Tree of Savior Forum

General kTest Thread

maintenance extended for another 3 hrs?

Yes, they’ve moved the time to 6PM (KST) so 3 hours.

Quick Google Translate confirms.

트리 오브 세이비어 OBT 오픈 시간이
12/17(목) 오후 3시에서 오후 6시로 변경되어 안내 드립니다.

Wait? Where do you get that???
PS: I am sad…

Coundown has been changed to 3 hrs more . Check it :smiley:

Oh yeah but I meant the skills of circle 2 of rank 7, but maybe I’m confused and you never said anything about that xd

The token I don’t think is a consumable, but they haven’t stated what form it will take. It could be temporary, like a monthly subscription type item like you mentioned, or a permanent verification type item. Have to wait and see.

I’m one of those sad non korean people who will not play in KOBT, but what I’m looking for right away is see CASH SHOP and see the customization options !!!

They just posted a new article on explaining tokens and TP. If I understood it right, tokens are bought using TP. Token is basically a premium membership when used, lasts 30 days and gives you trading/market/movement speed benefits and apply to all characters on same server(most benefits do not stack with cafe bonus). You can sell tokens for silver on market.

tos kr token overview article

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Oh yeah, that’s not going to crash the economy at all, lol.


So why does this happen?

Reapply english patch??? I don’t know if that would help

How much is the token?

wow, looks like the game is reaaaaally heading towards P2W and Cafe2W

I’m SO glad it’s just KR version and still faithfull that international version will be like a ToS we all know and love with some changes for improvement and not downgrade like KOBT

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Can someone tell why it is still not in english? I copied the 2 xmls and languagedata folder to release folder and restarted the game.

Im not sure (dont know korean) but it seems like with token you cant trade with other people…

  • 토큰 효과가 적용된 캐릭터 간에는 1:1 개인거래가 가능합니다.

^^ this…
so if you can buy token from auction - you can trade with your friends… Should both players have token??

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Oh lol… repair cost = item cost… Are you srsly IMC?


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looks like they just added a server a moment ago

Anyone has seen the cash shop ? Customization ? Anything ?