Tree of Savior Forum

Farming lv 315 items for orange weapons

They didn’t add that stuff yet and you still farm 1000’s of a monster to get what you need being a time sink. That’s irrelevant to my opinion of it being boring. You sure got me good there I am sure nobody else has ever had the same opinion and why they ask for it to not be like that.

This seriously is boiling down to you being special trying to make an opinion into an argument using the scientific method. Should we break out the periodic table of elements and collect molecule examples of opinions coming to the conclusion of your own opinion being right?

There goes your dodging + exaggeration again.

My initial point was that they are making it easier and they are listening to users and working on it, yet, trying to get it done right so getting the strongest and rarest type of equipment isn’t trivial, as in any other decent game.

Again: The materials are used to the strongest weapon available.

So instead of giving the strongest weapons for free they’re adjusting the DPK values and as well adding alternative weapons that works just as fine as those for almost, if not all, content.

If what you say was true there would be no point in adding extra Lv.315 gears.

Plus, your post wasn’t an opinion expression one, you posted it as an affirmation that works as a claim but one that’s false, thus false claim. There’s the reason we tell you exaggerate things and makes false claims to make things look worse than they are, just to fail to support your own argument right after and change the topic or use ad-hominem attacks.

Great send me a cake next time IMC does superb things like adjusting a rate by 5-10% and it’s still pretty obscene to most casual people. That’s exactly what they wanted from all their feedback in that thread and this one right? Most people aren’t simply complaining saying 1000’s are too many except for me saying the opposite in a statement which is my opinion.

Do you even live in the reality of these forums and game? Or is your head so far up IMC’s maximus gluteus that you have sit there nitpicking my opinions by writing a formulated equation of why it says something it doesn’t? Because I’m pretty sure I didn’t ask for the DPK or RNG to be easier, but did say if they were 100% drops the game would be boring and people would prolly leave faster.

More exaggeration.

475-675, I’ll assume (A+B)/2 as average = 575

575 -> 276 = 52% less

575 -> 488 = 16% less

575 -> 356 = 39% less

So, where are the 5-10% you said?

What argument was there before you even existed in this thread when I made a statement based off my own opinion. And what feedback is IMC listening to when people don’t want to kill 1000’s of monsters for a weapon?

I think you need to ask yourself that one.

If your opinion is expressed in the form of a statement written as an argument it’s actually understood as argument and will be treated just like that.

If you want no one to answer to it:
-> First, stop getting emotionally attached to your posts.
-> Second, decide between:
A) State it explicitly as an opinion.
B) Don’t post at all.

You can read it here, there’s the URL:

@ophiuchu Who are you on Orsha?

We lived in that area for 2 skull smashers and 2 regard horn pikes. We’re going back for another Skull Smasher. Haha.


@ophiuchu and @LunarRabbit
What are your birthdays?


Ask around and you might find someone who knows.

Or uh… couldn’t I just ask you?

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Because I would just love to tell everybody my information to be potentially harassed and ruin my currently peaceful grinding. I don’t really do PMs, have any social media ties, or anything like that for good reasons.

Truth be told though I started fresh on Klapedia earlier today to see what it’s like starting out as a new player without tokens ect.

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I’m not going to harass you. I’m Atramedes on Orsha. Good to meet you.

Are you sure that assumption is correct? Or do I have to also report to you personally each time I do something or else you throw a fit saying I’m an exaggerating liar and flag the Staff?

Sure seems that way. But guess sadly I’ll just always be someone who doesn’t even play or support the game only saying I want people to quit in your mind.

I’m sure, unless you posted a fake screenshot here for whatever reason you might have:

Or you know people work and just happen to have money to spend on novice packs because their token expired and they had the TP to change certain things. I mean that could be a possibility just like players who have opinions different to your yours without them being exaggerating liars.

Then if you don’t immediately report all information to LunarRabbit you’re an exaggerating liar that wants players to quit the game in some crazy person’s mind.

If you want to keep your TeamName secret you can just ask it directly and I’ll remove the post. There’s no need for spamming for people to not see it.

he Digged out your jan 11 post for the screenshot, obsession with you i think?

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I did ask them to though. The obsession comes with them every single time I say an opinion they feel the need to come in and basically be a grammar ■■■■ saying everything needs be based off something or needs explanation. If I care to give an explanation I will, if I want to say that I want players to quit then I will clearly in the post in plain text.

Good example: the 5-10% adjustment rate thing. Do I know that was an exact rate? No. Does LunarRabbit know that either? No. He based his post off one person’s data which it would take making 100’s of those weapons before and after adjustments. Then they sit there calling me a liar making exaggerations.

Moral of the story is they need to stop going on forum crusades pissing people off to the point their Facebook is posted in my inbox. It has me a bit concerned that you tell me I’m not liked on these forums and yet you’ve got people trying to hunt you down in real life because you got them banned over saying opinions.

When I personally don’t even care. I don’t use Facebook, I don’t come to these forums having some grand expectations of people or this company and just say my peace like everybody else. You’re taking things to a whole other level that I really don’t care to go to and just want to freaking play a game that isn’t bugged or have problems.

holyshit that’s jz creepy

btw I remember I use close to 2 months+ jz to farm for aspana, mostly alone. that was before orange recipe was announced, dpk 500-600 fixed.
gd luck ( now I totally regret my decision )