Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] How would you improve the Enhancement System?

and the last news we got about the system was the cap to +40 and the bug.

For me.
They should definitely cap it to +16 or +20
Introduce more kinds of anvils
Devs should do some research to other games Enhancement system and mix it w/ their own cause afaik tos enhancement system is one of the worst.
Add progression or evolve on gear, this opens a lot of possibilities on the gear and enhancement system itself and at least better than we current have.

IMC only touch the Enhancement System and do a announcement when theirs a bug on it. Outside on that they just leave it as it is.
Players been wanting a change on their enhancement system even on the early days of the game but i think imc is already satisfy on there system cause until now thats the only system in game we haven’t touch.

One thing for sure IMC wants the players to spend more silver to DA which is rarely to show up on events and so.

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True RNG with 50/50 chance: you’re supposed to end up with +11 0 pot if you try to enchant a +11 full pot with normal anvils. That’s not a system, that’s &#@ BS… Basically, the system revolves around diamond anvils, which allow you to use up your potential for free fails.

However, why change the system as long as some show +40 items? This means it works and us normal people have to suffer for those exploiters… And no BS about getting +40 legitimately, it’s not unless you exploit a bias in the RNG somehow.

tfw my guild mate watched as I blew 25 golden anvils on velcoffer gloves only to have them end at +8

This was after them ending up at +5 0 potential from regular anvils


well i broke my masi spear like this to +7 0 pot…quit the game, right click ToS in steam library, delete…so much freedom now…seriously IMC really know how to f u c k their player…just look at Aura Kingdom…they really should make enhancement weapon like that…ive no complaint at all, its depend on your luck to get success but if you dont success it still give you experienced for the weapon to growth…

If you broke something like x4 360 legend mace I’d understand, but a very common masinios recipe with the easiest / cheapest materials lol…

You cannot measure how important an equipment is for a certain player. We can argue that low level weaponry does not worth the effort, but the actual endgame options are always viable.

You can say that a Murmillo-based character, that uses 1h-Sword i.e., should not complain if his cheap Masinios sword does not achieve a good enhancement level, because he could simply buy another recipe.

The problem here is not how easy it is to find certain weapon, but how this system could frustrate any person when a weapon enhancement fails miserable, and all effort/money you end up loosing to restart all over again.

Quitting the game could be exaggeration, yes.

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I just meant that even if the upgrade system is retarded and terribly outdated it could have been a lot worse like masinios staff or shield or crossbow which value per try is very high.
If we had a random system where we could get back 25% of the mats after dismantling the masinios and a low chance to get back one practonium it’d be fair at least.

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@GM_Francis I see you around answering topics about suggestions from players, so I will tag you here :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we had good suggestions here, and this thread reunites ideas for one of the features that most of the iTOS community (it seems) would like to see changing.

Is it possible to make this thread reach the development team? And even better, do they already have something in mind for the enhancement system?

Sorry for an off-topic post.

I’m at my wit’s end and I’m not gonna be able to give anything useful but in my honest opinion, the system is very outdated and punishing for failures. They probably can’t change the system in a way that it won’t affect the players who already " invested ". Imagine playing for months on your end (it’s probably 6 months realistically, w/o rerolls) to get a Velcoffer 2H Weapons and I don’t even assume that a single weapon is gonna be +16. Diamond Anvils, in extreme cases, are probably worse than using normal anvils on those Velcoffer Weapons (3 event DAs during the gear up and I couldn’t even get my primus past +13, that one staff went like +10 0 pot in the end).

So my point ?. hard work and no results, it’s a great turn-off for me. :tired:

I am optimistically hoping that they’re working on changing something since they’ve taken diamond anvils out of the Letitia’s Secret Cubes.

Is this how ToS works ?

The experts of a game will believe in beginner’s luck because they themselves experienced disproportionate good fortune as novices. Suppose that 100 beginners play a game for the first time, and half win by random chance. The half that won is more likely to take an interest in the game and become experts, while the half that lose is more likely to lose interest and never play again. Thus, in any game, the “experts” will believe in beginner’s luck, simply because they disproportionately experienced good fortune as novices themselves.

source :'s_luck


i said this again and again…what kind of idiot just want 50% player when they can attract 100% of player…instead they let 50% player leave because they want those 50% player favor of HARDCORE and LUCKINESS

We can dream man that someone on the staff will reply :joy:.

I just hope they think of something that can satisfy both players and them.

for the one who did miss may suggestion on this topic I leave this here:

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Yes, sadly they seem to ignore enhancement discussions here at the forum, unless if it’s related to bug/exploit. I hope that it is because devs already have something in mind or are, at least, planning something between them.

Thoughts on anvil enhancement

My mace T___T.

With the recent changes (2months back) to Transcendence, I feel that transcendence is at a pretty good position now, balanced. Anvil enhancement, on the other hand, is pretty bad, the range between the good and poor enhanced equipment is pretty wide, with as much as 2k+ difference in attack/def per piece of gear (comparing +6 vs +40). Even the middle +20 is so hard to reach for most players.

RNG separating the gap between the lucky and the majority

Success of anvil enhancement is heavily constrained by the Potential system. It’s a 50/50 chance of failure to upgrade which lowers equipment potential by 1 and reduces the current anvil enhancement level by 1. This is made worse by the introduction of diamond anvils where it removes the penalty of enhancement drop. Diamond anvils can only be acquired via the game’s cash shop, further segregating the paying and non-paying community.

Severely reduces the experience of character progression

The above image shows a +16 primus mace vs a +11 primus mace. Most players will choose the +16 even when the attribute rolls of the +11 is so much better. As the anvil enhancement of an equipment gets better, the lesser worth core stats such as STR/INT will be. How much INT and STR is needed to bridge that 5 anvil level gap? What is the point of adding STR/INT when a few knocks of anvil grant more bonuses than investing 100 stat points into INT?

Core stats on high level anvil equipment feels like a decoration.

Character progression is not limited to just atk/def/stat collecting. Players feel progression when they get a new piece of gear which they can equip whenever a new content patch rolls out. This is one of key selling points of an MMO, as players can watch their character grow and continue on with their progress as new content patches are released.

Let’s say a player is fortunate enough to enhance a +30 Solmiki staff, will any new staff in future content make him or her change the current +30 staff? Will a +16 level 500 staff make it worthwhile for a switch?

Mostly likely that player will have no choice but to keep using the +30staff until he/she is lucky enough to enhance another weapon of higher level that can match the current one in attack power. How many years of content will it take to make that +30 staff of ilevel330 obsolete?

Is this the gear progression that the game developers envision for the game?

Addressing the Anvil issue

We have to address 2 issues for anvil enhancements that irks most of the players, the heavy penalties of losing both potential and enhancement level on failing; and reducing the range between the mid and high levels of enhancements.

On the side note, as there is current 2 ways to ways (anvil and transcendence) to increase attack stats (physical/magical), core stats such as STR/INT get further shafted (has much lesser weightage) as the bonuses they given aren’t substantial enough to compete with +1 anvil level of a weapon. How many times do players decide to forgo STR/INT for the other 3 stats since these 2 don’t really matter much when there is a high enhanced weapon available?

Personally I think anvil enhancements should be reworked to grant something else other than +atk/def of the gear. This will bring more value to core stats such as STR/INT and provide a max atk/def limit with transcendence being the only thing to enhance the gear atk/def stats.

Let’s cover the Potential system first…

Would removing Potential system fix the anvil system?

Although removing potential system makes players feel less depressed in failing anvil enhancements, it raises more problems to the game. Like as silver sinks is needed in the game, there needs to be a system in place to remove equipments from the game.

Without potential system, players would just keep enhancing their own equipment, and sell similar items they have on the market. Items such as Masinios mace will continually be circulated, without much ways to remove them (besides consuming it via inchor extraction). This will lead to oversupply of items and reduction of the prices, making them lose their rarity.

Hence, there is a need for another method to remove items from the market should we need to remove Potential system. Keeping this in mind, let’s move on to the suggestion.

Suggestion - Changing the way Anvil enhancements work - Stat enhancements

Anvil enhancements, instead of granting +atk/def bonuses on enhancements, increases the stats of the gear, with a max of +20 as the enhancement limit. Each level of enhancement increases the stat bonus by 5%, with 100% at max. Anvil enhancements success rate is 100%.

The potential system is replaced with similar gear required to enhance the gear. For gears that are traded via raid materials, they can be enhanced via the NPC with a fraction of the required fragments of the original gear.

Example, to enhance (values to change) via NPC, no more straight anvil:

  • Primus Raffye Mace - need 1x Primus Raffye Mace as material + silver

  • Masinois Mace - need 1x Masinois Mace RCP + 30 pieces of macehead + silver

  • Velcoffer Mace - need 10 pieces of velcoffer fragment + silver

Pros of changing to this type of anvil enhancement:

  • A no risk, effort rewarding way to upgrade equipment. Reduces player frustration caused by RNG

  • Way to remove equipment or equipment materials from the game without relying on the destructive potential system

  • Provides a cap to all equipment upgrades, hence it is easier to balance PVE/PVP content as the upper limits of gear and range is known.

  • Brings core stats and other stats into the spotlight, +STR/INT in gear is much more valued as high anvil enhancements gain more STR/INT bonuses which in turn increases atk damage. Players have more tools to customise their build further as stats such as +crit rate on gear can be increased via such enhancements. It makes hunting for gears with a specfic group of stats more important, rather than focusing on high patk/matk only

With the change of this enhancement we, will have a more wholesome equipment progress system + a way to remove items/materials from the game without leading to player frustration:

  • Transcendence to increase atk/def of gear

  • Anvil to increase stats of gear

  • Gems to add stats (no bonus from anvil)

  • Awakening to augment stats (gain bonuses from anvil)



keep anvils…
and remove all bonuses it gives except for making items glow

this way people still get to flex their epeen when the rng gods grace them with a +40 super shiny sword that now resembles a lightsaber

This interaction with weapon specs would be great, but you suggest that the anvil enhancement would affect only green stats (in case of indentification equipment)?

I like this interaction of bringing core stats to the stage, but might make other effects (namely blue and red variants) way unecessary as they already are.

Sure this would help fixing the issue of base stats (specially int and str) being ignored, but would make the other color effects way more inferior than they already are, at least for me.

This would also creates a huge overall damage output reduction. This might be interesting to see happening. Maybe different grades of equipment resulting in different increases too would be nice.

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Nope, it affects all kinds of stats in the weapon, including the special type stats. For example the weapon image below:

With a +20 (+100%) it will be

Attack against Insect-Type Targets +644
Attack against Plant-Type Targets +540
Additional Ice Property Damage +428

Stuff like Fietas Leather Boots with +20 will be

Dex +114
Crit Rate +48
Mspd +2

With this setup it gives players the choice to decide what kind of stats they should go for that suits their build the most. Builds that deal a lot of hits with low SFR (skill factor) might want to go for 4 red elemental stats on main/off instead of green, this grants a near +4k elemental property damage (+500 elemental prop type on 8 stats on both main and off). Builds that fancy a lot of crit will go for crit rate and crit damage stats so that they can get to the “yellow numbers everywhere” state.

It also makes stats that most players don’t even give a second look about more valuable, like the red +atk to Demons. +600 attack is a lot especially when transcendence is the only enhancement that affects +atk on a piece of equipment. Druids can also gun for +atk to plant targets since their Chortasmata changes monsters to plant.


i would like to say that I hope to see a rework to the weapon kinds

I dont know what happen on korea but whats the point of the actual weapons restrictions and specific weapons features?
.-staff and rods are barely the same on apareance and damage potential, rods must be more like a wand and staff must be a lot more powerfull than rods
.- swords 1h restrictions for cleric on the late game disagree with their own low ranks like the cleric atribute for swords
.-why the mace have to increase the magic damage ? all the hammers are like the mjolnir? why dont make an atribute for clerics to gain 90% of their Pattk from maces to Mattk ?
.- archers with no mele skills/weapons ? a korean must know how useless its a bow at low rank
.- shields for all class ? handle a shield must be more dificult for any warrior they are heaviest and annoying to be carried but everyone can use a shield.

the way that the weapons was implemented on this game its just ridiculous