Tree of Savior Forum

To whom it may concern, how Dina Bee Farm made me quit this game

Hello I’m a completely new player, have 100 hours played, got lvl 160. I really got in the game and was in the proces of moving some of the members of my Molten(Warmane) raid guild members to this game. Sadly that will never happen after what I just witnessed at DB Farn. Well just logged in, thought about grinding some Demon Prison. But than remembered I had a merc thing on DB Farm, thought what the hell and besides I’ve never been there. But lo and behold I see some ppl afk farming without scripts like in tenet church…no biggie, I will just go to another area of the map…but no, there are groups of ppl on the ENTIRE map. 3 chanells, 30 ppl in total afk farming the whole night…I was so sick of the thing that I had to log out and now I’m considering deleting the game. I’ve played games like Tibia (using it as a reference because its similar to this model in many ways) which was grind only, no lvl cap, old school mmorpg competitvely and I know its impossible against bots at the high end. And I’m not a casual player and neither are my friends, so I wont be satsified with being low because I do not wish to start botting. IMC might be struggling with cash and player pool to allow this, but consider this…now cuz of this 5-6 of us will not play this game probably and we wont be buying our tokens (100%) which we were planing to from 1.1.17. IMC…by allowing dishonest, lowbred and in the end players who obviously do not enjoy playing your game otherwise it would be THEM playing, you are effectively digging your own grave. Because you are chasing away ppl who could be loyal and beneficial to the community which in turn would bring in more ppl due to the atmosphere being different and attracting different sorts of players. I’m 30 years old and i’ve been avid gamer since sega master system days and I’ve seen this in countless other games that have lost it because they took “the easy route” and in turn attracted trash players who only bring in trash players. And when the scale tips in favor of trash you will need your “Saviors” because how will you change things when they get bad and majority of your players acctualy WANTS it to be bad ? WIll you catter to those trash players ? Forget about the good ppl on your server ? Do you not see that there is no other way that this will end ? You killed your own game. I’m pretty angry at myself atm for investing 110 hours in this and almost my own, and other ppls money. Oh and one more thing, they are doing in the most crucial part of the gameplay exp (lvls 158-175) since you badly planned your dungeons (slow clap…dat 160 dungeon…bravo) so its EVEN harder to pass that wall. In the end I know you do not care, nor will the admin that reads this, if there is one. Becuase you obviously look at your players like we are your bots for makin money…so in the end nothing will ever change…and I came here on rumors that its not pay to win, ppl omitted to say its pay to do whatever the hell you want. And what even worse than you are the players who see this and are happy with their little piece of cake…as Ghandi famously said “BE the change you wish to see in the world”. Peace out.

P.S. Selecting the category in which to post this made me chuckle a little, “…better in-game environment for everyone.” <— this…think about stuff before you post them, makes you look hypocritical on top of everything else


Your definition of new is getting old…

seeing dina bee farmers since day 1
never grinded through the game since day 1


So out of all this you only took that ? Right…had the acc for like 8 days. Dno what is your definition of a new player than, first 10 mins in ? I’ll tell you what, i wont be answering to you anymore…i really wanted to say something with this post, and you are belittling it with this unsuccessful trolling of some sort, bad one if I might add.

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Neither did I grind, well timed and sensible application of exp cars on top of dungeons >.<. DP2 was just for teh cash and lvl on top of it. But all of that is beside the point because there are ppl that grind and you not grinding and enjoying the game on top of this doesnt make this right for any1 else but you. Please take a look at the bigger picture and take other ppl in consideration. I, for one, will not bring my friends here. And wont stand by it and will voice my opinion, after all the are like assholes, we all have them.


Dina bee is ruined, yeah. The only time I was able to do kill counts on that map properly was before people figured out how to afk farm.

idk, if I were new to the game and saw that i’d be annoyed too. There’s no reason that any map, partcularily one that used to be a main grind map, should be overtaken by botters/afk farmers to the point where people actively playing the game can’t really touch it. what are people are trying to defend.

for the record, I never grinded there. in fact I pretty much never grinded across all my chars until i decided to randomly join an alemeth party a few days ago on my alch. It just sucks that an entire map got trashed, making ways to level even more limited than they are. like, even though that map was pretty much exclusively used during founders for rushleveling before dungeon resets existed, like I said, no reason for the situation to be where it is. OP’s post is worded and formatted awfully but I’m pretty sure what he’s trying to put out there is that it does have a negative impact on the game, regardless of how good you are at leveling with or without it.


all that, don’t pat yourself in the back…

I only read the title and what I quoted…

want me to read more, learn to divide your wall of text…

I cant even begin point out the absurdity of your post, both of them acctualy, without another as you put it “wall of text”.I supose thats the problem with ppl nowdays, all they know is bashing without acctualy trying to link 3 coherent thoughts. And bro…i really do not want you to read it, its beyond you, maybe not intelectually, but 100% morally. I’ve seen a couple of your posts, you could very well be a part of the problem. Feel free not to run your mouth off for no reason, with no point to be made, even admiting you havent even read my post just came to bash it, 2 times in a row…esspecialy since you only came back to reply cuz of the bruised ego, and that tells me more than your reply ever could. Anywayz done and done. Good luck to everyone, i hope you find enjoyment in this game and that some things change for the better, but frankly it seems to late already. And as always,good riddance to bad rubbish. .


Yeah Bee farm is a mess and this is a well known issue. IMC doesn’t seem to want to ban them because technically they aren’t botting. They’re abusing mechanics of the game. There have been a few updates to try and subtly address it… but people find a work around or loophole. The problem actually has just as much to do with this type of player as it does with the design/rule flaws that allow the behavior to go unpunished.

However, as you get higher in levels you’ll see this happening less often as the game’s difficulty gets jacked up if that’s any consolation. This is one of the major criticisms voiced repeatedly by players. We know.

Threads like this are posted a few times a week, and these forums are not player friendly. You actually posted this in the proper place though instead of complaining in general chat, which I appreciate.

To be fair as far as the wall of text and tl;dr, there are studies that show people have trouble processing large blocks of texts. It’s like one unending virtual scream. It’s never fun to have someone come up and talk to you without letting you get a word in or even letting you absorb what they’re saying in real life. It’s just as unpleasant online as well.


I do not know about your server, but here at [SA] Silute, we helped lv120 ~ 123 players level up on that map (until to lv190 ~ 200).

The main complaint is of the botters and RMTs, because they now need to compete against AFK


How did you guys have the patience to even reach Lv200 there xD…

At lvl 176 Class 14… it takes like 20k kills to reach Class 15… Oh my god!

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Afk while sleeping …

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dunno why so many think the afkers at dina bee stop you from leveling up. there was a bit of a wall but with all the increased exp from dungeons and missions there is no real wall that i have encountered thus far. + we have for weeks now been getting free 150% exp boost. 145 is better exp than 160 btw or at least that is what the clear voucher dude said.

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@_o 160 dungeon gives crap exp for sure. I understand the OP though, esp if you’re coming in from P2P games where stuff like this is patrolled more, it can be disheartening.

Afk is fine but macro??? I know a guild that’s proud using them.

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I actually like afk farming. It let’s you progress in the game even when you can’t rly play. A lot of games has it in the form of fishing for example.

Here it is a bit different…but coming from Ragrarok it is not new for me at all…(Homunculus)

But I understand it sux when you have to do quests there and such… I think the problem is that and not the afk farming itself… A questless map for afk farming would be much better…and even Mercenary Missions shouldn’t send you there.

Also I have to say there aren’t that much places to afk farm. So imo it is neither as big deal as you think…and neither would be a big deal to reorganise things for imc…

i have two leveled wizards that I could easily reset to a farming build (esp since one is an alch) but dealing with them ingame makes me hate them. i don’t think i’ve experienced anything as awful in an mmo than dealing with that bullshit honestly, even being PK’d in BnS doing dailies was better.

I’ll probably go on hiatus for a while after making my own guild for shits and giggles. I probably should’ve gave up earler, but pulling an all-nighter to farm for 15+ hours only from DPK reset to have your kill sniped by the afk farmers camping the spawn points is just. what. I have zero intention of doing any of that again after I get sissel, though I figure there’s less afk farmers at endgame.

I can’t say it’s just dealing with the farming system + afk farmers/bots that made me quit along the plethora of other problems, but it’s definitely the experience that made me realize how unenjoyable this game can be lol.

JP nexon have the gut to make afk farming violation of terms and condition
while iTOS, the developer hold the ultimate power on it’s own game did nothing


AFK farming would be ok if EVERYONE could do it :slight_smile: make some kind of in-game minigame so everyone can net (at least a little) passive exp + silver gain.


#feels like a lie 20 char