Tree of Savior Forum

[kOBT] - Tree of Cafe

I already have a $300 gift card I can’t wait to blow away hahaha

^this please, i’ll vip all year long

We wanting premium services now? Oh dear isn’t it almost same as pcbang idea -_- there’s many ways for a self published company to earn big bucks look at path of exile from grinding gear games for example support founder packs for players to design content items mobs maps story but in the end why people u use the excuse of not having money this xp drop rate boosters and cash weapon enchanted or safety scrolls is the abomination of any mmo

see the evidence in 3 words


Yes it is free to play and best of all they are self published which also means they can choose how players support the game so I don’t see a reason why they can’t do it unless the community is like wanting a paying hand held game then thats sad

For now I will support them buying costumes… As soon as I see something cool.

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I had the same thought back when I was pulling 60 hour weeks, however I still don’t believe that anything should be pay to win. At some point you may just have to realize that gaming may not be suitable for your lifestyle, but to each their own.

MMOs have generally been social beasts and as such community is one of if not the most important facets of the game. Meanwhile pay-to-win is in many ways the closure of all forms of dialogue, whether it be anticipating your opponents moves and faking/game-theorying/wolololing your way to victory/defeat or:

“Where did you get “dem” pants?”
“Cash shop”

That and it generally doesn’t feel right when the locus of control isn’t your gameplay but in your wallet.


Unfortunately, I don’t think IMC has too many options as to how the community will be able to support the game. It’s too early to say what players will invest in what, how many players will even bother to pay real cash, and what the dropoff rate for their choices will be. IMC is the developer here while in Korea, Nexon publishes; for International, Steam publishes. I can assure you that server costs, maintenance and upkeep, and the % cut that these publishers take is NOT a menial sum. Take into account the costs of further content development, balancing, updates, administrative, and marketing work they will HAVE to do to keep people engaged and refreshed… the F2P dev company (IMC) doesn’t stand to make a lot in comparison.

I, for one, am ALL for aesthetic changes with @drake_tempestos … this individualizes players and makes the experience more memorable without a doubt. I really hope that there is a large enough population willing to invest in 2 or 3 of these per character (~ $20?) so that the game can sustain itself. I do find this unlikely though.

Agreed. This sucks the soul out of any game and anyone who actually loves the game but doesn’t want to invest monetarily.

  • Paying for unique aesthetics? I’m down with that.
  • Paying for experience boosts? Sure, not everyone has enough time in the day to spend on a game as seemingly everyone else.
  • Paying for unique items attainable only through cash shop to give you an upper hand over everyone else? Eat shiet.

In summary of my little rant, I’m down for paying a little to enhance an experience and/or connection with this MMO. I’d alter @Lycoris_Virens dialogue to fit my personal perspective a bit:

“Where did you get “dem” +200 STR pants?”
“Cash shop.”

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For starters they could follow grinding gear games poe way of handling content and $$

I’d rather play a p2p game or pay for a monthly premium pack that may include p2win features like movespeed, +exp,lower market fees, faster icoin regeneration and a bigger icoin cap if the really must kill the econpmy the way they are doing.

But I will no way pay for all these things if they come in the form of trade tokens, $$ for every item in the market or cash shop speed pots. The only thing I may consider byuing is costumes.

Hmm it’s interesting you say this. I would like to comment on it but haven’t played more than 2 hours of the game to speak to it. Care to elaborate? I only ask because I’ve heard its cash system evolved into something very cash-grabby over time…

In resume, PoEs Cash Shop is pretty much cosmetics (pets, re-skins, animations, diff skill effects, etc) and conveniece (extra bank slots, hideouts décor, character slots, etc). Content wise, everything lives up to the companys name (Grinding Gear Games), as u get real meaningful content once in life, and another in death.

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Pretty much what gunnr said and also they have supporter / founder packs which let the players create an item /content for the game. Alot of people have high hopes for self published game company like IMC cause they have a chance to make the game into potentially crazy fun just problem is greed always takes over

I think it’s safe to say we will have stuff like: Alternate costumes, character slots, skinned companions, exclusive titles and hats… Maybe even additional emoticons and gestures.

Besides the basic stuff ofc, such as character/team name change, stats and skills reset, megaphones, better anvils (lulz)…

Heck, someone always brings PoE to these discussions. I think it’s time for me to try it…

Better anvils << this scares me. Yes go and try poe the whole game is literally a mad scientist builder game where a mage can be a warrior or a warrior into mage

Oooooooh, so PoE is just like ToS? (Just kidding.)

Yeah, I have to admit… Better anvils sounds evil, but “potential restoration” sounds hellish! I mean, in the first case you would still have to spend silver and 0 potential is possible. On the second, ppl using +∞ sets. :imp:

They usually come in pairs :x that’s my biggest fear tos has the potential to be something like poe

No when will people learn that better refines is not okay in a cash shop.

You know, this phrase has a completely different meaning if you add a comma in the right place.

In short, I don’t get it.

The changes that happens to the game in the korean version will have a high chance of transfering to the western version if we do not lash back against it. Offcourse there will be those assholes who can only complain but most people will give their constructive reason to why the changes will change the game for the worse.