Tree of Savior Forum

Fedimian Server and Consolatory Notice [UPDATED]

Will there be a character transfer?

i want a team move ticket why they didn’t say anything till now i used my darn EA on the Orsha you have to make it up for your late announcement

IMC Open free transfer now for the new server… lots of players like me have already taken items from the founder pack and cant move without loose all TPs , Token premium


nothing changes because everyone is stuck with their token…

yes, she said so in multiple announcements

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But what will happen if player will create a team on Fedimian and then choose to transfer his team from Klaipeda/Orsha there? 2 teams bounded to 1 steam account on the same server ?

So should we start NOW in Femidian or just continue playing on our lvl 20+ characters now and then be transferred later on?

read the post about the transfer. It is said that if you want you will be transferred (i don’t know how you’ll do it but they said) after the exclusive access period.

I bet you mean the 2 free transfer she already mentioned. 1 for the F2P (release) servers and 1 for the EU server.
But this is another thing, people already did open their Packs and cant switch to the EU server because of that (or dont want because… well… 50$ worth items etc). IMC knew that they had an EU server already but didnt say anything, and now we can’t play with fellow Europeans because we are stuck on NA server.

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it’s your choice really
if you opened the pack probably you have to wait for the transfer.
If you didn’t it’s probably better to restart as it’s not really hard to lvl again til 20 as the server I hope won’t have ques

we need a transfer now for fediman, not 1 month after


Milking Strategy Success

+1. I wouldn’t want the european community splitted for the first month. Please allow all the EU players to go to the EU server, allowing transfer as soon as you can


Okay. So we’ve opened the premium box on Klaipeda, just to find out 5 minutes later that you open an EU server. Got dc’d, position 1700 in queue. I feel seriously betrayed and stupid. You knew long before you opened Klaipeda and Orsha that you’ll open another EU server. What are we supposed to do now? Wait in 20 hour queues? Make new teams on EU server, just to be unable to transfer items WE PAID FOR? We play together with my girlfriend, and we’re stuck with premium accounts on servers we can’t access, only because you COULDNT ANNOUNCE an EU server before you let people play.
I have one free day left of my holiday I sacrificed it to play YOUR game. All it gave me was a headache and a feeling of wasted money. Is there any way you could give us INSTANT transfers from Orsha/Kleipeda to EU server? Can’t you just do it for people who ask right away? The system you planned sucks. What if I want to transfer together with my girlfriend, and the wait time is “from few seconds to two months”. Are you for serious?


Another +1 from me.
The earlier the better imo.

I think they didn’t have it prepared or anything. I mean what they had prepared was another NA server but probably there was a big influx of purchases from EU after that threat asking where we want the server and it was a last minute fix to make an NA server and brand it EU.
I understand that it sucks that you opened it already and transfers should be handled as soon as possible but I imagine it’s not that easy to set up. On the bright side for now EU server is still in NA so ping-wise it won’t make any diff.

they said after the exclusive access, they’ll transfer players who wants to be transferred.

It’s not what I’m asking about. I can read. They handle the situation terribly and I can’t stand other people wasting my time.

+1 I think that IMC have to transfer now because they open 2 severs and just 6 hours later open the EU server, we have friends that can start play now on EU and we have to wait? for 6 hours? Please don’t do that.

Transfer now please


Absolutely this, can’t describe my anger, either or they should allow transfer from first two servers on future EU physical server, or let us transfer now to 3rd server. Me and my GF is alos already activated Founder acces #1 features before info about EU server…