Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Buff limit

I always forget Transpose is a Rank1 buff because it really feels like it should be a Rank2 buff.


I get confused about what’s rank 1 and rank 2 as well. Does anyone have a list of what buffs belong to which ranks so we can get a better view of the situation? Maybe it’s just a matter of moving the ranks around. Like I know Safety Zone is pretty weird as a rank 1 buff.


I agree on safety zone as well. Since I complain often about my Transpose being overwritten… when I full transpose and someone cast safety for the party and I step on it, then promptly off, it will have erased my buff slot. Which is pretty silly. Especially considering that for certain bosses you will have “safe spots” to stand on during certain phases so the whole party is already in that spot. It’s logical for safety zone to be cast but it also means that I end up being forced to stand there now, like “safety prison” instead lol =(

Guys, if you hate the idea of having Krivis in your party so much, just buy a pack of lvl 9-16 diano scrolls and be happy. No buff overwriting, no stress, no problems.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?.. who the hell would hate to have a Krivis in their party LMAO… :neutral_face:

I mean, it’s Krivis main role to maintain party buffs. And all those people who complain about their self buffs replaced by trash buffs should learn to cooperate or invite Krivis into their party. And if they hate Krivis for some reason (or why would they wish to increase buff cap otherwise), then they can simply buy Diano scrolls.

It sounds for me like people complaining that their SP is running out. There are lots of ways to maintain your buffs, so adding locking option would make this ways and need of cooperation much more useless. Let’s implement infinite SP then to avoid buying SP potions. This will definitely help players a lot.\sarcasm

Ein Sof helps supports this case

Also, people should learn to delete buffs that they not needed, while Krivis is buffing. They will safe their buffs and mood, Krivis will do his job and everybody will be happy and a bit professional.

Yeah, just like Diano supports buff management case. What I mean, is that mechanic is working this way on purpose. And making “improvements” like buff locking will harm balance making Diano less useful.

And I’m not even Krivis player to say so. I would like to play C3 Krivis, but melstis has very limited uses yet. So I’ll strongly oppose the sugestions that will make Krivis even less universal.

And finally, as @Necrover9000 said, you can simply delete all the buffs you don’t need.

As a Priest main I don’t like being pidgeon-holed into Krivis for Daino, especially since I plan to PVP and all of Krivis skills are questionable for PVP compared to other options.

Solution is just to carry dem scrolls for parties that need it, and for parties that don’t, actually use buffs when they are needed. I.E. you don’t want to spam Stone Skin every time it is up, you want to use it as a strategic ‘heal’. Same with Revive.

Think about it this way, if you just spammed Heal and Mass Heal every time they were up, people would think you were a terrible healer. Same goes for buffs.

You know Clerics can have 9 buffs now without Daino.And having a Krivis even at C1 with Daino lv 5 will be more than enough to never worry about over writting buffs.

And for the SP problem you describe

It was not problem, it was sarcasm, btw.
Also I know diano level 5 is more then enough in most cases, so I hope higher ranks will have even more buffs.

I like buff limits.
Besides, i intend to put daino lvl 15, so … don’t mess up with my build. u.u


I think you misunderstood.

Daino is meant to increase the buff limit.

My Transpose lasts 1min and, as the oldest lasting buff, will be overwritten before then almost guaranteed. Even if it is the only buff I cast in a party environment (which wouldn’t make sense because as a Thaum I can bring L + R + Head swells too).

The complaint is that specific spells, very important self buffs, shouldn’t be able to be overwritten when someone else casts a random party buff. Whether this is by a lock of some kind or whether the spell is moved to a secondary slot I don’t mind. I fully support the buff limit and I don’t think it should be higher.

I just feel that some buffs that people cast on themselves shouldn’t be allowed to be overwritten so easily. Having done the whole “buy Daino scrolls out the @$%” in icbt2 I can tell you that it is not a cost efficient means to simply protect my important buff. The end-result is, sure, the buff slot is protected that way because I’ve given the party several more slots to use, but the idea that someone can remove the buff I NEED by accident or intentionally is not acceptable. I cast the buff because I want that buff, not because I want someone to replace it with their Reflect Shield. I’m sure you may have a very important buff as well that you don’t want to be overwritten when a Sorc brings a cat and eats 4/5 buff slots on you.

Limits are good, it prevents users from casting everything all the time. And because it gives Daino a purpose and a very useful effect. But it shouldn’t be the only way to prevent very important buffs from being overwritten.


The buff limit, as it has been noted before, gives buffs some choice and consequence beyond “STACK THEM ALL!!!111one! ALL THE BUFFS!!”

There have been scenarios where the implementation of the current system is a stinking disaster, though. The sorcerer’s familiar spell springs to mind. One spell occupying five buff slots and no functional freedom to choose which effects go on whom, besides allocating more or less skill points.

Or at least, this was true last closed beta. Maybe they’ve cleaned it up?

sorc servant buffs now is secondary so they doesn’t take any buff slots

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I’ve understood you pretty well.

Diano is meant not to increase limit of useless buffs you can stack, but indirectly increases the number of useful buffs you can actually have.

Your important self buffs won’t be overwritten if you have high enough buff limit(use Diano). This way no matter how much useless spells are cast, you won’t lose any of important/unimportant effects.

It may not be the cost efficient ways to protect your buffs, but it is the only way besides having Krivis in your party. The idea that someone can remove your important buff by accident IS acceptable, because it’s all about cooperation. If you have 7 buff limit you can just cancel all unnecesary buffs that are newer then Transpose. And yeah, Diano scrolls and buff cancelling IS a hard way. The easy(and efficient) way is having Krivis in your party.

So, you have 4 ways to protect important buffs:

  1. Invite Krivis in your party - the easiest and the cheapest.
  2. Cancel unimportant buffs immediately when they appear - the hardest way, because you have to always pay attention to your buff bar, but still it costs you nothing.
  3. Ask your party mates to NOT use unimportant buffs when your are in party. If that Sorcerer buff immediately eats 4 buff slots then ask sorcerer to not use it while you are transposed. It is also a hard way and require a lot of cooperation (that’s why some classes aren’t great to play with random parties, but they excell in well cooperated parties).
  4. Buy Diano scrolls. It’s easy but expensive way to guarantee your buffs won’t be replaced.

Yet I agree that buffer classes like Thaumaturge need to have an attibute that will increase buff limit by 1 or 2 to match swordsmen/clerics. This way they won’t suffer so much from accidental buff wave from your party.

Locking buffs will make Diano unimportant, because you can just lock all the important buffs for your class and unimportant buffs can be dropped anyway. While other classes in your party will lock on other important buffs, so everyone will get what he wants w/o using a Diano. And this is truly not acceptable.

I think you won’t complain that you can’t heal if you have no healer in your party? So why complain if you have no buff manager? This is how mechanics work in this game, making every class very important, so you have to chose the few most important for you. If you want stable buffs: go Krivis. More heal and resurrection: go Priest. Lower CD and various utility: go Dievdirby. It’s all about choosing your support.

The same applies for mages: If you want to maximize your stats, then go Linker C3, if you want more damage, then Thaum is your choice (he grants up to 1000 magic damage to your mages in total), want to be able to reset ally’s CD’s: go Chronomancer. All those mechanics are super strong and super important. So why buff managing ability should be less important?

It should be essential to keep all your important buffs on or suffer, if you don’t have it. And it can even be obtained w/o really including Krivis in your party, because Diano scroll has quite long duration. Just use it for hard battles when you really need this and ask your teammates to avoid casting unnecesary buffs when fighting small fries.

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You can lock items on the inventory screen why not extend that lock or make one similar to be able to work on buffs as well? So you essentially “lock” it in place to not be over written until it’s timer is complete. That shouldn’t be too hard to code.

The better option I’ve seen people suggest is to have an options section where you can prioritize what buffs will override what. This is harder to do but would be really ideal. This plus the new increase in buff limit should be pretty good until we get a bunch more buffs from other ranks.


This changes shouldn’t be implemented not because it’s hard to code, but because it will indirectly make Krivis much less useful. I explained it in my previous posts. But I agree about 1-2 buff limit increase attribute for mage buff based classes. But actually thaumaturge is the only one with it’s 4 very important buffs.

I disagree with Derael and agree with Raven about having a lock on buffs to secure their spot on your primary buff bar.I don’t see how Krivis would be less useful and I read your mountain of texts and still don’t see it your reasoning valid imo.If you have a Krivis in your party the odds of them having Daino in their build is high,so if they would use Daino the buff lock system wouldn’t be needed in that situation.

With Daino at a respected skill level you wouldn’t need to worry about the buffs so much.I don’t think you understand how Daino works,it increase the buff limit of allies and yourself in the party.

For example,If I lock my 9 buffs because I got a limit of only 9 buff on my character,so then how would Daino be less useful if it was use in that scenario?If anything it would help me get more buffs from other players because my buff limit from 9 would be increase.Because of Daino the lock system would be inactive thanks to the buff cap increase until somehow you get more buffs than your your new cap limit with Daino.

That idea of Raven was purpose a while back and I hope the dev team sees that the feature can really help most of us.

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John

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