Tree of Savior Forum


have any of you ran into the person named Teleport that just stands there inside the orsha teleport statue? pretty annoying but a good way to troll. i used to get frustrated a this player untill i found out yoiu have to keep moving until you se the green name. or if youre a diev (i am :wink: ) you can just carve your own teleprt statue.
i just think there needs to be a way to report people like this instead of bot report.
anybody else notice this character? shes/hes always online just standing there. not playing. 24 hours, just standing there, with his.her computer on, and TOS running, just standing there. on orsha channcel 2 of klaipeda if anyone wants to investigate.

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IMC should dc anyone who stand near the statue for more than 10 mins :smiling_imp:

that is not the 1st time he is reported.

Then there was another thread where guy himself popped in and said that he does it for lulz and doesnt really care. There were also a bunch of screenshots from his side with lots of rage messages to him.

… sadly cant find that second thread atm.

That guy is still at that statue? Talk about a dedicated troll.Can’t be that funny…

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There’s also a thread about that guy on Reddit as well. He should really stop whatever he’s doing because I don’t really think it’s funny either : /

I think here’s the second thread you’re looking for.

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  1. Game should allow you to use a statue and talk to npc even if there is a player standing there.
  2. The Orsha statue clickbox is way too small.
  3. Other player pets shouldn’t be clickable.
  1. Game should prevent opening shops near NPCs or vital objects.
  2. and Klaipeda’s is too big btw.
  3. There is add-on for that.

lol, and on the other hand, the klai statue… i keep misclicking on that enormous hit box just trying to leave the collection npc…

  1. Will not fix the annoyment of having to talk to the Missions guy or the AH manager in Fedimian.
  2. Is it f*ck pets ? I think that I have too much add-ons and they are conflicting…

if you are using the development versions of Excrulon’s stuff, i have discovered the hard way that they are a horrible mess right now.

i’ve spent the afternoon trying to find out which mod was giving me problems. eventually i took them all out, and reinstalled. everything but Excrulon’s newest stuff worked fine, so i simply went back to his latest official release, and that works fine too.

another thing to consider: pick and choose which mods you install. a lot of the mod authors duplicate each other, especially regarding the “pet” related mods.

Don’t want to do it, but that’s what will eventually happen :frowning:

Turns out it’s Excrulon’s new stuff. it doesn’t play nice with the older stuff (yet).

just delete all his mods, and go back to the 1.9.1 official release of his stuff, and things work fine again.