Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details

New video, PvP this time, finaly played a match to record, haven’t been doing it much lately.


I guess i’m finally giving wiz a go and i’ve decided to follow your guide since i’m not a fan of elememe playstyle.

I just have one further question: is this build self sustained in terms of silver making? I mean, can we actually use this build to farm dungeons 130/145 or some specific high density maps alright with low cost on this build? If yes, by which rank/level do you think it starts being viable to do so?

Thanks in advance and great guide btw!

Yes. This build is VERY GOOD at farming silver.

I can do level 145 dungeon in 20~25 minutes each run. Rapid Shot can clear a room full of mobs if you can aim it because in those dungeons mob have 40~60k HP and my TS deals 70~100k on each rapid shot.

Linking + JP can clear 5 mobs and theurge +familiars a couple more, then you position TS further and wait for cooldowns (few seconds if you do all that in a coordinated manner).

It will only grind those dungeons EFFICIENTLY at rank 7, with Warlock spells, you can still do fine at rank 6 though if you are a good Sorcerer and probably farm those dungeons in ~30 minutes a run.

This build is good for those sort of farms because all you need is a level 10 Temple Shooter, no attributes, only some for MM so it can 1-shot a pack of JPHK’d mobs.

Good luck! You can also try Linker 2 > Sorcerer > Warlock or Linker 3 > Warlock if you want a more ET oriented build (where more circles of linker are more valuable generaly)

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I want to know the answer of Moises too. But Im playing this build and I can tell you my experience.

I never have problems with silver with this build until I started to invest in equipment when I was Warlock. If you use bon fire and sp potions from quest to recover sp, and since Sorc dont need equipment to be effective, you will not have problems while you level up and do quest. If you do all maps and all quest the silver you will gain is good. In that time I can solo Demon Prison and Dina Bee Farm only with Temple Shooter. Now Dina Bee is more complicated because the respawn of the bees have changed recently. Is more difficult to use bonfire and dont get hit by bees.

I have all the passives trained from all classes, 50 attribute Magic Missile, 50 attribute Bats, 25 attribute sp recovery, 30 Attribute Dark Theurge and Pole of Agony. Right now saiving silver for Rank 8.

In terms of farming dungeons, never done, I triyed one time but for me the time needed for doing that was too long. But is posible to do so very easy without danger. As Warlock you can Rush dungeon easyly from 50 to 130. For 190 and 200 I need a m8 for a better burst. But is possible to solo rush too.
One day I soloed Lake Saalus Mission.

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I’m currently uploading a video of me doing level 145 solo full run, hope it clears some doubts, got lost through the way and forgot a few mobs because I was really enjoying it so I could do it in ~5 minutes less, 20~25 minutes. I also haven’t been doing it lately so ~28 minutes is fine.

Upload finishes in ~1 hour.

My attributes are MM 50 Familiar 46 DT 49


Can you guy help me with this?

I followed the same build but instead of FF, I went for Warlock for DPS. I think FF and Sorc is a bad combo due to SP management. R8 go for Warlock c2. I believe Pry2>Link>Sorc2>WL build is decent for World boss but probably won’t beat the typical Wiz3ele3 build. I think Pry2>Link>Sorc2>WL is a good alternative to Wiz3ele3WL.

I read people average 100-120k per hour Afk farming with necro so it’s another option. I wouldn’t recommend alchemist as your first class since you will lose 2DPS circles.

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Hey there guys, just as I’m building my Sorc (already rank 5), I’ve f ound out there’s been a nerf to riding skill which came along the rank 8 patch on kTOS:

You simply can’t ride your summon, use its skill and get off it immediately anymore. You’ve gotta stay on for the whole summon’s skill otherwise skill gets cancelled midway.

How do you think this affects Sorcerer rank 2 viability in this dark-themed build?

People don’t even know if that’s a bug or whatever, at least wait until that hits us so we can really start crying about it.

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Let us hope it’s just a bug and that it’ll be fixed soon then. If it happens to be a nerf, seems like a really big one.

With this build, at last as Warlock 1, I wont affect the dps rotation, since when Im done with all my spells, i have 10 to 15 secs of everything in CD. So during this time I can use riding skills mounted. The only thing that will affect us in case this is intended and not a bug, is that we will waste a bit more of SP.

Dark DPS no longer work anymore with bullshit new rhevisan item that reduce 75% dark damage


Summoning is not affected by Rhevisan.

with the 2x +20% and 1x +35% acessories, that are very hard to get, the final reduction is of ~59%, leaving 41% damage, not 25%.

You and @lexiano1802 are just spreading bullsh*t without even having level 260+ Warlocks yourselves.

How you think it works:

20% + 20% + 35% = 75%

How it actualy works: (that 0,8 means

100% x 0,8 = 80%

80% x 0,8 = 64%

64% x 0,65 = ~41%

As you see, and as tested IN GAME, it does not work as you think but in a more balanced way (a way you could never stack 100%, even if they were +30% and +40%)

There is also the 50% nerf on PoA and DT at the moment, with RANK 8, all classes become sort of OP and MOST LIKELY that nerf will be removed (though rhevisan won’t).

Umm excuse me… Im dont mean to spreading bull faeces… Im new to this game (i try obt at tos ina which is so late from iToS) and i admit i havent reach even lv 181 yet…

Thats why before i pick the wrong choice and wasting time to reroll i want to make sure about this item set use…

I post a lot reply at other’s forum about this set item and as far as i remember only @yyang_umd who care to give deep explanation to me about this skill…he/she treat me as player who never experience lv 200++ game (which is true) and nicely explained…while u (as far as i remember,cmiiw and i will apologize) never answered this issue and my related post nicely and suddenly come up with that cocky attitude bragging about ur knowledge and throw that human leftover words…very wise young man ^^


Ok, I haven’t been very polite with the both of you, I’m sorry for that. Just don’t come to my topic saying Dark DPS don’t work anymore, it does work, very few players got full Rhevisan set and MONSTERS don’t, even so its a maximum of 59% of damage reduction and again, the problem is we have BOTH these and the 50% DT and PoA nerf.

That still doesn’t mean you can make numerous posts about things you haven’t tested yet in the game. There’s is no point on scaring others from taking paths you haven’t taken.

Warlock is strong, even with all the nerfs it still has the best Wizard burst damage for PvP.

Necro is a solid choice for PvP because you have Flesh Cannon to aim at people stuck on your Raise.

Despite that Kino 3 is very bad at PvE and since you don’t want to do only PvP, I would not recommend it.

Watch the PvP video I posted with my build and see how you feel about it.

I’d say Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro 2 or Wiz > Cryo 3 > Sorc > Necro 2 if you want PvP/PvE builds. This os anything with Kino 3 or Warlock 2, but again Kino 3 is PvP ONLY and Warlock 2 has it’s nerfs hard, even though I can still nuke dudes like they’re nothing (just watch the video on the first post, the 2 minutes one)

Again, sorry for not being polite but PLEASE, try no to spread wrong information and don’t trust anyone. When it comes to rare equipment or R8 most of our players haven’t tested them yet and just say what comes to their minds.

ALWAYS base your truths on videos, no on walls of text like this, but I’m pretty sure you can find some PvP videos with those builds I’ve mentioned.

And i just change into w3 for preparation to warlock1…

I know i cant make perfect build for hybrid build… There must be a downside either pvp side or pve side…

I think necro 3 has a perfect pvp side…but it is very terrible at pve…the aoe range of fc is so small…and knowing my build didnt take linker then summon ai will be very bad and damage also bad CMIIW (im unsure about this statement and expecting a very much correction)

While warlock2 at pve without linker i think still can do nice damage with invoc debuff CMIIW…furthermore like u said… Rhevisan dont effect monster…but when it comes to pvp…theres dark atk reduction…but i believe (im very hoping) like u said, warlock still do burst damage but just dont OHKO…ive seen a player post that with poa and dt combo…she can reduce enemy 60-70% enemy hp

And here i am still making warlock… Coz im hoping for circle 3 of warlock…

No offense taken…coz u are very polite…and im sorry…i didnt mean to spread hoax ^^

And anyway…do u have a pvp warlock fighting againts full set rhevisan??im really curious about the dammage

Reading around a bit would help


With sleep, frost pillar or HK you can manage to “easily” land Flesh Cannon.

Sorcerer is stronger than Necro for PvP, it’s just harder to aim.

Temple Shooter doesn’t take any sort of CC and helps a lot on stopping Kino’s channeling.

Wiz 3 > Kino 3 > Warlock C1+ is still very solid.

Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro 2 is very solid on BOTH PvE and PvP.

Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock 1+ is also strongo n both PvP and PvE, but as you said, not having Linker C2+ is a downside.

Also consider: Nothing can burst as FAST as Warlock. Frost Cloud and Flesh Cannon can be evaded if enemy is not CCed but theurge goes all the way with you. Summoning have high BASE ATTACK, not multipliers, so defense is only taken once, that’s why my Temple Shooter generaly hits 6k+ (with both hands) on each hit he lands.

Have you watched my video? Only the PvP one, the hardship is going full INT to get a good summon, which is fine if you are good enough at avoiding damage (familiars and summons help a lot on damage mitigation too)