Tree of Savior Forum

Finally IMC is taking action against Dina afkers, Good Job!

True… so true… ROFL!!!


i prefer necromancers stay the same but have the pets be far less durable, the whole point in being necro should be raising the dead or skeletons constantly

“I’m going to stop not playing your game and not play your game!” -AFK Farmers


I guess this is a temporary soltution.
Temporary because people will find a way to elude Grim Reapers and farm.

I don’t have a Necro, but yesterday I’ve elude them and farming over there for about 1 hour, and I could continue for hours.

Now Demon Prison is the new Dina Bee Farm.
And another map will be Dina Bee Farm, so what? Put Grim Reaper in every farm maps?

This is not a permanent solution!

I suggest to nerf Necro like Sorcerer.
If player don’t attack, minion don’t attack too.

With this nerf on Sorcerer I didn’t see any Sorcerer farming like before.
Maybe this is a permanent solution.
But put Grim Reaper in every farming maps, isn’t a solution.

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Just remove necro class altogether and give them rank resets.


Elegant solution is make summons timed… ANY SUMMON, even sorc ones… and make it 2-3 min tops duration with a lower or same CD as duration… so anytime you see some1 in just 1 spot spaming sumoning skills = report… DONE…

now IMC will never implement something so easy and useful, so gl and happy AFK farming :smiley:

you are wrong in 1 thing, demon prison district 2 also has grim reapers and that too more than dina bee.
Dina bee has 2x grim reaper per channel
DP2 has 5x grim reaper per channel

i even saw a screenshot of grim reaper in tenet garden too but i couldn’t find it.

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Make necro’s summons attack what you attack :

  • afk solved
  • summons IA solved (because sometimes they just watch u attacking and do nothing)

Make summons scale on matk mdef pdef instead of INT scale (SPR doesnt increase defense for necro summons) :

  • summons don’t die in 1 hit
  • ppl like this class and play it

As i said, perma grim reaper won’t solve anything. But well, i agree GMs have only the power to to that.

Yesterday I farm a little bit in Demon Prison and didn’t see any Grim Reaper over there. And was full of Necro ofc.

Summons are already Timed.
Sorc = Mana
Necro = Corpse

The problem is: they can macro and can’t be discovered, like Necro do, and Sorc done with SP Pots.
Do you see Sorc banned for macroing SP Pots before their nerf? Me no.
After Sorc nerf, they “disappeard”, they didn’t put Templeshooter anymore because they have to attack for let it attack too.
So, a better conclusion would be: do the same nerf on Necro too.

And I have the right to have my minions all the time I want if I’m playing and I’m not afk.

Necro 3 has no other use? Are you saying necros are too weak compared to others? Or do you seriously believe that their intended purpose is to afk farm?

If it’s the first, then the proper solutioin is not to let them continue afking, but instead to make Necros stronger so they can compete with other classes in terms of damage and usefulness when actively playing and at the same time nerf afk-farming

It’s not like necros intended purpose was to afk farm… it’s just players exploiting the fact that some classes have summonable ai companions.
The proper solution is to buff necros, make them more useful and then heavily nerf afk-farming


That’s why they need to totally rework/ remove summons, since they are unable to find a solution to this problem. Buffing summons just means they’re gonna be able to afk at higher level places.

It’s all what you have described. There is no place for necro 3 in rank 8 maps. Flesh cannon? LOL. I haven’t even see a single necro in lhadar mind you.

Agree, but this is iTOS, we follow kTOS in patches, and there isn’t any buff for necros yet, when we get any update we are always 6 months behind them (There probably won’t be, since they are too lazy to fix the summon ai). We are talking about short term solutions here, similar to how grim reapers will only be a short term solution to fix the afking problem.
Since the likelihood of necros not getting a buff is nearly 100% (this based on the fact that pet AI priority comes first and will probably come near release of R9), you can expect necros to remain the same.

Honestly, I have never seen a single necro farming for R8 mats. And it’s not as bad as Sadhu as there are other circles to take after that class.

poore poore necro, his dmg is to loow, class die

AFK-farming was never an intended feature in my opinion. There’s no point “nerf it” after something else.

Just deal with the issue/game weakness separately from the class being bad. Sadhus doesn’t have any “extra feature”. Sadhu should be the one AFK farming if this was the case (ps: it’s a joke).

Every class have it pros and cons. There are totally bad classes in the same way Necro can be totally bad. That’s not an argument to justify AFK farming in any way. Especially when people level Necromancers specifically for AFK farming.

It’s not like most of them leveled a character to them notice it was bad to then discover AFK farming. You leveled a character to get silver and made a great amount of silver, do not complain, just accept when the “feature” is fixed and move on. Everyone adapts to make silver any way or another. If something is changed, we changed too. I leveled one Wiz3Linker2Thaum1Warlock2 for farming materials and get silver by selling them, I’m not complaining IMC changed how DPK materials worked nor asking for a Rank Reset, which is even worse in my case where I needed effort to get my silver.

@Alsheyra farmed materials with a Necromancer. It’s ok that’s because earlier class choices.

Wiz3Linker2 can farm materials. Many wizard farms relies on early choices.
Wiz1Pyro2Link2 can farm materials. Can still be Necro 3.

Most/all wizard farming classes doesn’t exactly rely on Rank 6-8 to farm Lv.315/Rank 8 materials.

That’s not a valid argument. In fact, Rank 6-8 wizard classes aren’t even required to farm those materials:

Enchanter: Damage bonus, but nothing “special” for that. Just a good weapon.
Sage: Missile Hole. M Def.
Featherfoot: Okay. Still not so great for farming alone, highly depends on links.
Warlock: Okay. Still not so great for farming alone, highly depends on links. Otherwise damage is too slow/weak/single target.
Rune Caster: Long cooldown and cast times. Not really a farming DPS class.
Alchemist: Buy Varnalesa (?)
Chronomancer: Haste (?)

All of those are just additions while the core of wizard farmers are Wiz3Linkers or PyroLinkers or some weird variation of Linker+Daggers which I think is more expensive to make it work than Wiz3Linker/PyroLinkers.

Now, seriously, picking Sadhu (especially 3 circles) effectively hinders Cleric efficiency on farming Lv.315 materials while Necromancer doesn’t hinder in any way Wizards from farming Lv.315 materials.

Instead, it adds some extras just like other classes:

Necromancer: Flesh Cannon. Okay. Still not so great for farming alone, highly depends on links.

Just stop making excuses to justify AFK farming. It’s not acceptable in any way.

In fact, even this build can farm materials:

And it’s worse damage than Necromancer C3 counterpart and makes less silver currently.

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To quote your friend, full post, not out of context, and recent so its relevant.

I don’t think he used necro c3. I’m talking about necro c3 in regards to how useless it is. I know people take necro c1 only for the decay debuff, but how useful are skele archers in c3? Please show me a video with the skele archer damage in a r8 map. Everyone knows that outside AFK farming, only flesh cannon is useful. No one buys summon attributes for necro cos its useless, no one likes necro in party due to fps issues.

Also, any build can farm materials, i even can use archer c1 to farm.

Also as IMC reply, as per other users comments above me, IMC has already said that being afk is legal, deal with it even though you don’t like it.

Lastly, some background info about me, I have mained a necro and have farmed afk since Mar’16, made over 1b so far, and I know whole guilds who do the same, so yes I am salty about this I won’t lie, but this isn’t gonna change, I did not do anything against the rules. I knew that one day IMC would start taking action against afkers but honestly, grim reaper is a stupid solution. There are other better ways such as

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I did not say the class isn’t bad. I just said it works for farming Lv.315 materials and he used it, because early class choices.

Quoting my post again, since it’s shows your misunderstood what I told:

He DID use Necromancer C3, since, like you even know, we’re friends and we talked about farming materials. That post alone is the proof that he has a Linker -> Necromancer C3.

I can stand 100% sure of my statement, can you stand 100% sure for yours?

He already said he used previous class skills for farming which is what you can infer from the post? Flesh cannon doesn’t count?
Like I said, anything can farm R8 mats. Don’t bring other r8 classes into the picture, we are talking about necro here. I know there are 10000 balance issues with this game.

I have used necro c3 for over a year and I know what works and what doesn’t.
Furthermore, we have a problem with player numbers, ‘meme threads’ and ‘doomposting’ on forums, and the first thing IMC does is chase away your playerbase?

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Since I was quoted about necro utility :
-my build is wiz3/link1/thaum1/necro3
-you can’t make a dps necro for pve without wiz3 and linker which is already 7 circle out of 8 obligatory
-without linker 2 which would be the 8th, your build lose alot of damage for some utility (thaum for double drop / other things)

I farmed all mats for ermengard shield / heart of glory with my necro 3 and that was before they buffed defense/magic defense by 80% for everyone in late december. (didn’t have any trans gear either to help)

Old video from how I was farming :

Beside all that, necros is worthless since since you have no choice on how to build it if you want to at least do a bit of damage, and your spell are even playing against yourself (summon would destroy link hit count instead of helping so you can’t use them).

edited a better link

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You’re the one who started talking about R8 maps.

I’m not saying about summons for farming in Rank 8 maps. Read my post again. Show me a Sadhu farming on Rank 8 maps with OOB?

The Necromancer (without summons, they’re bad, everyone knows) video is right up there.

That’s exactly my point. It adds an “extra” for early circles in AFK farming, like all R6-R8 DPS classes:

Featherfoot: Blood Sucking (and Blood Curse but which isn’t a skill you use all the time and in all maps).
Warlock: Mastema (only good AoE in the class).
Chronomancer: Haste (and Pass if C3).
Enchanter: Enchant Lightning.
Sage: Missile Hole.
Alchemist: Able to buy Varnalesa for Chapparition cards.

Necromancer: Flesh Cannon.

Just one addition like every other classes available at R6-R8. For farming Lv.315 materials.

One Pyro2Linker2 is welcome in any grind class as far as I can tell. This argument isn’t valid and the same can be applied to Sadhus or Bokors.

And Bokors can’t AFK farm.

After the defense buffs, yes, everything can farm. A Necromancer farmed without the defense buffs and before the nerf on Rank 8 monsters.

Did I say it is illegal? No.
I said it is unacceptable which doesn’t mean it is illegal, just that it shouldn’t be there.

This just confirms what I said:

Most of Necromancers leveled those characters for AFK farming (not all). If you DID level it up for AFK farming, just don’t complain. Accept and move on. You got what you wanted with that build. Period.

The class needs rework. Almost all classes needs rework. A Wiz3->Linker->Necromancer with Vienazaris Mace farms materials better than my SR with two Stage 7 transcended weapons and I’m not crying.

That’s no argument for defending AFK farming nor should be taken into consideration to “fix class before fixing AFK farming”.

And, since you decided to bring this issue on:

One of the main reasons a lot of people quit was because AFK farming exists.

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I would love to see a picture/link where IMC actually says afk farming is ok.

(I’m not saying they didn’t but I haven’t seen it yet which I find weird considering how much people like to bring it up.)