Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details


If good for PvP and PvE is OK.

My first char the focus is PVE.
And before create other Wiz for PvP.

Is validy so create Wiz3->Elem3-WL2 at moment ?

I love Wizard!

At this point it kinda depends on how far IMC wants to push meta on base skill dmg. The transendence system helps buffer elementalists a bit for r8 cause higher matk complements well with the 32hit aoe that is frost cloud.

The only way ele 3 is gonna be relevant past r8 is if they give us more ways to boost our base matk value, or classes that enhance aoe skill dmg and such. Otherwise it might really be better to go linker 3 instead or something like wiz3link2chrono3 for whatever r9 entails. However wiz3linker3warlock2 is pretty much giving up a lot of single target dps.

@moises_andre12 you play with Sorc?

But you know if skulls of Necro, dmg is based in INT ?

No, skellies arent based in nothing


I actualy think Skellies scale with INT too, though I’ve never played a Necro and can’t confirm it.

You should not build an Elememe for PvP. There are many better builds for that aspect of the game, you should also go almost full INT, which is bad bad for PvP too.

If you are talking about your first char and want purely PvE DPS wizard, go Wiz 3 > Linker 3 > Warlock. It is hard but worth it.


Taking both Linker and Chrono 3 makes you pretty much support already. Even if you drop future ranks of Supporting for some DPS to make your game easier, it will end up not being worth it as you won’t even have a spell rotation, only the spells you get at some new R9 C1.

Even if you want to do that, by now nothing is worth enough for a Chrono 3 not to go Linker 3, the DPS que boosts of his party makes Quickcast (+50% damage for only himself, while not having DPS skills) way worse than more ranks on linker, honestly, both Enchanter and Sage are some of the worst R9 classes.

So, as I’ve already said before, Linker is a very good circle for warlocks, as is Wiz 3. C1 CAN kill a 5~6 pack of mobs, even with hit count, because damage gets really big in the end-game.

Pointing out again:

Wizard C3 > Linker C1 > Sorcerer C2 > Warlock C2 (DPS oriented Linker > Warlock, +5 AoE attack ratio = +3 targets to meelee players, 5~6 links on JP, summoning, salamion and +10 dark hits to any Warlock skill through Familiars is a pretty solid choice, please consider a Linker C1 has to be careful when partying as to not have it’s JP cripple by low damage attacks, such as lower rank DoTs, weak summons or anything like that)

Wizard C3 > Linker C2 > Necro C3 (No Necro C1 > Warlock, Flesh Cannon level 5 is not that great and not that needed on a Warlock’s C2 rotation)

Wizard C3 > Linker C3 > Warlock C2 (Meta, Linker C3 is future-proof and helps ANY party, Frost Cloud breaks any JP very fast and won’t benefit from it after patch)

The point of taking chrono 3 though is to double your rotation, which could potentially double the effectiveness of any future dps circle. Chrono 3 might seem support, but once you can grab a couple dps circles, it becomes almost like a doppelganger that unleashes much more potential out of those circles. Honestly though this build is more for a class reset at r9-r10 than one someone starts now.

Linker is good but not foolproof. If you over-rely on links you might find yourself in a situation where most mobs become resistant. Its still good though thats why the build I proposed has linker over the other classes.
The main issue I have with linkers is it does you 0 favors for bossing. Only going full dps or having wiz3chrono3 will give you the necessary bossing potential r9+

Yes, skellies scale on int now :fearful: all dumb ai’s in the wiz tree scale on our intelligence. :wink:


I understand, but Pass is mostly a party buff, even if you have a very good future spell to cast Pass on, your best skill is still Pass itself, a support skill. You won’t fill 2 places of a party with Chronos so the Linker 3 > Chrono 3 will always have the advantage, obviously considering 20~40 floor ET is superhard.

Very few mobs are resistant to JP, it’s a rank 10 debuff, it is somehow future-proof PvE wise because it boosts greatly singletarget damages for it’s duration.

I understand Linker 3 loses a lot on DD potential, that’s why I made my build, I can ally myself with any Linker 2+ > Chrono 3 and still bring both JP + HK and DPS for my party.

TS AA does ~65% the DPS of a Frost Cloud according to my calculations. Familiars are +10 hits to dark theurge. You can ride TS to apply those skills and get out unscathed and also use rapid-shot on top of it.

I get great rankings on Siauluai missions to be honest, parties love me even if I’m linker C1 because I can explode those 5 mobs in under 3 seconds, regardless of them being 180k+ HP mobs (not talking about MM, obviously)

where you saw this information dude?

back read some more and they discuss it there, i’m still trying to find the thread where it was proven.

Lets take a quick step back. Say I have a Wiz3linker1chrono3warlock1 build.
Going warlock 1 for r8 sucks but lets just pretend for a second I did.

With this build, I am pretty certain I can do more single-target dps than a wiz3ele3warlock2 build. I fully agree that this build will not be viable vs multiple targets atm. The point is who knows, there might be a sweet aoe skill coming for us at r9 :wink:

Again, I personally would not make a new character for this. Its more of a you-are-already-r9/r10-reset-ur-class build.

Also does templeshooter scale off magic attack?
Cause after r8 comes I can double my FC dmg through transendence (7k/tick atm w/quick cast on non-fire mob)

Before transpose, skele damage:

After transpose to INT, skele damage:

1 Like

300+ int and bonus was less than 300k? too bad

Int increases skele damage by very little, especially at end-game. To damage, try to boost flesh cannon to the max.

Though you could use the increased skele damage to farm low lvl areas.
Or just use your shoggoth at dina bee.


Yeah, but then you still have no place in a party with a full support chrono 3 because almost any other class can do better DPS than you with 1 skill only. Any Elememe or Linker 3 would do much better for a party than you given full support chronos are the most popular chronos.

Yes, it could work, if we get a 25 CD very strong AoE and it’s not from Warlock or Featherfoot.

My Temple Shooter, with 0 INT gained from equipments, adds me ~4700 Damage/Second while he is up, your Frost Cloud, without a Chrono 3, gives you ~30 hits every 30 seconds, so it gives you ~7000 Damage/Second. And I’m pretty sure you got pretty good gear, Transcendence only boosts your weapon matk, it’s also very hard to get to those higher levels as it can fail and takes 5 days for each try.

Elememe is strong, ok, I get it Summoning scaling is not as good as matk scaling because it doesn’t have multipliers, ok, I get it, I just think too many people look down on Sorcerer without even playing it.

Youve been doing trancendence like this? You know you can boost success rate by using multiple fragments right? D:
Stage 1 requires 10 essense for 100%
Stage 2 requires 40 essense for 100%
It cost a heck ton to reach stage10 but you can get a LOT of matk this way.


No, I am not doing transcendence on weapons before level 315 dungeon.

I didn’t know that, still costs a lot.

Can you really get 100% safety until transcendence 10? How many esscences would it take? I mean, it’s alwasys +30 or x4 or something like that from the level before?

I know matk can be boosted and FC is a very good skill, but Temple Shooter is a DPS “buff” you don’t need to aim or recast, and he DOES decent damage,

Since youre interested, here you go :slight_smile:
It takes 2830 essense to reach stage 10.
Rerolling every cube, it takes 588mil silver & 1.3 years.
Stabe 6 is a much more easier aim tho, only taking a few months.

As you can see even at stage 10 Transendence is quite an efficient system. Returns only drops mildly as you invest more and more.

Thank god the scaling is not like this. If it required 10, 40, 160, 540, 2160, etc… per tier like our stupid gem system… I wouldnt know what to say.

V Stupid Gem System

I was just wondering in TBL how many people do you usually caught in linker1 JP since it also attached to other things like pet and summons… maybe 2 to 3?


Thanks a lot :smiley:


2~5, the important part is the links always have 5 targets and at least 1 is a player, generaly 2 or mode, and if I connect QC + JP + MM it’s instadeath now.

lots of people don’t bring pets. any object I Link helps on multiplying MM.

Also by linking someone to stationary objects allow me nuke the person as he tries to flee (by nuking the statue for example)

I do 150k+ damage no TBL per match, average 9 kills 2~3 deaths, record 15 kills 1 death.