Are you basing it off of Riunia’s videos or did new ones come out?
Well, regardless, I’m pretty sure everyone is still experiencing the skill point bug so we only have level 1 skills to show. The trailer doesn’t show what level Dragontooth charged up to, too bad, expecting it to gain more hits like Doom Spear, but I can’t say for the rest of the skills.
I do agree that some C7 skills have been oddly… Plain. Like Redel and Zucken seemingly just two multi-hit attacks with different animations, Zornhau is comparable to Mordschlag. All of the new skills are Slash too, but maybe they’ll put some new Attributes. Dragoon’s stuff seems kinda bleh too. Bleed, Shock and Evasion attributes, plus a unique Gae Bulg aura which I HOPE doesn’t just disappear after you pick your spear back up.
Anyway, Dragoons should still get Dethrone which hasn’t been implemented.
Doubtful it is planned for R2, since IMC thankfully changed their minds that they shouldn’t be putting skills in C8 where it is inaccessible for OBT, while they could just make new ones later on… Notarikon was implemented for Kabbalists recently, so that’s a good sign this skill should show itself soon.
The skill is greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen though. I don’t know what to think about that. Is it a buff? Doesn’t seem like it, and Langort was an attack skill that was green too, and… I shall just stop thinking and wait and see.
-Shuffles away from the worsening market problem posts-