Tree of Savior Forum

General kTest Thread

Pls no premium services

I hope its just nexon fcking things up. Because as far as I see, thats how you fck up a game.

The dn market is fine to me imo in dn at least this is because most things in dn is soul bound. Most likely you will sell heraldry plates and expensive talismans or jades. That’s only a couple of things and you don’t do that everyday. Nests have weekly limits too and daily quests are well daily. Sides the items are listed for a day and you can sell 8 a day iirc which is good enough that I don’t get annoyed. The 8 item listing a day will however not work on tos as there will be people who earn income farmings mats or recipes. Also tos has wayy too much variety in items to sell. Removing private trade is also retarded … Way to go IMC …

I’m so happy for this… Really glad IMC saw that Raise Dead needed to be C2, thank you for bringing us this info as always. You are great, thanks !

Anything change in Dievdirby or Oracle class, I hope they will buff for Dievdirby b’cuz this class is few in CBT2

Maybe because Necro C3 is supposed to be r8 class and kOBT will have only 7 ranks at the beginning <_<.
This may also be true for all other C3->C2 changes like alchemist.

I tested this myself.

I spent 2 TP on registering an item on the market for 3 hours. It did take 2 hours for that item to show up on the list, and then the item stayed on the list for another 3 hours, until it was finally expired. Therefore, the “3 hours”, which costs 2 TP, starts to count only when the item appears on the market.

And I also confirmed that if you withdraw the item from the market before it is sold out or expired, you do not get the TP back, neither if the item gets expired and is automatically sent to the Receive Slot. Once the TP is spent, it is spent forever. There’s no way to get the TP back.


whaat… what is this, what are they doing ? Paying/using TP to simply sell and item on market… what… o.o hope they totally dismiss this haha

Thanks for the further clarification.

Just updating, since I think I missed this detail in light of the trading changes.

Subzero Shield has been changed to a self buff (no longer a party buff) and the freeze chance has been halved, I believe.

The first part is 100% correct, the second part we were still unsure of at the time.

Also, Squire C3’s skill ‘Mitigate Penalty’ is a buff which reduces the penalties of combat. It lowers the chance of losing durability, and lowers the penalty of lost silver and gems upon death according to the skill’s tooltip. (Numbers and further details shown in the tooltip below.)

Not sure if this is a stall skill as well yet either.

EDIT: On the topic of discussion about the Market and Trading changes; feel free to discuss this in this thread but try not to go too overboard. Reminder to keep the discussion civil and on-topic.

Any personal disputes that you feel you absolutely need to sort out, go do it in a private message.

Any sort of feedback is good and IMC do check up on this.


Can you post more about the cyclone new attribute?. What about cyclone 10 and deeds of valor 10? how long does it last? possible to keep it up all the time?

Cyclone Lv 10 lasts for 7 seconds, but right now I can’t test out Doppelsoeldner’s new skills and Cyclone due to a bug with skill resets. My Doppelsoeldner’s skills are bugged and will need to wait for a fix. Luckily I’m not the only one who has this bug so it should be fixed soon.

I can go check out the attribute for sure.

I might not have levelled Deeds of Valor when the bug happened so I could check it out as well.

@tomgo32000 Call and Perch are still the same time though, right?
Really glad that they did eventually cut the CD of those skills though.

Just a reminder, if you’re browsing this topic and can’t keep track of the class updates, please check out this post.

It consolidates a lot of the information posted here neatly.


Yes, the cooldowns of other skills remain the same.

Although just three of them are adjusted, it is a buff so great that I could not imagine. Now you can almost use Hovering and Circling alternately and ceaselessly. And I am very curious about Falconer’s C2 skill. My Falconer has already enclassed Cannoneer, otherwise I would love to test how the new skill performs.

Any detail of new C3 Paedoner skill?

Not yet. I’ve heard reports on the Tester Forums that Dekatos changes the hair style but unsure if that’s a bug or part of the skill.

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Barber class confirmed.


anyone know max lvl for sowrdman new bash attribute?

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