Tree of Savior Forum

General kTest Thread

5 hours!!! OMG im so excited even im not able to play kOBT!

Exploit the hell out of it - the more dmg you all cause over there, the less dmg will be dealed to our own server in the future :wink:

Since Koreans seem to be too nice/too dumb/too ignorant/too upright/too frightened to actually detect AND report all the bugs and exploits around, IMC actually needs all of you to actually get any development done here.

I wonder… Since foreign players are that needed, why not handing out some wild cards in the first place? In the end its a win-win anyways~


Yes, go wild! The future of iTOS lays in your hands.

How you figure 5 hours. counter still says 18 >.>


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Just saying, they’re human too and they probably aren’t too happy about people whose method of communication seem to be breaking things and not speaking.

Looks like they announced some details about how the market stuff is changing. It looks pretty controversial given the huge number of replies it got.

From the article alone, it seems they’re rescinding their previous idea of using TP to list items and are instead using Silver. Though, I’m not sure but it says Silver is consumed over time as the item is up? I guess it’s unclear, or they’ve neglected to mention the TP cost. Hopefully it’s gone.

What is clear is that the ‘token’ item will enable premium features. It’s been in the files under the ‘payment’ folder.

‘item_token’ found inside the icons folder under ‘payment’


It seems TP cost is gone, and instead you need the token yeah. Without the token you can only sell 1 at a time and tax is 30%, but with the token you can have 5 and tax is only 10%. The silver cost seems to be based on how long you want to list the item for, 1 day is 1% of the item in silver, and 7 days is 3%. Based on the previous interview, I’d say trading is probably locked behind this token too. NetCafe bonus seems to be the same as the token. There’s little explanation about the token itself though, how much it costs, if it’s permanent or not, which I guess might be causing the discussion.


From a translator I think silver is consumed as the cost of registration, and not refund-able, regardless whether the item is sold or not. It’s 1-2.5% depending on the registration period.

They did take one of my idea: item will appear randomly on the market some time between 30 minutes and 2 hours

Here’s the interesting part: you can only claim your silver from market 48 hours after the sell, unless you use some token. Once you claim the silver, you are subjected to tax, 30% as we know it or 10% with net cafe effect

Here’s the bad part: you can only register 1 single item on the market, or 5 if you use net cafe.

It’s a better system, I must admit, but I don’t think it’s a good system yet


From what I understand, having a token allows you to put 5 up, same as with net cafe. Token doesn’t sound like a consumable item though, more like… an item you have on you. But it’s hard to understand without more details.

There’s also the question of how it intracts when you ahve multiple characters.

Yeah I think token and PC-bang give same benefits. With this I suspect token might be a subscription-based item, not a consumable.

I still dont like it, even without the TP cost.
Being able to sell just 1 item at a time with 30% tax is just horrible for the game economy.

A lot of recipes that need drops from higher lv mobs wont be craftable anymore because ppl wont waste their time or selling slots with cheaper things.

With this kind of market ppl will probably need to farm alone and craft everything by themselves. Even if a friend wants to help you, it is just a pain to transfer itens.

I really hope they add more selling slots and change the normal tax back to 10% for normal users. Cafe / Token users can have a 5% tax or no tax at all. It would be nice to have normal trades back, but if they wont want… maybe add a mail system.


maintenance extended for another 3 hrs?

Yes, they’ve moved the time to 6PM (KST) so 3 hours.

Quick Google Translate confirms.

트리 오브 세이비어 OBT 오픈 시간이
12/17(목) 오후 3시에서 오후 6시로 변경되어 안내 드립니다.

Wait? Where do you get that???
PS: I am sad…

Coundown has been changed to 3 hrs more . Check it :smiley:

Oh yeah but I meant the skills of circle 2 of rank 7, but maybe I’m confused and you never said anything about that xd

The token I don’t think is a consumable, but they haven’t stated what form it will take. It could be temporary, like a monthly subscription type item like you mentioned, or a permanent verification type item. Have to wait and see.

I’m one of those sad non korean people who will not play in KOBT, but what I’m looking for right away is see CASH SHOP and see the customization options !!!