Tree of Savior Forum

Finally unlocked Paladin and excited about it and I want some advice

I wanted to play Paladin since I first saw this game and checked out the list of classes. But then I just kept reading how worthless they are. Took me weeks before I said I don’t care just want to play what originally attracted me to the game in the first place and I felt empty playing classes that people said were “awesome”.

Now I realize there’s other Paladin discussion threads here but I’m sorta looking for specific advice:

I’d like people’s perspective on the ‘role’ of a Paladin in parties?

I’m assuming building moderately DPS + Tanky + Support is the way to go about it.

  1. I read that Restoration sucks cuz it only works outside of combat, people just potion up and chug along, no one stands around to regen right?
  2. I also heard Resist Elements isn’t that great? Yet people keep talking about magic damage enemies hurting a lot so it can’t be that bad right? I’m thinking I should max this to help the defense of the party.
  3. Turn Undead is also pointless? Doesn’t look too good to me.
  4. Conversion can convert enemies to your side, sounds interesting but is it really worth it?
  5. Barrier seems to be a great spell for PVP… might be annoying pushing back enemies in PVE if you’re trying to AE stuff though right?
  6. Conviction seems like a great debuff to help the party’s magic users roast an enemy so this is certainly worth maxing.

Right now I’m C2, K1, P1

I chose C2 for +10 heal, Safety Zone and Divine Might thought it would be nice to be more defensive support and backup healer or healer in case party doesn’t have one.

I’m thinking that trying to support and compliment a party is the way to go for a Paladin. But I’m also aware that I’ll never be sought after like other cleric classes which is okay, I want to play what I want to play and still be useful to those who will take me.

#Also this outfit :wink:


Though you have K1 instead of Diev1, I think it doesn’t really matter. Goodluck and have fun!

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You can always turn on the “who cares what others think” and take the class you like (maybe every non Punchbagman may do it and support is even more at leisure to do so). One day they may rebalance/rework class and skills so you could even make a build “thinking ahead”. Just carefull with the combination (mostly about R6/7) as you know we have reset skill, but not class and Gods know if there ever will have. Good game and have fun.

I think I can help you with some of your questions.

  1. Restoration is actually really good because of its hidden ability, that’s to increase the amount of healing Heal does, it’s pretty good and why I think Paladins can be Full time healers as a support.
  2. It’s truly hard to tell if R.E is good or not bc it’s not visual at all… You’ll hardly know if it’s procing alot or not bc there’s really nothing notifying you that the immunity activated which is why ppl tend to say it’s bad.
  3. Turn undead is pretty pointless but you can put some points into it since investing in Restorarion doesn’t increase the Heal boost so you might as well keep Resto lv1.
  4. I don’t think Conversion is worth it, I didnt’t play around alot with that skill when I played my Paladin but the converted enemies AI were pretty bad, their attack speed was awful too.
  5. Sadly, Barrier doesn’t work in PvP, it doesn’t prevent ppl from going in and out of it but it works nicely in PvE, really good for Earth Tower.
  6. Was expecting a question but ok, yeah, conviction is awesome.

As for the role of a Paladin, I’d say that a high SPR/CON Paladin would do nicely the role of full time healer, you’d be pretty much a Full Support, and counting on Zalcai and D.Zone to deal alot of dmg with Smite/Conviction+Smite. Both STR and INT don’t really do alot for Paladin itself while being able to crit is really good bc of how high Smite’s base dmg is.
It’s been awhile since the last time I’ve played Paladin but would you mind showing how much more healing you’re getting out of Restoration right now? It looks like it was changed from icbt.

Conversion isn’t worth the points, IMO, especially if we get the nerfs from KToS to it. I wouldn’t follow the Monk C1 STR/DEX build with Krivis instead of Diev/Priest. You’ll maximize your current build by going Paladin C3>Plague Doctor (INT main stat) or Paladin C3>Pardoner (SPR main stat). What are your stats looking like currently?

Well thanks to this game’s lack of information on the skill tooltips I was misinformed by reading that strength affects smite damage I guess? So I’ve been pumping my points into strength only to finally get paladin unlocked and I noticed pretty quickly that strength was NOT increasing the damage of smite at least at a glance I didn’t see the numbers change.

Kinda the reason I decided to post here cuz I really want to avoid having to reroll if possible…

Any skill listed as attack will have its damage increased by STR, via it’s effect on physical attack. 1 STR= 1 Physical Attack, and all attack skills basically use (physical attack + skill tooltip damage) for its base damage dealt.

That said though, one hit big base damage physical skills like Smite tend to benefit more frm a high crit rate than from a high physical attack, and that’s why people have been suggesting DEX instead of STR. Nonetheless, optimally u’d probably want to invest in both stats either way, so fret not dear paladin =D

I see. Well you’re not wrong. STR does increase Smite’s damage since it’s a physical attack but you won’t notice it early on because it has a very high base damage. You could still do a STR build into Plague Doctor. I’m not sure if you’ve found this thread, but there’s an example build that’s somewhat tested here:

I can see where you’re coming from. We definitely want to save your character. If you do end up rerolling, you could hit Paladin again in <2 days.

Edit: the reply above makes a good point too, you can still make a STR/DEX Paladin build if you want to. Start investing in DEX and take Monk at rank 5 or 7 if that’s what you decide on. Your support capabilities and party play won’t be as strong with this build though.

Same! I know a lot of people say that Pally is lack luster, but it’s the class that I’ve always wanted to play since the beginning. I took Diev instead of Krivis though.

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Smite is affected by strenght BUT its a single hit with a high base value, its more worthy investing in dex for critting

Turn undead can be pretty useful, when there is a linker around.
A single hit with turn undead will kill all linked mobs thus increasing the chance a hit kill will occur by amount of mobs hit.

Conversion is definitly not worth it from my POV.

Resist element because of its chance of nullification definilty worth it - and mages will love mobs reduced resistance

Well I didn’t want to suffer from not being able to kill things solo in a reasonable amount of time. I quit my support priest for that reason.

I can’t honestly imagine myself making a build without smite and still wanting to continue playing the game while it takes me 3 minutes to kill something just to get .004% of my exp a kill. That’s why I went with smite assuming I could still support the party.

But I could still go something like pardoner or plague doctor for a more supportive role but plague doctor skills looked boring to me at a glance and pardoner is nice because of the elemental resist skill but since I didn’t go priest I can’t really take advantage of the scroll buffs.

But it would be 100 points weaker since my spirit will be much lower by about 100 give or take.

I don’t know what I want to do now. Looks like my character will be useless later on and it’s already slowing down with leveling speed so instead of investing 200+ hours into a failure I’ll just not play for now until I decide how or if I can fix this character.

I should have gone to this forum instead of going to ToSBase and looking for high liked paladin builds.

I’ve tried two STR paladins. Neither of them successful.
The first one went the Cleric C1 -> Priest 2 -> Paladin path, it felt really strong at first because of blessing but after the 100 first levels it got pretty weak and underwhelming. Priest 2 is also really bad at healing and support in general with STR builds…

The second one went Cleric C2 -> Diev 1 -> Paladin 2, It felt a little better in terms of damage/healing after the first 100 levels. Carve Attack is nice with a STR build but after a while you just realize it’s not worth it. It’s a forced single target skill with really little melee range and a rather slow animation to deal all 15 hits. I eventually gave up on that path as well because just Carve Attack + Smite wasn’t really doing it for me.

Both builds felt kinda “meh” because they were both bad at both support and DPS (with the second one being slightly better support and the first one slightly better DPS). The big problem with physical damage build paladins is the lack of physical damage skills outside the paladin tree. The only reliable physical damage cleric class is monk and monk+paladin doesn’t really make a good combo cause you need to opt between them at very close ranks and both needs 3 class circles to become effective. Both Carve Attack and Smite are too poor in their AoE damage aspect and you usually struggle fighting mobs in big quantity.

So after those both bad experiences with physical damage paladins I decided to try out an INT paladin, and it actually went better than I expected.

My current path is Cleric 3 -> Paladin 3 and I wouldn’t say it’s a great damage dealer but it’s surely among the best healers you can make. At the 190 dungeon you just throw those heals on the floor in the middle of a combat and with tons of INT, heal lvl 15, and restoration aura, your party member’s HP rarely drop below full.

It’s sort of complicated building a Paladin because you need to accept that you’re not a outstanding DPS nor support in the first place. Paladins are a hybrid class between the both and they don’t really excel at neither. You can build one with very strong heals, true, but other than that their other support abilities are pretty much plain average.

My INT Paladin feels exactly like that. It’s not really an outstanding support because just healing doesn’t rate you as an excellent support (at least to me). And it’s not an outstanding DPS but it can manage itself better than full support builds during solo play.

On the other hand, my STR/DEX Paladins felt bad at both support and DPS. Like I said, there aren’t many physical skills to fill in your rotations in order to make a purely physical damage build. And you will need to give up on one cleric circle or another to get that physical damage, which means a lot less healing capability (not to mention INT builds heal a lot more by default).

So yeah, that’s my overall conclusion: Physical damage Paladins are a bit lacking atm, while INT paladins are still viable. I wouldn’t risk myself making a “full support” paladin with SPR/CON either because like I said, they are hybrids and don’t excel at neither. If you want a SPR/CON build, there are better classes to pick like Priest 3 with Stone Skin for example.

For the rest, all of paladin skills are ok. I wouldn’t rate none as great and none as bad. The exceptions are Barrier which is a little bit TOO situational (to the point its only worth it in earth tower) and Conversion which needs a whole build focused on it to be effective (otherwise just leave it level 0).

To answer your questions:

  1. Restoration is awesome, don’t skip it. Place at least 1 point if you’re feeling really doubtful about it. It increases your healing (and party member’s) by A LOT. Also, I don’t bother using the SP regen attribute because it increases the skill’s CD.

  2. Resist Elements is an okay buff. It’s not super awesome, but it’s not bad either. It’s simply ok. Gives you a 20% chance to negate elemental damage thats not holy/dark and it works for any sort of elemental damage (sometimes you can negate ‘physical’ damage from mobs like arrows because they’re elemental, sometimes spells). It also shows a pretty obvious “Miss” when you do negate the damage.

  3. Turn undead is okay. It might not look so good at early game content, but it will be surely nice to have when you meet up mobs with 60k+ hp and kill them instantly with one skill.

  4. Conversion is only useful in Conversion oriented builds. I would skip it completely if you’re not focused in making a Conversion build.

  5. Barrier doesnt work in PvP. Players can simply walk across it.

  6. Conviction is okay, it’s not good or bad either. If you have elemental damage gear (poison, lightning, fire and ice) you will get 400 additional damage per hit with it. 400 Damage is not awesome by the time you are able to learn Conviction, but since it’s per hit, it can boost some strong multi-hit skills like Cure. It also makes your smite hits 3 times though only the first hit will deal the 200% bonus damage. Again, it’s not an awesome skill because it has a long cooldown and rather poor AoE / AoE Attack Ratio.

And I guess thats it. I’m just sharing my own experience here, but of course you are free to try physical damage paladins as well and I hope you can build one better than mine. Good luck, pudding person.

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if you want to up to STR you will need DEX also, 20 is too low to maintaint accuracy against high DEX mobs/boss.

You don’t really need to put any points into DEX for PvM accuracy. Just your gloves and/or accuracy headgears / green gem in glove will do.

Well… I’m level 82 I guess I can get that level back in a couple days following a leveling guide but man do classes level up slowly. This would just be the 13th time I’ve remade a character and the beginning of the game has become mind numbingly boring.

I’ll take all the feedback I got here and try to flesh out a serious build to be a defensive support character. Some day I might see level 100+ and experience new zones. Or I can just keep playing Tree of Reroll.

My goal is defensive support. Now I can hopefully plan properly. But it seems I have no choice but to suck ass at soloing if I want to be beneficial to a party later in the game.

You should have a lot of exp tomes and instance voucher resets from compensations.

Here’s a good tip for ya: When you do find the build that you want to level with, do as many lvl 145 dungeon runs as you can during level 145~160. Don’t pop any exp cards at that level range. If you solely do dungeon runs (popping instance resets and having exp tomes for each run), you’ll have enough exp cards obtained through quests to jump to 175.

Well, depends what you consider a “support”. You don’t need to build a DPS-less cleric to be a good support.

The support paladin builds seem to not include smite. Before I got smite I was auto attacking flying enemies and throwing my silver at pardner buffs every time blessing wore off.

Krivis lightning really helps ease the pain but now I’m told I shouldn’t have gone Krivis. So basically I’m doomed to auto attack flying enemies and auto attack enemies that don’t take much damage from cure / heal.

My current build lets me solo without my brain melting from boredom but it’s not optimum for party support play and I don’t want to be subject to discrimination from elitists later on in the game.

Well I’m not sure what kind of build you’re following.

But I would tell you to get Smite.

If you really want to ditch it for Restoration (or something else) later on, you can use a skill reset (but consider it only past lvl 200, Smite will be useful till then, esp when you get Conviction).

You’ll be spending 80% of your time doing quests solo. If you can’t do them properly you’ll go nuts. Restoration will only be useful in a party because for healing yourself heal 10 is more than enough.

Smite will be a decent skill regardless of your stats. But since you’re STR build, I would strongly suggest you to get that Smite.

The problem with your krivis lightning is that the damage will fade off eventually in a INT-less build. And Krivis C1 doesnt really bring much supportiveness to the table… You won’t even have that many buffs to spend Daino with…

You have some other options so you don’t reroll:

  • Go Monk C3 instead. Usually it doesn’t matter what you pick before monk as long as you have enough healing (which you will have with heal 10 + restoration).

  • Go pardoner and make that character just sell daino scrolls (but then the character becomes useless other than making silver)

  • Keep going paladin and follow the build you were doing with STR / support. Again, I would strongly recommend you to get Smite though. Having one circle into Krivis is suboptimal but it’s not a huge deal. You could’ve picked cleric 3 for a bit more healing or Priest 1 for ress / weak blessing. Maybe diev for Laima and Carve Attack (since you picked krivis at rank 3 and not 2) but meh… That statue isn’t so essential and carve attack is just bad.