Currently I’m doing feud just for the extra cards the first session gives since I have some level 449 alts. I don’t even care about the badges anymore. Yesterday it was 1v1, the day before 2v2, I’m not even sure you would get 10v10 if the channels would merge. Maybe that will change once there are high level chars on the season server (since apparently both servers share the same instances), we’ll see…
Considering GTW, there are two big problems currently: lag and lack of competition. The game engine is not designed for massive PvE content (see Boruta or WB fights), let alone massive PvP content. Entering a map and not being able to move or use skills as soon as you meet the opposition is a big issue that never got fixed and I fear never will be (still hoping for the 64 bit port for this). I took 3 week vacation and returning to the game saw my guild (and some others on the server) explode and people either leave the game, go solo or join the big numbers. What this means is all the geared players – which means all the PvP players – are now in the same guild. This is a nonsense.
Frankly seeing how buggy the game is currently and the UI so crappy, with expirable rewards and casino endgame, I wouldn’t be surprised if the playerbase would shrink even more in the next months despite having potential new players on the season server. Soon PvP will only be restricted to friendly duels and TBL matches. Sad…