Tree of Savior Forum

Error at start - cant play?

anyone else also cant start? i want to update get weird signs that is all that happens/.

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Just click ok, and open the game again.

same here… Update Failed, Please Restart.

Same problem :confused: …

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i tried 10 times? so i dunno what to do

You still get the weird sign or another sign from steam?
Any screenshot?

i can enter without problems

Keep getting update failed, please restart

From the people that have succeded to enter the game… do you guys have addons? I think that may be the issue…

i still get the weird sign.

Yeah was using the exp viewer addon which was ok with imc dev’s :confused: seems like i need to reinstall, if thats the problem @drk182.

Need to do some stuff for university so 30 min download will be fine xD…

I’m using the exp viewer and i still can play the game after reopen the client.

so i nee to deinstall exp viewer? how do i do that?

I had weird signs when updating then I just pressed whatever weird characters and I just re-opened it works

why do i get it since 30mins then :(!!!

I was able to log in after restarting the client.I was also using expviewer+ fog add on, but after patch it didn’t bring “load addons” button.

Which usually means that game file that was modified to make those addons work was updated and/or redownloaded. You either have to wait for new version of addon to accomodate changes or try to reinstall it with a chance of game not working properly.

11 min left i will tell you if “reinstalling” was helpfull

We’re looking into this issue now, we’ll update once it’s been solved.