Tree of Savior Forum

Dragoon 2 or Lancer - the moment of decision tomorrow

Don’t get me wrong, it works, actually, pretty savage build with a sw3cata3 but team wise, i think Lancer would be more useful. TBL is so imbalanced that with a proper weapon trascended, you can take down the other party just in a Rush.
Dethrone would be like that moment on Mortal Kombat when you choose which skill to make a Fatality/Brutality to your opponent. Good memories.

Well… If there’s an Oracle in the party Forecast can tell where is the ‘safe’ and ‘not’ from Dethrone, but by the time you see the hitbox show up the spear already flew off together with your hp.

It would have been an easier decision (to go Lancer) if I picked up Corsair or Dopel in R7.

Since I went Goon1 and I actually like the Goon skills in my rotation, being Sw3 Cata3 I’m now unsure on which of the two R8 classes to take.

This is more of a playstyle preference for me rather than following any meta or min-maxing stuff.

Lancer has cool costume though so that’s a +1.

If they didn’t reduce Serp debuff duration it would have been an easy “Goon2 for R8” for me, and I’ll just roll an alt if I ever want to pickup Lancer.



Need to make a decision. Most likely Lancer.

If they screw-up Lancer C2-3, I am going to stab somebody with a spoon.

I am still

I want to be lancer but my build says drag2…:worried:

I hope ktos pvp experience will repeat on itos. First weeks nobody is able to dodge dethrone, or dethrone vs r7f everytime. Most players do not know dethrone inflicts a rank 3 bind debuff after damage and try to mash movement key, wasting time. Dethrone deals 2 hits on players even though they are not large.

Lancer unhorse lancer :smirk:

Where did my dethrone gifs go.

Oh ■■■■, for real? :open_mouth: Now that makes me lean more towards Goon2.

Was there any uproar in the kTOS community regarding it ie. a lot rallied to have that debuff nerfed/changed, perhaps make it rank 1 or lessen the duration?

Wow rank 3 debuff, that means even bloodletting can not save you lmao xD.

Can you translate this image? Coz it means nothing if we can’t understand what’s written

Anyone know where is Nheto Forest?

its the lancer npc location :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe I am just too excited that even Google cant help me.

Edit: NVM found it. Problem now is how to get through to a 284 zone at level 272. >.<

Shouldn’t really be an issue, you’re a Cata 3 with Trot lv 15 (hopefully), just run past everything, nothing can really touch you anyway

not with rapid fire magical attack lol.

1 map to go before NPC lol.

Grats @Dogma! Videos pleaaaaase. :smiley:

yeah, videos of me dying just to get through a map.

(cheated in the end with 4 soul crystals)

Still saw rank 3 bind. However itos user should confirm the effect too. No outrage since clerics are still too annoying at pvp.

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It was taken from a popularity poll, Intranslated it before, and so has Arksholf.

The classes are shown below the images.
Pelt3 rode3 murmullo
Sword3 cata3 dragoon1 lancer
sword3 cata3 dragoon2

571,250 zeny for 1 percent. You gota be ■■■■■■■ kidding me.

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Thanks @greyhiem!

Any info on how long the bind debuff lasts on Dethrone?

Also it seems to have a knockback effect. I wonder if it goes through SZone (the KB and/or bind, not the damage) since other debuffs seems to go through (e.g. Restrain stun).

Last question: Is it a single target-per-hit skill like most Goon skills (only on front takes all hits) or does it damage enemies in a line?


Guess I really need to level up that squire now for some passive income. Good thing my 145 farmer is almost done.

@Biskee have you seen the video VonFreya posted? it looks to be able to damage everything in its path and have no limit to the amount of targets it can hit.

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