■ up, which happens quite often. But I have the impression that most people in this thread are too lazy or greedy - how ironic - to farm and/or pay a reasonable amount of money for the tokens, shielding behind the altruistic image of “Won’t somebody think about the children?”.



If 500k(the first cap) was WAY too low amd unreasonable then why sell tokens at that price? Or even for all the caps before 20 mil? Maybe because at that time, 500k was a reasonable price to alot of people? Consider the fact that there was little to no inflation at that time, cause ya know, it was on release.

If you are insinuating that all those caps under 20mil (basically the last 20 something months) were too low and unreasonable, then people should’ve just hoarded or otherwise not sell their tokens at all right? The market would have no tokens for freemium players to buy. At the same time, whales wouldn’t have been buying as many tokens to sell since ALL of those previous caps wouldn’t have been worth it, unless you wanted to wait an undetermined amount
Of time (who knew how long it would take tokens to hit 20mil and when did they know it).

Freemiums can’t buy tokens cause whales aren’t buying tokens and imc not making money with TP purchases. Goes full circle. But yes, 24 months in and we finally reached the reasonable token price at 20 mil.

And I was at first discussing the value of a 20 mil token for newbies (and veterans somewhat too) not too long after the dgn silver nerf.

I just don’t get it…

If you’re a new player, you get a rookie event pack that helps you a ton at the beginning (and IIRC there’s already an event token inside). And if you visit Leticia once you reach Klaipeda, you also get a 7 day token. Invest a bit of time (1-2 hours, few days a week), and you should be level 300 in a couple weeks. Do the quests (free stuff, exp cards). Do the dungeons, especially those who match your exp level (for example: dun 120 already gives 90k per run until you reach 150). A fresh level 330 character should have 20-30 mil silver by the time you get less income from dungeon runs (I’ve just leveled one, and that’s exactly the amount I have at that level).

If you really want to buy a token from the market at this point, you should have the funds to do so. Use that monthly premium access to level your char to 360. Then you’re pretty much set. As multiple posters said, you have many LEGIT ways of making money in the game, you don’t need to farm stuff forever or make AFK necrobots or use RMT: Saalus, dungeons, HG, CM… hell even visiting lower level fields is profitable, because monster drops fixed items (compared to the new unidentified stuff) which can be sold for a lot of money (5-10k each).

The easiest way however is to do raid missions: 10% chance of getting a recipe, so do 10 runs (for a f2p player that’s 60 raid portal stones which roughly cost 10 mil to craft if you buy the mats off the market), hopefully get a recipe… and simply sell it! You don’t need those fancy weapons if you’re not a hardcore player… Currently, those recipes are easily sold for 80-120 mil silver in the market, but you can also consider trading them for shards with other players. Use those shards as you wish, selling them could net you 60 mil easily. Then you have your cash for 3 more months worth of tokens…

For myself, I’ve never bought tokens. I have some event tokens that I use in some cases (mainly to learn attributes immediately), and they do the job fine. We’ll even get a free 15 days token in the forthcoming free DLC pack, and I hope they’ll continue adding some tokens in recurrent events like they did the whole year last year. I don’t play as much as considering getting a token every month, I feel it would be a waste of a token.

And as last resort, you can buy your tokens from TP. If you’re willing to play ToS for hours, I cannot imagine you can’t afford to spend a few coins on a token… I even cannot understand why people would buy tokens from TP and then sell them in the market, unless you get them from those x10 bundles in gatchas and have more than you will ever need…


No. Token was cheap because it was basically free thanks to the TP rewards from GvG and new players only needed to sell an Arde Dagger, a few Mithril Ores and/or some Dullahan Armor Fragments to have enough money for a Token. There was also an infamous bug with one of the payment methods that allowed players to buy the Founder’s Pack DLC, retrieve its contents ingame, then cancel the purchase. It was thoroughly abused.

I really doubt people buy Tokens nowadays. It’s better to buy many Leticia’s cubes instead; that’s when I see many Tokens listed in the market and when we have the lowest prices. Some people prefer to hoard the Tokens from those cubes and sell them when the prices rise due to low supply (during Goddess Cube sales).


I want to understand why people are more concerned about the price that the players choose than the ■■■■■■■ taxes of market and “businesses”. One is ridiculous and outrageous, and is not greedy.

as a returning player i find the 20m price on token really surprising…
back then when i still play the price of token is 4m max
and i dunno if i will still play with this ridiculous price of token bcoz im not really in the mood to invest my time in the game to play like last time when i actively play
i only login to see the new stuff, new class trying rank9 and bla3
once my event token run out maybe ill quit again lol

idk about new player… but i think when they see 20m price on token
they will be scare to play rofl…


this is why i love end game! wow what a good read. *crying while sitting with 2hr 39m 02s token oh its 38m now.

people who defend this 20m token bullshit just wanted a “LEGAL” RMT. why play the game when we can earn silver fast by just selling tokens, right? :wink:

You could try have a case no one sell token in your market and see how it go.

Will the population drop?
see overpriced token and yet someone still managed to buy it?
Or will you keep playing without token?

If you are working(or at least still have allowance) then you could’ve said ten bucks are nothing.

And then we have everyone buy tokens from their own wallet and no one sell it on market anymore. Fits with title right?

newbies are supposed to farm for their new gears not token.
farming for a week(or 2) just for a token alone is demotivating and sure isn’t fun.
this is exactly what happens when you don’t take care of AFK-necros/bots properly.
now, it’s too late and players have to suffer because of IMC’s mistake.


[1] > Wanted a legal RMT
Yes. That is the whole point of being able to sell cash store stuff on the market.
Its not for people to donate to charity (poor folks like you).
By doing so, at least IMC will get income from people purchasing cash store stuff for legal RMT, instead of the 3rd party botters. That is an industry standard method of fighting against these 3rd party RMTers/bots.

[2] Market taxes
The 20 million tokens -are- selling, otherwise the people listing them are incurring a rather hefty (200k to 500k) in listing fees. So there are people still buying them regardless of the price.

You currently get a 7 day event token for people new to the game, straight from talking to the TP store NPC.
Anyone else can easily afford a couple dollars for a token. Let me teach you how - each time you want to buy a can of any soft drink, or a snack, chuck that money into a separate wallet instead. You’ll find yourself both slimming down, and suddenly having extra pocket money. GEE! (If you can’t, you really have bigger issues, and really shouldn’t be playing an online game)

Look. An AAA market game costs over 70 dollars now. DOTA 2 and League of Lesbia* cosmetics cost a couple bucks, easily. So does CounterStrike box keys. There is really no excuse for anyone to not be able to afford a token every 30 days, even through pocket money. That’s around 30-50 CENTS a day.

Things to note:
I don’t even play ToS seriously, just came back after 2 years (launch player here) to poke around on the forums. This kind of “OMG CASH STORE TOO EX” stuff has been around ever since someone or another decided to allow cash store stuff to be sold for ingame money to combat RMT, no matter the MMO.

Its a plain and simple economic issue. Too cheap? No one will supply the tokens. Too expensive? (and your tokens don’t sell?) prices will fall. No one wants to pay that market tax anyway.


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ahh yes p2w, who needs effort. just be rich and beat everyone else no skill required. good game.
but of course you are not against that since youre benefiting from it lol disgusting.

haha yea now you are assuming I dont buy tp. how immature can you get? :smirk:

which people are you talking about? :smirk:

yea really helpful lmao what other excuse you have so you can push your 20m token.

uhm yea youre clearly missing the point? lol its obvious you don’t read but since im nice ill just quote it for you.

the point is 20m silver is not worth anyones time. unless you don’t value your time! lol
some people here be like " oooh but 20m is easy you can farm it for 10 hours blah blah" YET its been 3 days and they never showed 20m on a new accc lol

oh fixed it for you xD

someone is trying way too hard. he even made an alt just to make it look like they have enough supporter LOL.


Last time I looked at the market tokens were 13mill (Silute) … are they THAT expensive now? I should start selling tokens… :thinking:

Edit: Just checked: cheapest ones 11mill, more expensive ones 12mill. I think they don’t get (for now, at least) higher than 13mil. I know I wouldn’t buy them.

But afaik, prices varies greatly between servers… not sure how it is now on others.

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There may actually be a good justification for the market comission fee, however accidental. One of its “good” effects is that is punishes overpricing (as mentioned by one user above). Supposing you sell an item at a high price and then no one buys, the comission fee exists to force you into lowering your price the next time you want to post, thereby controlling rampant inflation. It is true, I will agree with you: it is harsh on the seller but the after effect is overall more lenient to buyers in the long run. However, as I said, it’s quite likely accidental and wasn’t the intention in the first place.

As for taxes for businesses? Scrap them. They don’t help anyone. All it does is push up prices and make selling inefficient.

A slight correction:

Just because they post at 20m does not mean that they “sell”. The only way to determine this is whether or not they continue to sell at that price after an entire series of auction “cycles” (which, in this game is 7 days.)–even then, that may not necessarily be conclusive since it will depend on how much these sellers lose in the long run. In short, it’s kind of early to tell at this point. Supposing the price maintains, then, yes, I will have to agree with you on that one.

Yes, I know that, I figure giving an extended explanation to the raging child that started this whole thread would go too far above his head.

His reply to me pretty much proves his age.

(Also because, i sold a couple leftover tokens when I came back at 16-18m, figured 20m is the point where people stopped buying. Or is that the market cap? Forgot how the silly limits worked)

how Irony, so calling people poor and a kid is mature to you? lol. arent you the butthurt one here? i have a feeling your real account starts with H :wink:

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I think this thread should have been focused on suggesting/critizing token benefits instead of market price.

It’s just absolutely pointless to talk about it otherwise as the company doesn’t have any obligations to keep the token price in check, which they have somewhat done before.

It’s really a huge benefit for free players to have the option available in the first place.

As I have tried to explain before there’s multiple factors that go into the pricing of tokens.
I think it’s very shortsighted to assume people are greedy for it.

Should these people buy tokens and sell them cheap as some kind of charity? Why is it so awful to want to benefit from it? Isn’t gacha and especially diamond anvils more of an issue than token market price…?

Honestly this thread is starting to look like just whining of not wanting to work towards getting a token and wanting an easy way to obtain it which is absolutely silly.

I also refuse to accept the new player argument anymore as it’s simply not realistical to provide a cheap token sale to them, it just doesn’t work and won’t work. There’s other solutions to that and this threads purpose is clearly not to address them.