i dont know about you, but if you’ve been around for a long time you start losing faith in humanity, they may have worked hard which also gives them incentive to milk the ■■■■ out of their audience, seeing that the hype for this game is incredibly high, maybe they want to make a quick buck and just run off with the loot, forgive me for my cynicism.
i know its just one of those “what if?” scenarios, seriously though im not expecting the korean and western variations to be the same, and i did say im “hoping” that this thing doesn’t come out, my response about powerleveling would only count if they do stick with this thing, even though powerleveling is pretty much unmitigatable even when gold sellers aren’t around.
lol do you even know how power leveling works?
you give them your account then multiple people play it for a set period of time to give you a set number of levels, probably though botting or other ways like hacking or something.
they also sell pre-made accounts that are already X levels.
very hard to just stop this kinda thing. if bots and hacks dont work then they can just level “legit”, most powerlevelrs do this thing as a full time job, and the account is likely shared so your character or their pre-made ones are always getting levels 24/7