Tree of Savior Forum

General kTest Thread

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Back on the topic of the economy and trading, I’ve been doing some reading about it.

I’ve heard that an item called ‘Token’ (which I’ve also seen in the game’s files under the ‘payment’ tab of item icons) will be needed to conduct trades. I’m not sure if this is 100% true though, I’ve only seen this mentioned in tester forum discussions. but not in any official sources just yet.

Also, from this article on, Switch Gender will be an Oracle C3 skill and the only way to change your character’s gender.


Oracle is oficially the ‘‘WE NEED TO PUT ALL THIS UTILITY STUFF SOMEWHERE’’ class lmao.


Switch Gender will be an Oracle C3 skill and the only way to change your character’s gender.

Looks like thats one step closer to that archer craft class called 'Barber". In this barber class, they change your hairstyle and hair color!

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So the only C2 spell you’ll get is death sentence? Where am i even supposed to put my skill points? Oracle c2 will be exactly the se gameplay as it was in this beta, and if the only c3 spell is going to be switch gender, then R.I.P. Oracle.

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I can’t wait for the ridiculous prices the first Oracles on C3 are going to push lololol


Yeah, of course, except that prophecy lv 5 is enough to keep it up 100% of the time (actually level 4 with a good timing), change level 10 you might get exp penalty if you change a monster, lv 5 counter spell already blocks 13 freaking ground skills, reseting and clarivoyance max level is 1

Omg, this is the best way to expend your rank 7, by far

Except by the fact it’s not.

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I translated the whole interview in that other thread in case you’re interested.


edit: didn’t see that the interview is in another thread!

Yep link below for convenience.

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Thanks, I’ve posted a link to this in the thread’s OP. :smile:

I’ll be finished with the next R7 Job skills soon, sorry for the wait!


When you have more information on this please post! <3

There’s still hope.

!!Instant boobs, 20k only

Economy, economy has changed.

do you need some materials to perform the switch gender?

or is that like instant switch?

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Nice work, Nexon. :sweat:


learning 3 attibute at the same time… really?

do people still go to internet cafe these days…

and that mov speed >_<

“We want to try creating a game that is different from those in which everyone becomes strong and competes.”

“ToS will probably not be loved by all players.”