Tree of Savior Forum

Episode 12's required crit rate to reach 60% crit chance

based on stats provided here

the new monster crit resist ranged from 1032 to 3368.
And the new max stats that can be rerolled is this

armor= 4x 265 =1060
1h weapon+sub= 2x 497 = 994
2h weapon + trinket= 745 + 249 = 994

total 2054 crit rate from random 430 ichor

i forgot the crit chance formula, can someone help compute how many crit rate needed minimum to reach that 60% chance without overflowing crit rate?


i try digesting this

step 2
1500/420*15= 53.571
@crevox the example is wrong?

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oh right, should have divided it
so if we reverse the calculation

50% chance= 10 basic + 40
40= that ln formula… wait, i need to change calculator

Is the Arcane Explosion attribute from Wizard class give +50% min critical rate or it increase the min critical rate from 10 to 50%?

i prefer to use 10 basic so the crit rate that we will find will be useful to all class, not just wizard

The new formula in that dev blog only applies to PvP. The way crit chance works in PvE is calculated the same way not as it was prepatch.

which formula? can you paste here again, i forgot…
this one? ReBuild Tos 2019 Crit rate, damage, defense info?

C = (A/B)^0.6 -1
A = ( 1 + C ) ^ (1/0.6) * B


C: crit chance
A: crit rate in your F1 window
B: crit res of the target.

highest crit res 3368
for C=50% crit chance
A= (1+50)^ (1/0.6)*3368
A= 51^5613
… seems off

Minimum critical chance is a chance to roll a critical hit when the ordinary critical chance formula with critical rate and critical resistance fails to score a crit.

This should be the current PvE formula, with the resulting critical chance being a decimal equal to your critical chance.
For example: 0.5 = 50% critical chance

The required critical rate for 60% crit chance assuming leather set + leather squire arts versus 3368 critical resistance is 6.1k critical rate.
But there literally only exists 1 mob with that much critical resistance.

then how many crit rate do you think is suffice for majority ep 12 monster?

4031 critical rate if you want max critical chance vs. anything that isnt plant type.


scout is the only class that can hit critical and evasion over 9000 hmm

I wonder how is someone with high Evasion status performing on pvp now after the changes

50% is 0.5. so 1 + C = 1.5
A = 3368*1.5^(1/0.6) = 6619 crit rate.
C = (6619/3368)^0.6-1 = 0.5 = 50% crit chance.

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my bad, i input them as 50

For the weekly boss raid, u need at least 5980 raw critical rate (from F1).


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weekly boss raid? do you mean the one in ktos?

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