Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Buff limit

If SZ is Safety zone, That skill you can’t make into a simony scroll as far as i know.
There used to be many skill, but the list shrinks.

aw i saw old skills list @_@

I didnt know you were a cheater, Gweny! lol

Attributes are fine to n extent, but passive skills would reduce the active skill clutter (lots of useless skills) and provide diversity.

Some attributes make sense, for example pumping gold to increase the damage of a single ability, but many buffs would be better placed as passives and some attributes as well. No reason a 2ND rank class should get bonus critical or critical damage essentially foe free.

Yeah, i think some buffs could work as passives triggered by some sort of skill or action(?)(critical hits, dots, etc…) and run for some time (which can have its time increased by level or attribute).

I don’t understand buffs like SZ that are on the primary buff part :confused:

If you wanna play a buffer priest then take 1 circle of krivis to enhance your buff limit from 5 to 10… I think is 10 with just 1 circle (people will love you in party, I will invite you to party just for that actually xD). Now I think it is not there just to annoy people, it is retric damage so the game won’t be too easy since buffs really change your damage.

Potion buff from alche also count as buff at 1st row ? or its at 2nd buff row ?

The funny thing is that I think I would take Krivis anyway for Zalciai. I just don’t like that Priests are kinda forced to either take a class or pay for scrolls when they already have to pay for items to cast skills.

Btw Priest itself is a buffer class… even if you take less buffs you are still limited with that 5 buff limit and you won’t have too much space to get some buff from other cleric classes you choose or from other party members. Also if you want to use Aspersion or Monstrance but NOT for buffing it will still overwrite your buffs.

Not to mention Chaplain who has even more buffs + Safety Zone and it already has a fixed route till rank 5…so it’s quite bad to expect them to take Krivis to make their route even more fixed… …and yeah as I said maybe I would still take Krivis for other things… I just wouldn’t want everybody to take the same route… X)

Anyway even raising the basic buff limit to 7 for everyone like swordman would help a lot… or even if just Priests or Chaplains would get some help would be fine… but anyway I find this 5 buff limit extremly…limiting…

I’m thinking a lot about Simony too btw…my other problem with Daino scrolls is that Simony is kinda messed up… there is a lot of problem with it…and I’m kinda worried about it…and as it was excluded from arenas it can be excluded from other parts of the game…so I don’t feel like I can build on it yet.


I think the point here is that you don’t need to take all the buffs, for example, Monstrance is really useless in my experience, stone skin is situational (a nice skill, but not a must). Last Rites and Aspergillum are second level buffs (correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure about it). Actually if you like buffers, I think you should go something like this it is pretty much the 1 of the option that I will try for my PVE healer.

What. What did you just say? What did this guy just say?

Monstrance is a amazing stat boost for only 1 skill point unless it has recently changed without my knowledge.

Nope…they are not unfortunately.

Depends on the build. I will be SPR based…so Stone Skin will be my “evasion” but for Dex builds there is Monstrance…and I don’t think they wouldn’t want to keep that up as much as possible to get hit less…and also get more crit.

Nope… Good buff for DEX characters and it is a good debuff for an SPR based Priest…( the only problem with the debuff is that horrible animation delay )
…so I would actually use both Stone Skin and Monstrance even though I won’t need the Monstrance buff myself…

…and then there is Aspersion what is also good already with 1 point on it but even with max level it isn’t rly worth to let it take a buff slot…unless there are enough open buff slots anyway.

Monstrance is just nice for early levels, once you reach 150+ it becomes useless since monsters have too much accuracy and the dex buff is insignificat at that level. I don’t really like the Spr build but it is aceptable. Aspercio is a filler since it was between monstrance and aspercio and based on def stats, I rather aspercio for high lvls since mosntrance won’t work.

It gives +30%+10 DEX if I remember right…it will never be insignificant for a DEX character…

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Formula: (1.3*Dex)+10, it means you are buffing just members build with dex, any other player outside that construction won’t recive any increase, well, it probably make sense if you have a party full dex (no mages, no other builds accepted) but most of time you will have diversity in your team so you can go and buff them all or buff 1 or 2 players while give nothing to others, in any case if you want it so bad you can take just lvl 1 since the buff is the same at any level. Another importan thing is that monstrance doesn’t add damage and the def reduction is insignificant, so if you already have a char doing critics on mobs you won’t add anything to it.

I thought the Dex bonus depended on Spr! My Paladin Str/Spr is screwed. :sob:
I can still do something with Zalciai, or change the stat distribution…

I said this in my icbt2 review thread but it’s worth mentioning again here.

I strongly feel that this is the needed change to the buff system: Self-cast buffs should not be overwritten by a party member.

Done. That’s all. Leave the 5 limit, it makes Daino very useful and adds values to pardoners as well.

So, here is how the simple change can make ALL the difference.

Let’s say you cast a pretty important buff on yourself. Maybe this affects the party, or just you, or just helps with your gameplay style or whatever. The point is that you freaking love this buff and you’ve invested points into making it worthwhile. So you cast the buff (as a Thaumaturge this would be me casting “Transpose” for instance, a vital buff in specific situations); one buff slot is then consumed and you have 4 remaining buff slots.

Buffs are given a priority on a casting order of sorts. If this was your first buff then it is in the far left slot. As more and more buffs are stacked via party members or yourself this buff becomes outdated and subject to falling off prematurely. So let’s say you have all the buff slots balanced now and you’re wrecking face. All is well. Some random wizard casts his lvl1 Reflect Shield…

In the current system your oldest buff is erased to make room for the newest buff. This means your vital buff has just been overwritten by a trash buff. Your buff may not even be able to be cast for another minute or more as well. It’s not entirely the other person’s fault: he may have had 2 active buff slots and having another buff, however meager, isn’t a bad thing for him… but he has made you far weaker or more vulnerable now.

In the suggested system, though, your buff is YOUR buff. This cannot be “touched” by another player. This buff slot is marked internally as “hey, this is my spell slot, it can’t be overwritten by someone else.” In the suggested system what would happen when the other wizard cast his Reflect Shield would be that the oldest buff that was not self-cast would be subject to being overwritten. Meaning, the oldest party buff that someone else gave you would be over-written.

Both systems require communication to be effective. In neither system would you be able to over-stack without an active Daino. But in the suggested change we would see buffs that are essential to how a character fundamentally operates being spared from premature termination. The buff you may be receiving may actually be amazing but it shouldn’t force out your essential class self-buffs to make room for what someone else feels will be helpful.

I don’t know if anyone has thought about it but i think the most simple solution would be to click over the buff (at the buff bar) that you want to keep (something like ctrol+click) to “lock” the buff till its end, so its slot can’t be removed from other buffs casted after it. Doing the same another time would unlock this state. In order to show us it is locked i would put something, like a padlock icon, somewhere over the buff.

In the case of self-buffs you could do exactly the same thing in your skills menu (Ctrl+click over the skill image to lock) so every time you cast it, it would be already locked to save time. The lock would only be aplied to you, the rest of people should do the previous option (ctrl+click over the buff bar) in order to lock it. Also you could have in your action bar the two options, with or without lock so you could choose betwen both of them,… :slightly_smiling:


About daino scrolls. There were talks about redoing [simony] SPECIFICALLY because daino scrolls devalued krivis. Unless something has changed, IMC wants krivis to be THE buff limit answer and not daino scrolls.

Until now though (unless there is some place in the internet that holds such information) there hasn’t been any updates on what exactly they want to do with simony (which is why I’m so torn about the cleric …).

Anyway, you would think priests get the buff limit buff.

Best solution so far and it will keep Krivis roll in game, I like it. GOOD JOB!!! @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_J you must read this.