Tree of Savior Forum

Finally IMC is taking action against Dina afkers, Good Job!

And the thread has turned into a battle of wall texts.
Where the rabbit is, quotes full of holes will fester.

What’s the point in all the silver in game nowadays?
It’s just the rich trading with the rich because there is no room for plebs.

The point is: IMC wants players to grind for millions of silver for a +1% power up. AFK necros just so happened to be the easiest and laziest way of achieving that stupid goal.

Tree of Farmers.
Player with the most alts farming wins.
It used to be chappie bots, Z-archers, AOE hack tele-swordies, but necros were just more reliable.


How about no. How about they make needed changes to these classes so they won’t be problematic. Sure you don’t mind but I wouldn’t want my favourite class (sorcerer) deleted. :frowning:


Necro can be useful in PvP. In the early GvG (old map) there was a Necro that made lot of killing fest with Links+Flesh Cannon.

Necromancer summons makes it hard to target the Necromancer with controller/keyboard modes and serves as a shield against Malleus.

Any CC + Flesh Cannon can actually kill people. And Dirty Pole can be used to link targets out of safe magic grounds.

I know it:

That’s why I didn’t call it plain useless. It can also be useful in PvP with some ways.

So you just put Necromancer on same ground as most classes since everyone can be useful.

So why do Necromancers are the only ones who have the right to AFK farm? Why do that even exist since they are comparable to everyone?

Also, I farmed on my Wiz3Linker2Thaum1Wl2. I never farmed them on my SR because I didn’t have gears to even go to those maps. SR is messed up because you can’t be full CON like Wizards can. You can’t use Nuaele because you give too much on damage. You can’t use shield because needs two weapons. Better review things before talking. I only ever tried to farm on Yudejan Forest after having Aspana but went back to Linker since I could get decent M Def even with 5 pieces of armor with 0 durability and still kill monsters.

This’ll be an endless debate. You’re drifting off the subject of the purpose of Necromancer. Arguing it’s purpose versus other classes is just making it endless. Any class can be useful in certain ways. I’m talking about the current situation of necro, not old days. Also, playing this game on a controller/keyboard mode makes it extremely hard for targeting.

I never claimed they had the right to AFK farm. I just said it seems as if IMC designed the class specifically for it. Link+Flesh Cannon is niche and can work if you invest enough, but the summons are what makes it into an AFK farmer by design.

I personally saw you farming on it(your SR), so it’s definitely doable. Just like how doppels can farm on non-magic mobs. You’re mounted, have high evasion, and ranged.

Shouldn’t you review things before talking? That was just about as stupid as saying an Elementalist C2 is useless. Of course not completing the full thing would be bad. Templar can warp/summon members and is basically used to make a guild. That was IMC’s amazing class design. Also, Templar 2 buff is great for GvG. We could debate all day about these other classes, but why even bring them up?


I don’t personally get why. I mean if they did I’m sure they would have said something about it. To me it seems like their design was left half-way just like with sage and enchanter. (And some other rank 8 classes.) :confused:

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Well there’s a way to combat the spawns of Grim Reapers. Get a sacrificial character and go to dina bee, lure the boss with your pet and die. Problem solved, necros will be back and continue on their business until the Reaper goes back to the middle.

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In the same way I agree, any class can be useful in certain always. That’s why telling “Necros are useless, let me AFK farm” is invalid.

I farmed with an entire party before the defense buffs because I had no gear to deal with m atk monsters. And even so wasn’t even materials for myself (which I ended up selling since practonium for two weapons then for shield then for 2nd weapon starts to be “too much”).

I needed a Linker to do proper damage. A Sage to cast Missile Hole. A Chrono to cast Pass. Even so I still died a lot and needed Alsh’s Revive/Counterspell and frequent heals.

A Necro could transfer Nuaele cards and farm m atk mobs alone. And way faster that I could kill by using m def gear.

In the same way it is to tell that Necromancers are useless. There’s no sense on that.

Exactly my point. One can debate forever on “Necro is designed for AFK” when it can simply not be the case.

Who is right?

At least in class description there’s nothing about minions constantly dealing damage eternally to all enemies around without player interaction:

Actually, the Skeletons aren’t even part of the class description. Which makes me think the AFK farming was an accidental feature that someone found that it worked that way.

People always thought Sorcerer were the ones for AFK farming back in the old days. That reinforces my point even further.

It’s just player adaption because someone smart found that it worked and more and more people found out.

In the same way everyone thought Miko was the ultimate ET cheese master that made all “Kill monster to get buff” floors easy. Accidental feature. Was fixed.

I’m pretty sure IMC wouldn’t add an intended feature to give 80m/month to all players in an specific class.

yeah, “legit” AFK shop earn low… but on what you base that “legit” AFK necros earn millions PER day?? just curious…


20 character limit.

they so rich me so pooooor boohoo

Like I said, this would go on forever. You think they didn’t learn from Ragnarok Online with AFK Homunculus farming? Posting a class description means nothing, because they actually put it into the game. Of course IMC wouldn’t intend that, but you have to take anything(the worst case scenario) into consideration when making a class. They could’ve easily added a timer on the mobs if it wasn’t intended for AFK farming. Also, in the class description, Shaggoth alone could assist as a Homunculus did on Ragnarok. The skeletons were insult to injury.


I didn’t play Ragnarok too much so I can’t tell anything.

But I agree they should have taken into account a lot of things. But they didn’t. That’s why Sorcerers AI was changed, Hunter’s AI was changed, Buffs levels increased, Agny implemented. They also changed how Gravity Pole stun-locked someone.

Saying Necro is intended for AFK is the same as saying all changes in the game because something was broken is because the class was 100% intended to be broken that way.

Plus, there’s one thing, AFK Homunculus farming, as far as I know, in Ragnarok didn’t let you get loot since you actually have to walk around to get the loot that drops on the ground, right? So that’s way different from our current problem here. On Ragnarok you get exp from anything, here you don’t get exp with Necromancers, you don’t farm for exp, you farm for silver.

Also, I’ll just leave this here again on the Fairness of AFK farming.

Fair = 0 silver, for several reasons:

  1. Solo gameplay incentive: None.
  2. Effort: None.
  3. Team gameplay incentive: None.
  4. Economy impact: Really bad, market inflation, overall average silver gain higher than average silver gain of non-AFK farming.
  5. Fun: “Open GvG war on Dina Bee”, “Players killing/pushing each other” aren’t fun aspects of the game, they’re results of the community itself reacting to how bad AFK farming system is.
  6. Variety: Only Necromancers can “farm AFK”, other classes can’t, on all other dailies and farmings spots you can use multiple classes for farming with variable levels of efficiency which is affected even by how one plays or the gears the player have.
  7. Content / Player retention: Bad. Incentives one to not play the game but sit AFK while doing something else. Eventually you get players “the only thing I do in TOS is AFK farming, I have nothing else to do”.
  8. Content / Player skill / Learning: Bad. Doesn’t incentives any innovation or adaptation. Even in the current system there are different ways to make silver which can be explored or require player skill/effort in gearing.
  9. Content / Silver generation / Silver sink: Different than shop classes that requires silver to be generated elsewhere and are bound by the 30% tax system and as well requires player interaction, AFK farming can generate unlimited amount of silver for multiple players in somewhat low time frame without any limitation.
  10. Content / Items value / Effort: The infinite silver generation by AFK farming, even if it takes a long time, have a negative impact on how items should cost, let’s take for example Lolopanther gears. One needs to do daily runs with a full team to obtain. By AFK farming one just need a few days to acquire the amount which those items costs on market transactions.

Yes, there are a lot of designs and things that this game should do better, one doesn’t negate the other nor justify another. AFK farming makes playing to farm resources close to pointless which hurts the game economy, the player base and even the future of the game.


I guess you do not get my point. I’m not defending Necro, but you’re clearly just one sided towards defending IMC. This was 2016 when this game came out. A game focused entirely on silver should not have such a simple flaw. Maybe if they actually monitored/played their own game, they would clearly see it.

I’m simply saying it was a huge design flaw, so you really should calm down. I know all of this stuff about how bad it is already.



I agree on this.

But not on this:

And this is what I cannot agree at all. Refunding a class that makes max amount in silver you can store in relatively small time window.

This made my first reply to you, because your second post, and then comment about other classes which then we started discussing.

SR don’t get refund for not having good R8 skills. Sadhu don’t get refund for nothing. Bokors don’t get refund for zombies being useless.


These paragraphs gave me the impression you were so focused on “Necromancer is made for AFK farming”, “there’s no other point”, “this class is useless but to AFK farm”, “refund me if you remove AFK farm, my class is bad even tho I make 80m+/month”.

Maybe I didn’t get your point. But you for sure didn’t get mine also, I’m not defending IMC saying their design is good or anything, rofl. I just want this removed from the game entirely.

Yay, we’re discussing for nothing! You seemed to be defending AFK farming because Necro is bad and I seemed to be defending IMC. No one really meant what the other was answering to.

Isn’t it easier to stop and say one is answering to something they misunderstood like I’m saying to you right now instead of attacking or assuming I’m “needing to calm” down? lol

Now I see why they call you essay rabbit. It’s pointless to argue with your subjective debates.


Not my fault you ask for refunding when you actually AFK farm with Necromancer with no effort, lol. That’s nonsense.


You’re nonsense. Goodbye.


Bye! Next time try to be more clear so then we can discuss something.

If you don’t like people to show what they’re answering you to (leads to lot of quotes), just deal with misunderstandings, grow up instead of attacking people, you seem like a troll.

you’re a troll, because you stalk the forums and base everything off of subjective information. You quote me, and then you make random quotes that are quoting no one. This is about as stupid as your complaints about missile hole.


I can’t believe there are people who still think Necromancers don’t make millions each day.
