Tree of Savior Forum

[Fan Art Festival] Official Monster Mash Voting Thread! 🎃

Never denied that im not salty but you’re being irrelevant and off topic to this voting thread here for bringing that up. I was being mad about the old voting system of the last contests where the art are pick at random and that led to repetitive winners and even let plagiarism art wins instead of good art that perform well in skill and effort and mind you, staff had to remove that valentine picture when people in forum found out it was art thieving. Of course i am salty because it insulted me as an artist to see that happen

But this new voting system? I have no problem with it, I don’t have a problem with poet cat winning the last contest because people voted and she wins by effort not because of being staff favoritism if that even exist; I liked every single art the last contest and decided to join this one because the last one was great. If you somehow connect that to the issue of greenteaneko idk what to say to you, because my opinion on GTN is the same as yours wasnt me, was this person lol go check your eyes

heres the link too if you need it, i didnt participate in comment

edit: if you need salty players screenshot atleast get the right one lel

thank for tagging the staff tho, please take this person and my comments down if you can and keep this voting thread clean

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Yet, where is Letitia? :snail:




I could not find this screenshot :sweat:and thanks for find the right one. I guess i am misunderstood about this.

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no problem friend, let hug it out :heart: sorry if i made you uncomfortable too


next time ,check your fact before posting ■■■■ about other people :slight_smile:


Staff could have taken down her entry like what they did to GreenTeaneko :smile:



I cringe when I see people trying to decide on their own which pieces are more deserving or not. There are two ways to win yea? 6 winners by staff pick, which are subjectively selected by the people running the game as the ones they think will look good on their game. Any favoritism here would perhaps simply be because that artist’s work is what the people running the game are looking for in particular? If ever they do pick one that’s soooo undeserving then I’m sure everyone will complain, but if it’s only you then maybe you should get your self-importance checked or just stop being salty for not being picked. As for the 7 winners by votes, that’s really just a popularity/networking contest at best. If you’re going to incite drama and diss on other people’s works for simply having a bigger following that you then maybe you should just focus on networking more? Anyway these artists have more supporters than you for one reason or another, maybe you need to figure out why you’re not popular? Like maybe figure out how to make your work appealing to more people and not just yourself?

The technicalities of GTN’s ban is what we should be talking about, not the drama surrounding it or whether it’s deserving to win or not. I personally think that the reason for banning her work is still within the grey area of self-promotion and vote buying. That being said, perhaps the punishment should have been more of a “grey” one as well, something along the lines of a warning and a penalty instead of an outright disqualification.

Winners in an art contest will always be subjective. The best IMC can do is to set the “arena” up to be as fair and consistent as possible and this is what the GTN issue should lead to, not cringe-worthy drama of participants and their supporters dissing each other over who deserves to win and whatnot.


Winners in an art contest will always be subjective. The best IMC can do is to set the “arena” up to be as fair and consistent as possible and this is what the GTN issue should lead to, not cringe-worthy drama of participants and their supporters dissing each other over who deserves to win and whatnot.

Thank you. Really, can we all just work together to prevent this sort of thing from happening again, all while keeping the competition fun and fair for everyone? You know, instead of trying to drag each other down… :frowning:

I personally join these contests because I love drawing, but to be honest I would be lying if I said that this little fiasco, seeing fellow artists trying to pull each other down, doesn’t discourage me, especially as a new player (okay, “returning player” if you wanna be more technical.) I hope we all just try to fix the problem instead. And that problem, in my opinion, are the rules of the contest. It wouldn’t hurt to at least make these rules a little more specific next time, don’t you think?

Set what constitutes as “legit” votes. As other people have already mentioned, perhaps limit who can and who cannot vote, especially since it’s so easy to make a forum account. I’d rather forum accounts be linked to our game accounts, but it’s way too late for that.

Just my two cents.


Geez, so many supporters from GTN creating accounts to comment about a thing they didn’t even know about. We need to learn that contests are always improving, changes in rules, in rewards.

'Think everyone here had noticed the problem: People who doesn’t participate in the game participating of a vote tendentious thing of the game. So, how we can improve that in the next contest? Only allow accounts that have been created in 1 week at least? Only allow accounts that have at least 1 character in their accounts?

We just need more filtering. Only vote here the ones that will see the loading screen. Eliminate parcial votes by parcial x fans like the 246.421 followers of her to be fair with every entry. I think @STAFF_Letitia have learn something from here and will do adjustments for the next contest. That’s all.


I have read everyone’s comments and took them to heart.

I understand GTN is an amazing artist but to keep the Festival as fair possible, I will stand by my previous decision with removing her from the vote. Although this may upset her fans, it is important to not only set an example for future Festivals but to also properly support the other artists who participated and who let their art speak for itself. There is still the possibility that these other artists received votes unfairly however that is something I will consider when planning for the next Fan Art Festival.

I hope that GTN will still participate in future Festivals. When I messaged her privately about this issue she was very understanding and out of politeness I had refrained from sharing the details in this thread. However, I was concerned that negative rumors would spread and therefore I mentioned it.

I’m happy to see that so many people are interested in the Festival and are passionately supportive and I will try my best to continue to improve it.

With that, I would like to say that the Monster Mash Fan Art Festival Voting has come to end.
I’m sorry it had to end on a depressing note however, I wish to congratulate all the artists and I hope to see your work and more in the next Festival.


There was an explanation. There will be improvements in the future. This is not some world class art event that will determine the value of the artist forever and it’s okay not to win unless you really need that 500tp and early access costume

EDIT: Nevermind guess these guys are just gonna push their agenda to diss on the staff. GTN’s real followers in her own page are taking it better.



May I know where is your responsibility in addressing a flaw?

You bluntly removed someone’s hard work and not proposing an alternative to salvage their time dedicated?

I don’t see any responsibility to man up to what you have done wrongly.

You said it yourself, that you will continue to improve the event as this event is flawed.

If this event hosted by you is flawed and you do not take this opportunity to address it properly, how do you convince the participants of your management in future events?

You have just slapped GTN and now you hope she joins in future events?
Would you even swallow that?

What you could’ve done is address the votes and not removing the artwork entirely, which almost everyone here agrees.

You said you read the comments and took it to heart, where is your heart in this?


I’m sorry, it’s not about winning that reward, GTN has more than enough power to buy any amount of TP she wants. But it’s about the staff being unprofessional, creating such failed event without a proper explaination

Do you think 500 TP does matter for her?

@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Yuri please check your pm as well.

How you guys handle this by the way??

and how about this?? anyway, I dont know which user for all these posts. So, do you think it is fair for gtn???
or staff is trying to say that GTN get removed because she has 24x,xxx fans so its unfair to other competitors?
I do not think that all votes is casted by her fans, I do believe threre is quite amount of them are her friends, guildmates, ingame friend as well. so now she get forfeited and don’t you think this is disrespect to her friends?

Your decision will causes a passion player and her friends OR worse scenario is her loyalty FANS to quit the game because of this issue. Personally i felt this is very unfair to her although as u said, she was like cool and steady to accept the ban. but you guys (IMC staff) are showing bully to a innocent TOS player.

Thanks for reading!

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GTN herself understands that it was the comic reward for reaching a certain amount of likes that crossed the line, and this is also what the staff has been using as a justification to the disqualification. What more do you need as an explanation? The staff has promised they will try to be as clear as possible on this matter next time, if you find other participants that offered rewards for votes then feel free to point those out.


So could you confirm that even if GTN asked her fans to vote without any reward or milestone, do you think that her fans will not vote for her? Also, could you assure that those salty players will not jelly and complain even if GTN just share the URL and ask her fan to support her because gtn has huge amounts of fans behind to support her?

Besides that, could you ensure there is no similar case happen like GTN? Well, I could confirm this already happened but in smaller group or it’s 1 to 1.
Best example:
Artist X in facebook post OR guild channel OR even SHOUT ingame: Hey guildmate and friends, please help me to like my arts… >.< I will give you 5 shards whenever you guys like my post. Do let me know after you liked and you will receive my sweet after that.

Well, what could i see here is:
current art contest: Can’t have any form of reward in term of milestone, etc for those fans/friend in
next art contest: Can’t post your art to ur friend/guildmate to help support ur art.

Do you see a grey area from this contest?

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