Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

New BGMs have been added in today’s test server patch.

I have the current OST of all available songs uploaded on my soundcloud.


[quote=“drake_tempestos, post:1129, topic:40733”]
C’mon, most ppl were lost. Asking where to grind, while ignoring maps and dozens of quests.
[/quote]You can’t really ignore maps before aroung level 60, after finishing the main quest at Kvailas Forest.

Doing all quests at x1 rates don’t do the trick neither.

x5 was ok-ish for cap at 200, but with the current xp curve, it will become unplayable really fast…

Yes that could be an option too…and I would like it… X) They jsut said something that maybe not every class will have 3 circles I think…but hell knows… They said so many things about it and we are still in the dark… X)

@drake_tempestos I was grinding for 2 days in Royal Mausoleum till I found out that Gytis Settlement Area exists… I felt so awkward…XD


Found this on Jaim Games channel.


kTEST Patch Notes for Dec 8th have been added! Check them out here.

There’s a lot of changes, so I’ve just quickly gone through this and listed some of the bigger updates.

Changed tax amount when using Squire’s services.
Guild Hideout pet raising time increase
Orsha warp scroll added to Orsha Item Merchant.
You can extend your Warehouse using TP.
Musketeer and Cannoneer’s skill damage increased.
Cooldown for Doom Spike, Earth Wave and Steed Charge adjusted.
Corsairs can now properly equip Pistols if they have the attribute learned.
Pistol Shot requires a ‘Pistol’ equipped to use.
Hexen Dropper and Dust Devil can be used with a Pistol equipped.
Added two new instance dungeons. (Lv 50 and Lv 90 Instances for Orsha.)
Alchemist ‘Item Awakening’ now has a UI for party, and Awakening Options have been adjusted.
Added more monsters to Orsha.
Gem level has been modified to be different depending on which rank (star rank) map it drops in.
Resurrection after death now uses ‘Crystal’ item. Can be purchased in TP Store.
Portraits for some guild masterd added.
Burrow has been adjusted (Rogue)
Guild events have been added. Guild master can start from tower. (Still in testing.)
Buy-in Shop Functionality has been removed.
Field Dungeon has been added.
Fixed some quest progression.

New BGMs can be checked out here, thanks to @Spadow!


I’m bored, so I made a list of random things combining what info you’ve supplied thus far for previous classes at R7, even if it has a bit of speculation.

Peltasa C3: Langort
Cataphract CX: Dragging Death (would like, Cataphract EDIT: DID GET SOME CD REDUCTION BUT NEEDS more fun disables)
Squire C3: Mitigate Penalty
Corsair C3: Pistol Shot (implemented already)
Doppelsoeldner C2: Redel, Zucken, Zornhau
Fencer C2: Attaque Composee, Preparation

Sorceror C3: Desmodus (cause bats /(・ × ・)\), Evocation (if not scrapped)
Chronomancer C3: Back Masking, Pass (implemented already)
Necromancer C2/C3: Disinter, Corpse Tower, Raise Dead
Alchemist C2/C3: Gem Roasting, Magnum Opus

Ranger CX: Arrow Sprinkle
Scout CX: Be Prepared (probably abandoned for the best, given that we have Pass for balanced CD reduction)
Rogue C3: Burrow
Fletcher C3: Singijeon
Falconer C2: Blistering Thrash
Schwarze Reiter C2: EMPTY

Bokor: CX: Zombie Capsule
Sadhu CX: Parkaya Pravesh
Monk C3: Golden Bell Shield
Pardoner C3: Sign Dispeller, Craft Booster (thank you for remembering, Ayalon)
Oracle C2: Death Sentence, Switch Gender
Druid C2: Sterea Trofh, Chortasmata
Someclericclass: Dekatos (honestly it could fit any class, with the sandbag whale and all… Greek name though, if it clicks with any class)

@Spadow Thanks for the meal OwO

Lemme guess :< Uhhhh…
Freq Box - Symphonix (obvious one)
Gran Fracaso (SoundTeMP cause it seems to mix some Omerta, but could easily be S.F.A)
Hypodynamia (SoundTeMP? The safe choice for the extravagant BGMs >w<; )

This is only true for your levels above the monster.

Regarding TP Store, is it like iCoins, but you need to purchase it now? If yes, how much is it?

Wondering what has been changed in Awakening .


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Look your messages, I need halp.


In an update, NXP was changed to TP. TP is the same as iCoins.

TP on the kTEST Server is free, and 1 TP is awarded every 2 hours if you have less than 10 TP.

I’m not sure what’s exactly changed with Item Awakening.

Was that Hanazawa Kana ?

Good to know, at least they are showing that the ressurection wont be all easy on launch, you will need to pay for that if you want another life!! :imp:

I was already very happy when I saw that Gem Roosting went to C2, if it’s true, now ir Awakening have some good changes I wont contain myself! lolz

Updated the notes.

Hexen Dropper and Dust Devil can be used with a Pistol equipped.
Buy-in Shop functionality has been removed.

omg what is this!?, new way of summoning zombies?
i want to know!!

my hype meter is rising

doesn’t make sense you get the best skills at rank 1 lol

indeed, carnivore only works with chortasmata, it’s useless at c1 without chort
and other skills meh… so at c1 you transform for panto movement speed ._.
and telepath that makes the monster invincible and only gains time lol

My friend just tell me that has some change to Chronomancer skill ‘Pass’
old value > new value
lv1; 3 > x
lv2; 6 > x
lv3; 9 > x
lv4; 12 > x
lv5; 15 > 25
skill effect does not apply to ‘Pass’ skill cooldown (skill cooldown is 50 sec).

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It’s probably a long-deceased concept now, given how IMC are running against the clock to transition to OBT. Was datamined a while ago at Disc’s previously-tended thread until this one became the main one.

@DiscKZee Having that off-hand Mana-mana is already pretty damn good compared to a Karacha Dagger~

I’m fine with this. I’d hazard a guess that it’s 5, 10, 15, 20, 25.

oh ic

welp thats lame lol, bokors really need love especially their zombies

What did they change about the boss mechanics?

Consider boss traps are gone now. Did they add more adds or more skills?

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