Tree of Savior Forum

Finally IMC is taking action against Dina afkers, Good Job!

He already said he used previous class skills for farming which is what you can infer from the post? Flesh cannon doesn’t count?
Like I said, anything can farm R8 mats. Don’t bring other r8 classes into the picture, we are talking about necro here. I know there are 10000 balance issues with this game.

I have used necro c3 for over a year and I know what works and what doesn’t.
Furthermore, we have a problem with player numbers, ‘meme threads’ and ‘doomposting’ on forums, and the first thing IMC does is chase away your playerbase?

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Since I was quoted about necro utility :
-my build is wiz3/link1/thaum1/necro3
-you can’t make a dps necro for pve without wiz3 and linker which is already 7 circle out of 8 obligatory
-without linker 2 which would be the 8th, your build lose alot of damage for some utility (thaum for double drop / other things)

I farmed all mats for ermengard shield / heart of glory with my necro 3 and that was before they buffed defense/magic defense by 80% for everyone in late december. (didn’t have any trans gear either to help)

Old video from how I was farming :

Beside all that, necros is worthless since since you have no choice on how to build it if you want to at least do a bit of damage, and your spell are even playing against yourself (summon would destroy link hit count instead of helping so you can’t use them).

edited a better link

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You’re the one who started talking about R8 maps.

I’m not saying about summons for farming in Rank 8 maps. Read my post again. Show me a Sadhu farming on Rank 8 maps with OOB?

The Necromancer (without summons, they’re bad, everyone knows) video is right up there.

That’s exactly my point. It adds an “extra” for early circles in AFK farming, like all R6-R8 DPS classes:

Featherfoot: Blood Sucking (and Blood Curse but which isn’t a skill you use all the time and in all maps).
Warlock: Mastema (only good AoE in the class).
Chronomancer: Haste (and Pass if C3).
Enchanter: Enchant Lightning.
Sage: Missile Hole.
Alchemist: Able to buy Varnalesa for Chapparition cards.

Necromancer: Flesh Cannon.

Just one addition like every other classes available at R6-R8. For farming Lv.315 materials.

One Pyro2Linker2 is welcome in any grind class as far as I can tell. This argument isn’t valid and the same can be applied to Sadhus or Bokors.

And Bokors can’t AFK farm.

After the defense buffs, yes, everything can farm. A Necromancer farmed without the defense buffs and before the nerf on Rank 8 monsters.

Did I say it is illegal? No.
I said it is unacceptable which doesn’t mean it is illegal, just that it shouldn’t be there.

This just confirms what I said:

Most of Necromancers leveled those characters for AFK farming (not all). If you DID level it up for AFK farming, just don’t complain. Accept and move on. You got what you wanted with that build. Period.

The class needs rework. Almost all classes needs rework. A Wiz3->Linker->Necromancer with Vienazaris Mace farms materials better than my SR with two Stage 7 transcended weapons and I’m not crying.

That’s no argument for defending AFK farming nor should be taken into consideration to “fix class before fixing AFK farming”.

And, since you decided to bring this issue on:

One of the main reasons a lot of people quit was because AFK farming exists.

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I would love to see a picture/link where IMC actually says afk farming is ok.

(I’m not saying they didn’t but I haven’t seen it yet which I find weird considering how much people like to bring it up.)


@Alsheyra thanks for coming out to share the video. Yes, this clears everything, thank you very much.


Ok this is all I need from your post, that it’s not illegal, you sounded like you wanted to purge all form of afking from the game, because [quote=“LunarRabbit, post:157, topic:352718”]
Just stop making excuses to justify AFK farming.
sounds like you are forcing people to stop debating about afk farming? We can debate about things that IMC has stated are not illegal, if not whats the point about this thread? Also I prefer that people with necro3 share opinions since they are more knowledgeable about this.

Everything else yes I agree thanks @Alsheyra again.

I’m from Telsiai which has one of the biggest populations and again, I can’t speak for other servers, but here we have 60 necros + warlocks on all the channels together here and that’s just for DBF. Like I said I know whole guilds who do AFK farming for silver, others do botting + hook64 and RMT. Which is more serious and needs more priorities? Like you said AFK isn’t illegal.

I want to purge all form of afking from the game, it damages the game in the long run.

No. But when you do, use valid arguments. Don’t say your class is bad then you should be allowed to AFK. Even when there’s actually worse classes (and builds) than yours.

If you give an argument that applies to other classes. The AFK farming as well should have been applied to those. Look at Bokor zombies or classes with low damage or too high cooldowns classified as DPS classes.

AFK farming affects the whole game. It’s even extended to Warlock 2 macros and bots. Thus I can assume current topic isn’t only about Necromancers and allowed to share my opinions regardless.

And you honestly see this as healthy to the game?

I think IMC needs priority with dealing with all forms AFK, bots and macros (they’re similar, want you or not, only difference is that you’re not using external software to control your character). And yes, I am comparing both, I’m not saying that AFK is illegal but it is similar to bots and macros and Grim Reapers affect all 3 types of farming while being away from keyboard.

That’s way worse than class balancing issue.

And here’s one example of what happens when new players get to Dina Bee and see the whole AFK farming thing:

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This is illegal, we won’t discuss this here. This is 10x worse than necro afk. I would also want the bots to be banned cos its ILLEGAL.

First of all, like you said, it’s not ILLEGAL. Why would you want to purge something that’s not illegal? There are a myriad of other issues that are ILLEGAL and getting abused constantly, TBL issues, Hook64, Bots and this brings much more ‘dirty silver’ to the community. This is of so much higher priority and nothing has been done about it, honestly all the players who cared have left already.

Honestly, this isn’t even evidence. There are players like me and you who have tolerated the bugs and IMC’s incompetence for more than a year already, and a new player can’t even get past dina bee? He won’t last long in the game there are 100 things worse than afk necros, and i emphasize again, its NOT ILLEGAL.

There are so many other threads about people quitting due to bugs, fps issues, hacks, exploits, balance issues. Why doesn’t IMC do something about those? Also, they waited for a year to implement such a stupid solution which anyone could come up with in 5min.

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Wall of text, read at your own risk:

And AFK farming is similar, all three methods are “away from keyboard” farming, hence are all affected by the same counter measures and affect the game in the same way.

Because it damages the game and is similar to illegal things.

TBL issues doesn’t give silver. Hook64 alone afaik can’t give you silver, unless there’s some silver exploit. Bots, hook64 and Necromancer 3 all are contained to the same term AFK (Away From Keyboard) farming.

I do agree that only the botting and cheated silver is “dirty”.

But the concept alone doesn’t make the real similarities cease to exist. Nor the effects they have on the game. In fact, the silver one gets with Necromancer C3 is pretty similar to bots and macros.


Took a screenshot so you don’t delete your own post:

I also flagged your post, so you can’t delete it.
If you edit it, you’ll give proof that you posted it and edited so other people can’t read after I called you out here.

Wall of text, read at your own risk

Necromancer on bottom space or Warlock with macro on bottom space makes only 1M difference. Taking the lower value, 3M, multiplying per 3 (24 hours) gives 9M per day by AFK’ing alone, 9*30 days=270M per month.

This isn’t healthy in any way to the game.

Did you read the post?

New players sees this almost the same as botting.

Plus, AFK farming isn’t a form of bug - piece of code working in a unintended way.

But just when IMC is being competent you’re saying they should keep acting in an incompetent way and keep AFK farming working?

Know what? I don’t care anymore, I’ll go into the merit of calling you out for lying.


You did things against the rules, and you want:

So you can keep macro’ing it and you don’t want to stop gaining silver with your AHK recasting the skill every X minutes. Since Grim Reapers are effectively stopping you from AFK farming.


Uh, proof? Pictures? Using my words in a troll post does not count, go see my post history, I’m sure you have trolled before as well and its easy to see when people are serious about something and when they are not.
IMC is welcome to ban me if I used any macros/hacks, go ahead. I said that because I know what macro’ers earn, and just giving blind figures without stating how I knew them (I estimated them) wouldn’t receive any response if I did not add that ‘I am a ex user of Hook64 and AHK’, and people didn’t reply me on this, (sadly).

See dude, these are all your opinions. Honestly, why do you want to pick a fight with so many of the other forumers here? To force them to believe your opinion?
Okay, lets talk about real world issues in comparison, I’m transgender, and people have a stigma towards me, but is it illegal to be transgender?

Yea, you yourself already stated that and both are legit ways in regards to the economy so don’t talk about affecting the economy.

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This is in IMC’s internal code, so we leave that up to them to decide if it’s an unintended or intended feature, we both know nothing about this.

Please stop using the word similar, they are not the same.

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The main problem right now is not whether the role of farming or anything is fulfilled by previous circles, but of Necromancer itself. There is really no purpose of Necromancer. The main point of the argument should be that the existence of the Necromancer class is absolutely useless. The only point it has is AFK farming. I do have a Necro3 myself, and would gladly prefer it if they just issued a class reset on login and blocked Necro from being selected.

On that note, with this flawed class design almost seemed to be created for AFK farming, they made silver EVERYTHING in this game. Attributes are immense silver holes and even running Earth Tower/Solmiki is a silver sink. Make a group and spend 40+ minutes farming for Solmiki pieces a day per run and break your wallet even trying to craft it. There’s even RNG on rerolls above 25F(Seems to be around 60%).

I don’t personally like the class design of Necromancer, but the design of the class itself is based on AFK farming. Using 3rd party programs to farm for you or cheat is beyond this topic and not ok at all. The best option IMC could’ve done was just outright disable the class and refund people for even taking it. Don’t they ban people on jtos for afk farming? Why bother going through the trouble when the class serves no other purpose. Even making the pets temporary would only encourage people to macro. I still see Sorcs afk with pot macro’s going.

That’s too detailed to be a troll post. Nice thing to assume you cheated your way to get things then “I was kidding”, so classic, haha. I have nothing to say to you. See ya ~

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maybe is a joke from IMC 1 apr?

LOL? Too detailed? that’s another opinion from you my boy. You choose to decide when you think people are trolling and when they are not?

Hmmm… by your logic everyone who disagrees with you is trolling.

Look, I was proven wrong about necros by @Alsheyra and I couldn’t think of an argument against what he said, thats when I gave up. Learn to give up and stop forcing people to think the same way, you have a serious habit about making one-sided arguments.

Even if I cheated, again I encourage IMC to check my account, my argument still stands about AFK farming not being illegal.

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Ehh, really? I don’t see how that is somehow relatable to this. Being transgender doesn’t affect anyone else negatively.
People also have this “stigma” you’re referring to due to ignorance, lack of knowledge and understanding what it’s about, same can’t be said about afk farming.

Rather keep discussions about real world problems out of gaming forum topic about game mechanics since it holds no relevance there as it doesn’t contribute to the discussion.


Squire is useless. You only level it for base camp and forget.
Templar is useless. You only level it for guild and forget.
Bokor is useless.
Sadhu is useless.
Paladin is almost useless for most cases. Even have bugged skills.
Pardoner is useless. You only level it for spell shops.
Sorcerer is useless too. Everyone complains that Sorcerer C3 sucks and summon AI is bad.
Alchemist is useless. You need to get it to C3 at Rank 8 and have no damage.
Hunter was useless for most PvE stuff before transcendence.
Sapper always felt kinda useless for end-game content.
Scout C2 is useless.
Oracle C2 is useless.
Rogue C3 is almost useless.

A lot of classes are useless and don’t have AFK farming. That point isn’t valid. Especially when people level the characters for AFK farming.

Sadhu C3 is probably worse than Necro C3. You can just call it a bad build and don’t play like others do. Or try to make it work. Your main builds go with linker so you’re just fine even on R8.

As well you know, one of the first teams on kTOS to get to 40F had a Necromancer. I never heard of a team with full Sadhu C3 or Pardoner C3 doing such achievements.

Yeah, I totally agree with the silver sink part. I need to transcend and enhance and put good gems on two weapons to be viable. So, SR, Cannoneers and others should have the AFK farming ability since the excuse is silver sink? I need more than Wizards. And my Rank 8 skill doesn’t even have attribute, with two T7 weapons it hits for 13k, it’s a joke of R8 skill, it feels that I’m playing with a “better R6” with a SR. So, again, should I get AFK farming skills?

Then they should also remove all the silver and shards gained from AFK farming. Rolling back the entire account to the past and all the items the account got with trades and market.

Most people didn’t even spend 80m on their Necromancers and that’s for sure you get back in a month. Hell, that’s 4 Solmiki 25F items with full reroll.

And jToS does have AFK farming, no idea if they are banned or not, but seems a lot. It just supports what I think people will keep doing it regardless of allowed or not. They just need to remove the AFK farming entirely.

jToS oracle killing Necros:


What is the point of:

- Pardoner

- Squire

- Appraiser

- Alchemist

- Corsair

- Thaumaturge

- Double Pay Earn

If all are all vastly inferior to Necromancer in terms of making silver?


with summons not being eternal you can actually report ANY player that is staying still or in a somewhat similar place doing the same in a loop(or running lockz, but you can do that now anyway)… basically its a filter that lets us police better the botters… coz it doesnt matter what any1 says… the problem are the botters not the AFK necros… deal with it with duration in summons and focus on the real problem of bots…

But they will still do it anyway. Just remove the feature, problem solved. So people don’t make alts to transfer silver to mains.

  • Pardoner: legit AFK shop, somewhat low income

  • Squire: legit AFK shop, somewhat low income

  • Appraiser: legit AFK shop, somewhat low income

  • Alchemist: legit AFK shop, somewhat low income + briqueting and awakening

  • Corsair: solid sub meta choice to farm stuff… WAY BETTER silver per minute than AFK necro when active and knows what the corsairs needs to do…

  • Thaumaturge: Meta PyroMeme swelling everything for double drop on everything(or near everything), same as corsair as in when active WAY BETTER silver per minute than AFK necro…

  • Double Pay Earn: trash after dpk rework… sorry

AFK necro is only good in looooooooong periods of time and in IDEAL conditions that usually you work on 20-30% of optimal condition due to bad clogging of chars…