Tree of Savior Forum

New paladin build guide for physical Attack type

Hi guys I am KTOS player in Vakarine

Korea players think only Monk is melee cleric
but now days some people find out new physical attack cleric build based on paladin 3 circle

sry english is not my first laungueage I’m not good at writing
this build consider vs Pve and minimal support

job build is

Skill is…


Heal10, SafeZone 10, Cure4, Divine Mite 5, fade 1

Cleric 2 circle will help you and your party’s safety
** deprotected zone is useless


Vakarine1, Laima5, Zemina4, Carve Attack

Laima will reduce Paladin’s cool down
and Carve attack is the only stab attack (very~~ important)


Smite 15, Conviction5, Resist Elements 15, Barrier 5,
Restoration 1, Turn undead 4

Smite 15
very simlple strike skill but it have some combo
deals +100% damage to Mutant and Devil-type enemies.
deals +150% damage to convictioned monster
Dont you believe it?
look my video, then you can check my smite have 3 attack to each enemy
When Paladin berfed in the past this combo was added
but only small people care about paladin (one is … me)
conviction-smite combo can give tos of dmg
this will help you overcome weakness for leather armor type

at Lv5 Convintion will derease 100 Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Earth of the enemy resistance
it looks useless but reduced resistance decreased to - point
this means… if you have 5 extra elemental dmg (fire, ice, lightning, poison, earth), you can give additional dmg to each hit

let’s compare following video (perfectly same character)

(none convition)


It is applied to every attack (smite, basic attack double pucnh, everything including your party)
so you have to make 5 elements extra dmg even 1 for use perfectily
I describe about below.

Resist Elements 15
Very strong buff it help you and your party’s safety

after using Resist dmg decreased 1207 -> 793
with divine mite and Statue of Laima you can maintain steadily

Barrier 5
it give you additional magie resistance and block enemy

Restoration 1
Although not written in tool tip, it increase amount of heal
using mana recovery attribute,l you can give additional mana recovery to everyone nearby you

Turn Undead 4
I give all extra point to this
although cool down is so long, it’s very useful skill

Conversion 0
useless : at last patch conversion is nerfed… in KTOS server
the higher level, more useless conversion


Double punch 5
basic skill of Monk
The biggest advantage is… it have no cool down

Hand Knife 1
use for only armor break

Palm Strike 1
use for only bleeding


main stat is Dex
Because the skill damage(smite) itself is powerful
critical is more important than str
after making critical rate 500 (nearby) you’d better give point to Str

Con and SPR is also good, but do not give too much


Main Weapon : Magas Mace is best
it give you cri dmg, cri rate, physical defense… perfect weapon for this build
or Magas Sword or Trinity Sword have similar option
Catacomb Blade is greatfor plate type monster

Sub Weapon : Karacha Dagger is best
It give you fire dmg, for middle type dmg, Dex
Arde dagger or Redas shield also good

To get easy item for 5 elements dmg

fire :
Arde dagger (sub weapon, 75 dg)
Karatcha dagger (sub weapon, boss durahan)
Pyrlight Pendant (necklaces, Desmodus in Tenet Church B1)

Ice :
Redas shield (sub weapon, 115 dg)
Cryolight Pendant (neckaces, Operor in gate route)

Lightning :
Electus (Necklaces, Prison Fighter in Forest of Prayer)
Roxona Gloves (glove, Kepa Raider Magician in Roxona Reconstruction Agency West Building)

Poison :
Otrava Shield (sub weapon, 217 dg)
Ravinepede Boots (boots, quest item in Tiltas valley)

if you dont set 5 extra dmg with your equipment you can also use hair enchant
you dont have to set high extra elements dmg
it is enough only 1 each elements
(sry i’m not good at eng writing…
for ex if you set fire 160, earth 1, poison1, lightning 1, ice1. it’s enough)

Similar Build

you can consider Priest instead of Cleric 2 Cricle
you can consider Plague Doctor instead of Monk
it’s up to you :slight_smile:

my item video

equipped trinity swrod(☆6GreenJamX2), karatcha dagger(☆6GreenJam), gladiator band X2
and my stat, cri rate is 448



Hi! thanks for sharing bro, i just love play paladin in every game, but tos. Tos Paladin didnt make me feel im playing paladin, in iCbt, i tried but that was bugged as hell and weak. i really liked your guide, defnly gonna try it.
just have some questions, if you dont mind:

1 - can you do decent heals with this build? even with low spr/no int?! im wondering put like 30 spr, maybe less, then DEX>STR and con till 80~. what do you think?
2 - in your guide u run diev 1, but in videos u go for Krivis. is Diev (cdr/sp-/carve) better than Krivis (Zaibas light/Zalciai crit damage buff) ?
3 - for itemization, can i pick some aoe attack ratio items? like vubbe gauntlets, cata club etc. what do you think? (we dont have better items cuz iTos level cap is 280 atm)

thx again!

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Hi bro thanks for reply :slight_smile:

  1. you can do decent heal with cleric 2circle because restoration make heal more powerful
    spr is ok… cuz spr make barrier’s magic resistance stronger. and… con 80… I think thats too much. 20~50co is enough

  2. ah… sorry… that zibas video is another charcter
    actually in kr server some people looking for Krivy - paladin3 with High spr build. I think it also good and do better support to your party.
    its up to you… but I think Diev with Dex can do more stronger dmg than Krivy with Spr

  3. you dont have to
    paladin’s skill have aoe itself. its enough

At the 2nd video, where they do siau mission, at 1st boss, after they killed it, there is number 1 on his head. Is that the rankings on damage to the boss? Is it only available on kTos or is it an Add-on?

you can do mission at Pedimian
and thats correct. that number show your dmg ranking
that is not addon’s option. testing at Ktos

Oh i see bro, thanks i really appreciated!
I just forgot to ask you about your items, i mean, yout set spec (cloth/leathe/plate), any key item (armor) ?
and last, do you think your hp is ok for the Earth Tower? thats our “end game” in iTos, so we making chars aiming to climb up ET. thats why im thinking about spend a little more points in con…

im leveling my paladin right now actually, gonna run like 30 str/ 30 con/spr and full dex! gonna build like yours, with diev path, i really love diev tho <3

when i reach rank 6 i come back to report my thoughts about the build, thanks again mate!

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well I set cloth 4 set
Roxona glove (ad dmg, lightning dmg) with 2 blue jam
Roxona boots (stamina, magic resist)
and… shirts and pants is quest item haha

actually when you get rank6 give 5 point to conviction asap
then you feel tons of dmg even stronget than archer or wizard

+about earth tower… well I thnik this build is not suitable for earth tower in KTOS. If you want to go earth tower 20~50 con is not enough… 80 will be good

hi hi ^^

you say conversion got nerfed? what did they change?
i kinda went full str for it :frowning:

well… at past you can use conversion all type including elite or special monster
but recently patch conversion no more aplly to special and elite monster…
only normal monster (they are very weak… like hanaming or kepa…) can be conversioned now
and more Lv up, less normal monster there… so conversion is useless :frowning:

that’s… so sad… :’(

well actually I gave most stat to dex
and use 3 green jam (☆6 2 is mainweapom, 1 is karacha dagger)
Sisel is perfect bracelet for this build. it give cri rate cri dmg, magic resist
bur I dont use that because its too hard to get :sob:
with out monstrance… my crirate is nearby 450 (with monstrance my cri rate is 560)

and… conversioned monster’s AI is terrible…
you’d better give point to another skill

Oh okay. Yea right now i am close to making my sissel and gladiator band. I have a ☆6 gem in karacha so far and with 2 in weapon that’s 175 crit rate just from gear.

do you recommend leather or plate mastery to make up for lack of con?

Plate is better than leather
actually leather mastery is useless; (my opinion)
Plate mastery give you additional stamina and Hp, and Physical defence)

Hi, great guide, its very informative. Quick question though, I went full strength because I thought it would help my dps on carve and smite. At the moment I’m level 147 with 125 str and 50 con. Assuming I add my remaining points to dex and use gems for crit rate is this build still viable? Or do I need to reset my stats?

deprotek + hand knife give hidden combo right >? make hand knife and front aoe like earth shacker fisure iirc. And conviction make smite damage tripled ( 300% ) not just 150%

well i think youd better give point dex from now
also invest green jam is good for you
even you cri rate is low… but I think you dont have to reset your stat

Hi kriss thx for your opinion
yes there are combo deprotect zone with hand knife but… I think… deprotect + hand knife… is kind a hassle combo. as you know deprozone have long delay. it just bluff I think…
I think 1 point to deprozone is maxim
also conviction combo… I wrote
+150% this mean 100+150 % = 250% lol
I tested to cloth armor monster so many time :slight_smile:
(leather decrease strike 30%, plate increase strike 50%, only cloth type proper do test)

How important is Diev in your build btw? Why not Cleric 2 > Priest?

well Diev1 reduce youe cooldown and give you stab attack (carve attck). at low Lv you maybe feel useless but more Lv, I feel its great
priest 1 help you Lv easier (using blessing), give you monstrance (cri rate), resurrection… its good
actually I take cleric - priest - dievdrivy , to feel each classs importance (I have another paladin3 circle charter)1

and Im sure diev 1 is key class of paladin3