Tree of Savior Forum

General kTest Thread

Anyone know where can find korean Kakao’s ID ?
I will beg for a cellphone confirmation, i live in Brazil and here $10 is A LOT of money =/

sent you a request, team name’s gwenyth if anyone else is adding friends.

WOW this one is great, new TP shop


How is this different than normal Fletcher crafting? They updated the UI, if that’s what seems new, but as far as I can tell, nothing has changed about the actual mechanics.

That’s just a bug.
You’re an Archer, and have that exact bow equipped. When you wear a 2h weapon, it’ll replace whatever is in inspected players off-hand.
I know this for a fact because not many people would have a +5 Lydeka with an unique name as their offhand. Not to mention you don’t see enhancement levels when inspecting.


Ah you are right, it is a visual bug. I just checked and literally every person I inspected had it in their offhand haha.

Looking at character and class level that’s not a fletcher…or can archers craft too?..or is it somebody who used exploits? X)

Meaning anyone can become a falconner at lv 1 ( since that quest doesnt require lv to do).

That was someone who was playing around with the hotkey.xml opening different windows by using function bind to hotkeys. He managed to open this arrow crafting window with a character below lvl 10^^

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I’m sure they will ~sarcastic tone~.

OH whoops - I’m just dumb; I was watching the youtube video expecting something totally new (the forum video was buggy so I gave up and clicked the link). That looks like someone hacked to enable the arrow crafting menu. They’re crafting a normal fletcher arrow, by the looks of it.

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Hi, anyone knows how to get a verified nexon korea ( i know u get cell phone and nnss ) , any guide to do it?.

I could make japan nexon , but korean it´s hardly.

If you guys haven’t seen yet, check this post for the premium purchasable costumes (just after the 8-9 rank costumes):


there is one: get a friend in Korea that isnt interested in this game at all.


You now fully recover your SP whenever you switch channels.


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Just tried it, didn’t work for me

I’m allready here! because our Guild and BR community we’ll stay on Vakarine. See ya guys there :laughing:
Hope to do more events with Weapon Buff on the future :kissing:


Any kOBT streamers? :smiley: