Tree of Savior Forum

Exploiting the fact that IMC allows players to set up shop on statues

First off, you guys should really prevent GM and Staff from being in Forum usernames in anyone who isn’t in a staff usergroup. Seriously, not that hard, guys. Most other games would forum-ban for such things.

Anyway, this person… Is taking advantage of the fact that IMC allows people to sit on the statues. Clicking Space to teleport simply opens up a blank dialogue (their name is Teleport Please, so it’s a Teleport dialogue). They are intentionally preventing people from teleporting on channel 1. They may not be botting, but they sure are exploiting the fact that IMC does not prevent people from sitting on the statue (you shouldn’t be able to open up a shop or sit within a certain area of a statue), thus preventing players from enjoying the game. When you use Space around a player, it’ll open a dialogue box, giving the option to view Character Info. Anyway, I’ll just change channels to teleport, but I was in Orsha reporting bots anyway, and figured I’d leave this here.

Oh, best part is you can’t right click > Report Bot if someone is selling a service like buffs or repairs. Remove the Report Bot option, replace it with Report Player, and make it pop up a dialogue box to explain WHY you are reporting the person, ya know, like every other game out there has. Why? Because it makes things simpler, especially since IMC is so insistent on depending on players to take care of reporting bots.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_J @GM_Sebastian @GM_Sebastian @hkkim

  • Server : Klaipeda

  • Team Name : Please

  • Location : Orsha

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 6:51PM.

  • Evidence: URL in case image fails:


omg i laughed so hard. some trolls are just there for the lulz

I laughed at first, too, but then I realized it only works if you stand behind them/directly on top of them. From any other angle, it does not work. It ceased to be funny at that point.

yeah i can tell the struggle. it’s all fun and games until you realize that it is a real problem XD

ban this explicit

Go ahead and report everyone who goes AFK there or leaves their pet inside the statue, too.

I’m not reporting you to be banned. I’m reporting you to bring the exploit to light. I don’t expect them to ban you, but I do expect them to do something about the fact that allowing people to stand within the general area almost completely prevents teleportation.

Nearly every game out there that uses a physical teleportation/warp device does not allow users to stand within it, for this exact reason.

Naming your character Teleport Please makes it look like you know this, as well, and makes it look like you are doing it on purpose, regardless of whether you are or not… So yes, I reported you.

Also, yes, if anyone else takes advantage of this issue and exploits it, I will report them. An exploit is an exploit, whether it’s giving advantage, or disrupting the user experience in a negative way.

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You don’t have to defend yourself !
people like this are just plain ******

I don’t think anyone accidentally would sit right inside of a statue ! He knows that what he is doing will annoy a lot of players and does it for fun.

I am really pissed as well with all those people thinking it is funny to sit inside a statue especially with their pets or any shop opened as it makes my life a lot harder especially as I am playing mouse mode and really cannot click the statue unless i change to keyboard -.-


Players are doing it to troll. IMC is to blame for allowing it. An exploit is an exploit, but they don’t deserve bans for it.

@hkkim Please consider disallowing players to set up shop (buffs, repairs, et cetera) in the statue area? Also please change your report feature so that it works on anyone, and gives you the option to tell the GMs why a person is being reported. It’ll make their jobs easier, and it’ll make reporting feel less like a hassle. Also, please make it so you can report people within the chat interface. If you keep the system the way it is, only depending on players to get rid of the botters, and to report people who exploit, then you’re going to have to give us the proper tools to do it.

Also tagging the rest of the staff in case @hkkim doesn’t have the time.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_J @GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis

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No the pet thing is fixed, you are doing this with a purpose of being a piece of sh*t. Kthxbai. Die :slight_smile:

13 hours later

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…This is the same exact person I’m also seeing in Orsha. -_-
They really need some radius around the statue to be restricted. And yes, a “Report Player” option including shopkeepers. I imagine bots could open a shop to advertise their gold selling, so why not?

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Don’t give them ideas (thus the reason I didn’t mention it myself)… But eh, maybe that fact will make Developers realize it could be abused. Maybe if RMT Advertisement Bots start titling their shops with ad websites, the Developers will actually do something about this…

@hkkim @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_J @GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis

FYI, someone complained about this guy on reddit, and he literally changed his shop name to “hi reddit” within the hour, in the same spot. He is without a doubt, purposely obstructing people :slight_smile:

Is it against the TOS to obstruct normal game flow and traffic, I wonder?

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If they fix the statue we will all be happy.

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They know they’re doing something to obstruct and disrespecting others for days. They’re like pop-up adware, trying to shove some service onto unsuspecting people. Similarly to bots.
At the very least, a temp ban with warning should be given.

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Considering the name is “Teleport Please,” yeah, I’d say they know. Most amusing thing about it is that they came to this topic with an immediate attempt to strawman saying, “Go ahead and report everyone who goes AFK there or leaves their pet inside the statue, too.”

I kind of stopped being mad about people abusing it… after doing many quests that don’t work with mouse I have learned to switch to keyboard - click space - switch back.

Except using a keyboard only works if you’re standing right on top of the guy (something most people aren’t aware of), otherwise, it triggers a character dialogue box. I’m not mad at the guy, because he’s simply exploiting something they allow.

I guess it doesn’t matter to IMC if it’s an exploit, even if it’s harmful in the sense that most people are going to get frustrated having to switch to another channel every time until they figure out how to actually teleport with him there. Only exploit that makes most game developers care are those that give benefits with bosses (and end-game PVE), PVP, or somehow affects the cash shop.

Actually based on this: Player abusing of the game's code to do this blocking warp statues is in fact bannable.

Falls under:
You need to report any game errors, bugs and other game play issues to IMC Games. You shall not abuse them for your own benefits nor to cause grievances to others, and pass this information to others who may abuse them for their benefits.

You shall not continuously act in a way to disrupt other players' gameplay.