Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Buff limit

Pls give Linker C2,3 something similar to Daino too… :frowning: Spiritual Chain utterly useless without lv10 Daino atleast…

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Some buffs last few seconds. It may be painful to always lock the buff for each use. We would lose precious seconds every time we lock one. (Steady Aim 15s, Running Shot 23/25s, etc.)

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@Anadriel Just wanted to say that.

I actually thought of that idea but I discarded it because of that… except the skill menu part that would be a nice addition to it if it would work.

Maybe if after we locked a skill the lock would kinda stay there and prioritize the skill what was locked once there it would work…hmm?

this case is answered in this part of the text

i thought his solution is really good

alternativelly, when i think about it, TOS does indeed have already a system to solve our problems, if they could simply “re-rank” all the buffs, in a way that most of the buffs be in the second row, and only the most “strong” ones in the first row, it would solve our problems too, and to get a lot of “strong” buffs we would still need Daino


monstrance becomes a rank 2 buff
aspersion becomes a rank 2 buff
sacrament becomes a rank 2 buff
revive becomes (still) a rank 1 buff
stone skin - rank 1

i could do a whole topic about it, but it would be pointless if IMC would just ignore it anyway ;I

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I tried to read most of the thread and didn’t see this said plainly. As far as I see it. Rank 1 buffs are limited, and Rank 2 buffs aren’t, yes? In that case the following should apply and would give balance to the situation. (I’m also under the thinking that a party buff limit is great for keeping content balanced. Too many buffs is not fun nor needed)

Rank 1 - Any buff that can be cast on someone else.
Example - Player 1 casts A, which can be cast on Player 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 depending on target OR Player 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 simultaneously.

Rank 2 - Any buff that can only be cast on the person casting it.
Example - Player 1 casts B, which can only be cast on Player 1 and no one else.

With that system, you can’t over-buff a team through laying on every party buff in the world, but every class has access to their unique personal buffs without any adverse effect. I think that would be a fair way to handle the situation. (And it might be how it is handled, I haven’t been able to play the game myself yet, however I do hold great interest in it :D)

I’d like to just see the buff limit get removed and have Krivis get a rework. It’s boring making cleric builds and sticking rank 1 Krivis in all of them just because buff limit. Relying on another Krivis to be in the party isn’t great, as then you have 2 cleric base classes required just to be comfortable with your buffs. Especially in the cases of Thaumaturge and/or Chaplain, where a Krivis is basically required ( and for the Chaplain you end up having to take Krivis at rank 6, literally only for Daino ).

I like what they’ve done with the classes so far, for archer/cleric/wizard trees it’s almost always tough picking a certain class at the next rank. A lot of choices would be good, almost regardless of your current class build ( it’s more dependent on what you want, rather than what the game is forcing you to do to be viable ). What I don’t like seeing is when your build directs you in a certain direction. Chaplain requiring Priest 3 is an example, and to add onto that, you basically need Krivis due to the buff limit. That means if you want Chaplain, your classes up to r6 are already pre-determined.

Krivis should be a good thing, since it seems like it’s always a viable choice at any rank. The problem is, it’s a required choice to play comfortably if you’re handling buffs. It also doesn’t synergize very well if your build doesn’t have high INT or SPR, you’re literally just getting it for Daino because of the game’s created limitation of buff slots.

For example: I’m a Cleric c1 Priest c2. I could go Priest c3 and get stone skin and higher lvl buffs, or I could go Cleric 2 and get 11 heal tiles, the safety zone attribute for extra hits, divine might and fade. I could also go Dievdirby for the laima statue slow ( amazing on bosses and great in PvP ), or go Paladin to make my heals much stronger with restoration, and get smite and resist elements.

All of these are good choices ( some better depending on your goals ), and make the class decision tough. Cleric does this very well, it’s almost always a decent choice to take a lower rank that has good synergies with a lot of builds, and not always best to take the current rank.

However in this build if I choose Krivis, I’m only choosing it because I’m a c2 priest and I have a bunch of buffs, and I need Daino.


Thx :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I like the buff limit, I think that my recomendation is not a solution, is a simple tool to help in the management of buffs. This would only prevent to lose a bunch of buffs that u dont want to lose by any means but, however, you still have to take attention to the buff management and have your group organized in order to not screw it up (but at least you will never lose the most important buffs):smile_cat:.

I think those buffs are self-buffs, so as i said:

When you cast it, it would be already locked without need of doing it manually :wink:. In the case of group buff you could do the same but the lock would only aplies to the caster.

Buff limit is stupid. If you have access to a skill you should be able to use it. Rework the cooldowns and duration of the buffs if there’s an issue on them being too powerful.

Rework Daino and have it instead either extend the duration of buffs by x seconds or heighten it’s effects by x%. This won’t change the function of Krivis that much while still keeping it highly useful. Melstis needs a rework either way as this skill isn’t very good for c3. Making Daino add seconds to buffs (like pardoner’s Discerning Evil except works on buffs instead of debuffs) and have Melstis double the buffs effects would be the best solution imo.


You have the skills, you can use them, your just punished if you use them every time they are off cd like a idiot.


The only concern I find is when you buff yourself and hit the buff cap then by mistake or purposely someone does a party buff and knock down your first buff.Not like you can re cast it after you x his or her buff due of the cd on your buff.

This issue is most likely to happen in 5v5 arenas.You need to buff yourself when the gates open away from teammates which defeat the purpose of that 5 seconds waiting time before the round begins.

Buff limit increase in recent patch. Topic can be closed now =x

To update:

Now you get +1 buff limit at rank 5, learnable by attribute ( it cost about 10k if I remember right ).
You also get +1 buff limit for having a token.

These changes certainly help a lot, in making krivis not 100% necessary for certain priest builds.

Wait for the classes rank 7+ lol I’m sure there is a reason why we got so a buff limit increase.I wouldn’t count out daino just yet.

Also the base limit for Cleric has increased to 7. So now Clerics can get up to 9 buffs, and other classes up to 7.

This certainly helps with making Krivis less essential, but it doesn’t really help ease the frustration caused when your important buffs get overwritten by someone else’s buffs.


I thought Swordman,Wizard and Archer always had 7 for their buff limit by default

Swordsmen were the only ones with a buff limit of 7. Now Clerics joined the 7 club, leaving Wizards and the Masterrace with 5.

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As a Chaplain I’m satisfied now… but I still wouldn’t mind if they could work a bit on the overwriting issue.

It’s true for some buffs but not for all of them. Priest buffs mostly are meant to be up all the time…at least at bosses. And Priests already have their punishment if they cast Blessing without any monster nearby and that is the item usage…

They should add a menu where you can select buff priority and a new option that let the game work as it currently does or follows the priority list if checked.

Just have the whole list of buffs available in the game displayed in said menu, have an option to list them by order of priority by dragging them up or down so that when you’re done configuring the list, if a new buff is casted the lowest one will be deleted instead, or if said buff is worse than everything make it not stick at all.


Anyone can make compilation all buff each class has and stated self buff or party buff (im lazy to do that). First row only please

Some buff will eventually become useless and not worth to use. I dont think people has problem with buff limit anymore with recent update.

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I like the lock idea too, I just think there needs to be something in place to protect our own self-cast buffs. I don’t mind any solution that allows it tbh.

I love Thaum and having a high duration Transpose will help; unfortunately the buff is not only essential in some circumstances to my build but also long-lasting. Which means as other buffs get cast it will move farther and farther down the list of “old buffs” and will easily be overwritten by someone else.

I would love to just lock it. Or any other method to prevent someone from overwriting it with something less essential to me. In icbt2 this was done by buying a metric ton of Daino Scrolls, which basically turned me into a Krivis for every party I was in. Just to protect my buff slot I shouldn’t have to be responsible for supplying every party with infinite Dainos just so that I can cast my full buff cycles without having someone overwrite the buff I need the most in some situations.

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