Tree of Savior Forum

Exploiting the fact that IMC allows players to set up shop on statues

I find it funny how some people feel like they can simply judge others like this.
The statue is buggy regardless of me being there and I get no benefit, in fact, it affects me negatively too, because nobody buys from my repair shop.
Anyway, like others said, I’m well aware that some people get mad at me even if I am not causing anything, I just find it funny enough to not care risking a ban. IMC is a joke and I’m just enjoying this game as much as I can before dropping it completely.

Here’s a sample of what I have to put up with every day:

Meanwhile the servers are flooded with bots and they permaban a guy for changing his font size using ingame features, the same that caused numerous exploits back in ICBT2 and they are just too incompetent to add server checks to.

Yup. But are they gonna do it? Probably not, as I said. They just seem to not care about violating the Terms of Service unless it gives players a significant advantage, or involves somehow abusing an exploit to do things like duplicate items, or causing IMC to lose money somehow… Of course, it could be argued that allowing this to continue, along with allowing other issues to continue, is going to cause them to lose money because players will eventually get frustrated, see that IMC doesn’t care, and just quit… So, there’s that. :sweat:

My point wasn’t that they didn’t write it in the Terms of Service. My point was that they do not seem to enforce much at all, unless it seems like it is giving players some form of advantage, breaking the game, or losing IMC money… In which case, they slam down the perma-ban hammer, even if it was jumping the gun to do so, and they can’t go back on that decision, because it would make them look weak as an authority figure (also because pride). The case is most likely the same for the situation you linked there, especially considering as many have said, that function can be done in-game, without altering a thing in any file whatsoever. Also, ya know, EVERY third party add-on is a violation of the Terms of Service… But I could make a long list of other things that would be as well.

I kinda stopped caring about IMCs way of running things… I just play the game and try to enjoy it. I doubt IMC staff are actual developers anyway. Feels like they’re USA proxy to higher ups at Nexon, or whoever is in charge of the development and decision making.

Three of the devs (that I know of) are active on the forums, including the lead developer ( @hkkim ), but I dunno who the other two are (only heard rumors that there are two others here, and only found out the lead was active two weeks ago). So either they see our opinions and do not care, or they do not consider them relevant enough to take effort on. Nexon is a publisher, so they just distribute the game and get it out there, but IMC is still the dev team.

But yeah, I’m trying to enjoy the game while it lasts, however, I’m gradually losing faith in the management.

If you change channels, he won’t be there. Easy fix.

I know what you mean. That giant buy TP button addition after recent maintenance made me cringe.

Also almighty staff max continues to ban people while the big text bug is still there… for over a year now?

Actual forum staff made me change steam review from positive to negative. Seeing this kind of attitude towards people who pay their bills is absolutely disgusting to me. Can’t say I have any faith left. It only gets harder to enjoy the game knowing what kind of people have been hired to represent this game.

Then again, maybe it’s just me.

“Out of sight, out of mind,” doesn’t make the problem disappear.

Why aren’t people setting up shop in channels 10 or above? They don’t have ad-bots spamming in town. Oh right, because the bots will follow.

If enough people see that this is tolerated, then more people will do it… On every channel. It’s a bandage fix at best.

You made a three-paragraph post about a minor issue that can be easily dealt with if you just changed channels. There’s no need for you to get worked up over it. It may be a band-aid solution, but it works. Problem gone! Now, you wait for the actual fix because IMC needs to resolve real problems.

Yeah, it works, but simply ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away, though. As for them solving real problems, they’re gonna have to get their priorities straight before even attempting to do that.

I don’t want to lose 15-20 seconds to see loading screen, because of mr.funny having his nice time. ICM should fix this issue and ban everyone who is exploiting this to obstruct other’s people gameplay.

So he is just searching attention, temp banning that what he deserves.

The guy was right to report the jerk who think is funny. Ignoring the problem is just sending the message “you can continue to troll people for fun since none will punish you”.

Totally agree that he shouldn’t be banned. Not sure why people keep insisting to ban him. It’s IMC’s fault for not fixing it, or preventing it. Then again, they don’t seem to have a lot of foresight on anything. :sweat:

Nah he deserve to be banned cause he doesn’t follow the rules. You can point out a problem but taking it to another level is just stupid. Is that clear enough?

It’s like you see a switch than can remove oxygen in your building and because there is one well you gonna pull it cause they shouldn’t have put it there.

Me personally? No. But someone will. A permaban is still a bit too far. But hey, the staff bans people for changing their font size, so…

That person does that every day, nobody can use the statue at channel 1 in orsha because that troll thinks he is too funny and just wont quit it. A few weeks ban should make him rethink what he is doing -___-

To be honest, I doubt it will. He’s commented here already regarding that matter.

I think it honestly proves how much IMC cares about the things that affect the masses. The only voices they hear are the ones backed by dollar signs, though, most of us here have paid something, so I guess that’s only partially true.

That said, stepping on top of him allows teleportation. You can also watch the speech bubble icon for the mouse cursor. When it moves to the right, it’s the statue, not the player.