Tree of Savior Forum

[kOBT] - Tree of Cafe

Korean version of ToS will be Cafe-to-Win, with a broken move speed bonus and some other stuff if you play in a NetCafe…

I heard this is a common thing in korea, but i thought ToS promissed it wouldn’t ever go P2W, and this is clearly a step towards P2W

We don’t have any info about those things being implemented in international steam version… But i think we should make it clear to IMC that we do not like it

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as if 2 threads with this info is not enough already.

IMC is open to feedback.

You need to understand that the Korean version is catered to Korean players and it is a different version than the International version. There will be different events, changes and so on.
Internet cafes are common in South Korea, so this is really not a surprise. Benefits for playing on a internet cafe PC are available in a lot of games.


I splitted it from the Korean thread, as i haven’t found any clear title about it

I find funny how people start to freak out about what happen on KOREAN version and come here spamming crap, until IMC says it will be implemented here, i can’t be bothered by what Korean and Nexon do there.


Please guys, >read< before commenting

You quoted yourself twice, and as you said, it is a common thing IN KOREA, IMC know that it wont work in here so what is the problem? I highly doubt IMC want to lose half if not more of the player base because of stupid things like those, and in all honesty, i’m sure that is something Nexon came up with, its on their contract so whatever Nexon wants it will be implemented by IMC.

And before you start to freak out again, Nexon Korea only have a say on the Korean version, not on other versions.

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Do i really have to quote myself again or should i just ignore? XD

Guys, we all know that kTOS is not iTOS and this person simply wants us to show that we dislike p2win.

Even so, we cannot be sure that iTOS isnt going to be pay2win (we wont have cafe bonuses but we are likely to have that cash market cr*p.)

Why argue about nothing? I beleive that we all do not want the crazy pay2win market or speed buffs or any other mad p2w options on steam but I see no reason to be that optimistic and keep saying ‘it will not happen here’ since you have no proof that it won’t.

This is not Pay to Win. This is marketing for PC Bangs in Korea, The culture there and livelihood of people are reliant upon technology and gaming. This is a way to promote the game in PC Bangs and promote the game among the community.

PC bang gaming is very popular in Korea, you refer to them as Net Cafe`'s. The bonus isn’t even that significant, so don’t concern yourself with this too much. That movement speed is to account for the cost vs time in a PC bang, players have to cover more ground to get more value at a PC Bang rather than freedom of time at home. Not even a problem.

As for the larger comminty, everyone should educate themselves on “P2W and P2Rush”.

P2W = Get something non paying players can’t get.
P2R = Convenience vs Time, but all players can get there in the end.

Example: EXP coupon = NOT pay to win, it is for convenience only and does not affect anyone else.

Example 2: Buying OP weapon in cash shop = PAY to win.

Please share this around if someone wants to understand the differences.


I guess i have to repeat myself here, IMC said they wont do that business model here, its not their idea in Korea it was Nexon, we aren’t under Nexon we are under IMC directly, i know people are concerned about what will be for the Cash Shop or Micro Transactions in this game but as i already said, IMC said they won’t adopt a P2W posture in the Int version, and as @arriorstar already said, its the Korean mindset and culture, so keep these kind of topics to a minimum because honestly, from the end of beta to the first post about patch notes and info from kOBT you guys started to freak out about something that wont be affecting us as far as i am aware, and as i said before UNLESS IMC ITSELF come here and say they will add those things in our version, i couldn’t care less.

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Many people understood this “culture thing”, but are still concerned about whether such “features” may be in the International version as part of an supposed premium service. (iRO do it, where the “i” stantds to INTERNATIONAL…)

Again, ffs, i’m tired of repeating myself, RO is under a publisher as far as i remember, ToS isn’t, i know they have the necessity of make money to cover costs, but as they themselves stated before even the first CBT that they won’t adopt a P2W business model, if they go back on their words they will lose credibility and lots of players, and you will see a bunch of new players coming here with mommy and daddy CC to play, the end and that’s it.


Who Cares, that’s not P2W, so they can move faster, they also have to pay by the hour to play. the point is so that people with no pc or internet access can still get something respectable done in the limited time they have. Otherwise they just wouldn’t bother playing. I swear, the level of maturity and experience exhibited in these forums seems like some of you have never played a Korean MMO before.

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Just wait and see what IMC will do, they !@#$%^& know that people dont want that cafe thingy buff, besides its only in korea atm no need to freak out or so.

Stay calm and wait for other news to come unless you play KToS yourself

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I will not enter in this “what exactly is P2W” discussion, or show you how many companies say one thing, do another and still have lots of wage earners zombies customers.

I’m just trying to explain the other side, that no one wants to accept the existence, apparently.

I’m not saying IMC would never turn back their word, but unless they (IMC) come here and say that they will add P2W elements on the game i will not be bothered by Korea version or any other that don’t have a thing to do with international. Simple as that. I just don’t see the necessity of all this noise about something that haven’t been confirmed on our version of the game.

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You heard it here first kids triple movement speed is NOT pay to win lol :smiley:

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The US has a few net cafes, though I doubt we’ll be getting the same deal as the kOBT.

When I was a child, my father would bring me to one that had Counter Strike and Starcraft installed in the PCs, and a fridge with Korean soft drinks.

Do you live in Korea? Then why do you care.