##Nov 18th Patch Details
With the release of Level 220, new areas have been added to the map, along with new quests, items, and assets. (i.e. Music, NPC portraits)
Here’s some of the new areas on the world map. I’ve not been able to explore all the new maps yet (maintenance). I’ll update this when I’m able to check out almost everywhere.
Sentry Bailey is a field dungeon, which looks to be involved in the next story quest. It has 5 floors.
The area feels like a mix between the Kaliss Province areas and the Mausoleum Construction Lodge.
With the release of new maps, new music has been added as well! Warning to headphone users, these links are pretty loud, and automatically play the MP3!
Bear’s Mountain - Questrosound - Plays in Mesafasla and Stogas Plateau.
Illusion Breaker - Questrosound
Sweet Poison - SoundTeMP - Plays in Sentry Bailey dungeon.
Sacral Meetings - Chronos - Plays in Sentry Bailey dungeon.
Intium - Kevin - Plays in Mesafasla and Stogas Plateau.
Renaissance - Kevin - Plays in Mesafasla and Stogas Plateau.
As usual, the OST just gets better. I like Bear’s Mountain a lot!
##NPC Portraits
I’m unable to extract the portraits directly, but I can view them in game. So I’ll list the new ones here. Directly above the images are their filenames, from ascending to descending order.

Giltine, GoddessLada and Alf
CastleLord, Illanai, InesaHamondail
Julla, Racia, Tiliana

##Nov 18th’s Patch File Info
Almost all class attribute tables were changed somehow, I’m not sure what was added to them though, I still can’t open individual files. Nothing seems to be different based on the patch files.
There’s also details for animations. Nothing stands out apart from animation data for a new Doppelsoeldner skill, Redel. There was also a few new item icons listed, named ‘icon_item_npc_amor’ and ‘icon_item_npc_weapon’, shown below.

##That’s all for now!
(I might update this post with more info after the maintenance is over.)