Tree of Savior Forum

FalconerC3 thoughts

falcon dmg and cri rate are both based on falconer’s stat. I am currently ar2/rangger3/falconer3 and I confirmed this message. My first strike [sonic strike maxed only] cri rate and dmg before and after stat reset are totally different.

Now here is my question, what rank path do you guys suggest when the rank reset comes. I have read thorugh the forum but havent found any clear advice. Im thinking ranger3/quarelshooter3/sapper3

You just described a rank 9-10. Don’t think I understand your question. I have two falcs at r8 and I have to admit I hate my ranger 3 with rogue. To much of a up close battle and to much set up time. You would constantly be popping swift, steady aim, feint, and barrage for each burst.

I didn’t know you could already combine the sonic strike with circling. Do I need to wait until after circling is active to initiate sonic strike. Also it’s fake multi hit huh. So it will transfer set number of hits per mob. I wish sonic strike was a true multi hit[quote=“ZaceD, post:276, topic:331774, full:true”]

Yes and yes.

Yes, Pre-emptive strike also can also activate during circling - which technically breaks the little bird’s brain. Which causes the falcon to stop following you, and automatically teleports the bird when it uses its attack skills - i.e. pheasant, sonic strike, etc. And if the skill kills an enemy, there will be a delay before the enemy is actually killed in your screen.

I will try to upload a better video, maybe once maintenance is over.

I’ve had bad experiences with roost, because the bird won’t initiate your orders until it has landed on the roost. Meanwhile, “chaining” commands work wonders but does break the bird so you have to be smart when you do it. I’ll do a video once servers are up.

Okay guys, hope some of you remember me asking for everything related to my QS3>Falco3 build. Since I create this char I have reached Falco 2, ain’t having much time to play so I’m kinda slow.
I need advice on equipment this time, as you may remember I am going full dex, so my equipment at the moment is the following: cafrisun set, didel grand cross with 2 +6 yellow gem (+7 is too hard and I don’t know if I will take other superior crossbow to) combined with a manamana +6 red inside. Against flying mob I’m going with gorithos (don’t know which other should I get, got this 315 recipe bow dropped in 290 dungeon but people told me to wait until new orange weapons).
Max petamion, looking 2 battle bracelet to craft sissels and for headgear I only have one giving crit attack yet, working on it to get the others as well.
So, I thought of getting a gem that increases running shot +1, but I don’t know what else can I equip to augment my critical damage and if it’s better instead of having cafrisun…

If you let me tho, I need to ask about cards, should I go full elaganos?

since you are a falconer3, you will play support role in party. I advise you to prioritize your survivability over DPS. I dont think cafrisun set is good enough as your source of defense. lv315 orange weapon need around 162 hours to gather the mats required. I use lv315 purple bow and full virtov plate with yellow gems.
go full ella!

If you’re aiming for the best, the best physical attack headgears are better than the best critical attack headgears. You should get those instead of critical attack

And since you’re full dex, going ellaganos is overkill. You could instead go for nuaeles or moles. QS3’s don’t really have bursts so moles are meh, but any boost in damage is nice

I want to say manahas is the set you want, but it used to be bugged and wouldn’t proc the extra line when aa’ing. I have no idea how it is now, but that would be the next best set for you

dafuq lol, I know this char won’t have as much DPS as a Wugu, Fletcher, or any other class, but one thing is providing circling and stuff an the other is going for CON. I’d go for a swordie or cleric for that lol

is this true? why yellow gems in main weapon instead of red ones :open_mouth:

I thought of ellaganos as a futureproof and because I couldn’t thing any other good card, will check in balancing ellaganos and mole then.

That’s what I needed, really grateful ^^

because for full DEX archer, yellow gem give better stable average dps than red gem in main weapon

It’s a different comparison. It’s not about critical attack vs physical attack. It’s about raw numbers. You can say 1 physical attack gives 1.5 critical attack, so the conversion is simple. Critical attack in hair costumes max at 198 and physical attack at 135. 135*1.5 = 202.5 which is higher than 198. That 198 also only counts when you crit

However yellow gems have absurd numbers compared to the red ones, so there’s not even a comparison to be made

finally lol. also, preemptive strike: 1 min cd, 1 min cooldown <3

edit: Hawk can only use armor… t.t and yes, stats like + dex works (evasion)

how about the stun option for phesant?

So is [hovering] with [pre emptive strike] and [sonic strike] still bad?

Pre emptive with sonic has been the go to tactic, the problem was that if you put points into hovering then your hawk would cycle between the two skills , when ultimately you only wanted the hawk to use sonic strike when you had pre emptive strike up.

Before circle 3 you can use hovering during cooldowns but really after you get pre emptive there’s not much use for it imo.

I mean, does it take away from auto [sonic strike]? Auto [sonic strike] has an icd. Does having [hovering] increase the interval between each auto [sonic strike]? If no then would it not be a dps increase to have both skills if neither interrupts the other?

Premtive strike triggers one skill once every 5 seconds, be it sonic strike or hovering, it’s always 5 seconds, so having both sonic strike or hovering doesn’t increase your dps, infact it decreases it since hovering selects a random target you may not desire.

Oh so it’s not that [sonic strike] or [hovering] each cast every 5 sec independently but rather [pre-emptive strike] triggering and picking between the 2 skills. That clears things up for me then.

yes pheasant stun chance attribute is in though i like knock down more. stun chance is 50percent chance and is only 3 seconds which is where the enemies completely freezes. Knockdown was 100percent chance and seems like 3-5seconds. Knockdown is kinda better…also the bird is kinda bugged after certain skills u have to hit call or else the skill wont work at all wont even go to cooldown. Though the bird was kinda fixed so now it always instantly teleports to you when u use call.

The “bug” you describe is when the bird is away, it’s visually still there but in the code is gone away. So they finally added a failsafe for whenever you use a skill without the bird around so no longer will you blow your CD in vain.

Regarding pheasant, I find it awesome that you can toggle between them, in a grind enviroment a quick massive AoE chance of stun can be a life saver.

Yeah you are right. The stun could be a life savor. I’m still a little upset in regards to equipping armor and not weapons. Same for training. The only skill it’s boost that has dps is sonic strike. But you can now use almost any skill in betweeen circling. Also sapper 3 falc 3 not worth it. It’s only skill damages increase to physical attack modifier for broomtrap. C2 for sapper is good enough. It will still jump claymore to the 4K range

Yea im not sure what I wanna do now that Sapper 3 is off the table, Scout C 1 is nice for utility but I also don’t know about hunter 3 as an option when broom trap is still doing work for me under level 300.

Thinking Wagushi for gu pot+aiming or hunter 3 or sapper2+Scoutc1