Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Buff limit

About Daino scroll
The attribute from the pardoner maker will also include on scroll they make ? or the duration just basic duration from the skill that is 200s ?

and if i use daino scroll in party, it’ll will be party buff or just for me ?

I can’t say anything for sure…but as I know the scroll itself does not include the attribute…so anybody who doesn’t have the attribute will cast it with the basic duration… but if you have the attribute it affects the scroll…and that’s somewhat good for those who only have c1 Krivis for example… because they can cast a higher lvl scroll with the extended duration.

I have no idea about the second one but I assume it’s still like the original skill so a party buff…but dunno.

@nando20xx Yes that would be a solution too for some but Priests would still suffer a bit…X) Maybe a limited 3rd row where your self buffs and your own buffs would go would be good but that would need some limit so mostly clerics wouldn’t grab all the buffs on lvl 1. Anyway there are so many ways to tweak it a bit… I hope they reconsider the buff system someday.

Yeah, i want to tweak it but the more i think and try to find it the more it become messy, other thing with my idea is, it would increase the amount of buff for some (around 5-7 more depeding on class) which it is not what we want, well at least i don’t.

Not a biggie to me.
Yeah my buffs have been overwritten but this is typically swiftstep or gung ho lol, rank 1 buffs.

This game already makes early rank damage skills be less significant, this feels like a way of phasing out early rank buffs. Keep the strongest on instead of throwing up everything.


One of the best.

But i dunno, does everyoen in party gets the crit bonus.
I tought onyl the evade and movement speeds gets shared?

I’d assume everyone gets it, you have the atribute and are the caster after all. The atribute weirdness happens with scrolls but otherwise everyone should get it.

Well, I played a sorc wich mean that I have 5 buffs just for that class (cat skill) and I also used to lvl up with friends (inlcuding priest and wuwusgi) and I managed to keep the buffs that I wanted while removing the other ones… of course most of party members were respectful about buffs, they move a bit to buff them self and when they didn’t I just removed the unwanted buff and move a bit to rebuff myself so no, I didn’t see any problem with the 5 buffs limit, and when you get a krivis is nice to see the increase, so I will keep the limit and I hope IMC do the same.

The Summon Servant skill aka the “cat buff” from the Sorc is a secondary skill which goes under the second buff bar,that is why you don’t really have any buff problems…You can have unlimited buffs on the secondary bar btw…

It was changed after the release, in CBT it was a primary buff that overwritte other buffs (known because priest complained about the cat overwritting his buffs when I used it by 1st time).

On our version (International) it was on the limited line indeed. But since they changed that on the KR Release we might get that as well here, which is good, sorc don’t have to worry about overwriting other’s buff, except Fire Enchant if the player get Pyro in it.

But why bring it up in this thread in your argument if they change it.Furthermore,I knew it was on the primary buff bar first then was changed to the secondary bar.

To make everyone happy just allow scrolls in arenas (we already can use potions so why not) or boost the limit (ONLY for arenas) and take off the overwrite buff system.If your at your max you can longer get buffs unless you X one or more off your buff bar yourself.Buying scroll will cost silver but it will help Pardoners with their cash flow and give us what we need without taking away the value of Daino from Krivis.You want to save your silver then get a Krivis in your party or if your in the Cleric path pick Krivis in your build.

Edit:Make some restrictions for scrolls in areas like Barrier and Cure.

I don’t think allowing scrolls in arena is a good solution. I don’t want it to be mandatory for you to buy all the available scrolls for pvp so you aren’t behind on useful buffs compared to your enemy.


It is nice that you could do that but you couldn’t convince me that it is good like that… :smile:

But thinking of it and speak as a Priest again… Actually longer buff durations could also help because then yeah i can imagine ppl getting my buffs then moving away to remove what they don’t need then we would still have time before the next buff round… but that would kill the Priest gameplay that you actually have to do something while playing… so I would still raise the base buff limit instead and reduce Daino lvl…and I think you would still have some buff managing and buff removing like that so it would be just fine for everyone.

@Loztchild He just told that he could manage those buffs even like that with the 5 buff limit.

@Val I didn’t think of that…yeah it wouldn’t be too good… even with the few scrolls we have there would be problems.

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True… no monopoly to money grumming for pardoners…

And debuff people that enter pvp too.

Nasty buffs that stick around for half and hour and longer… are avaible with alche/ squire/ etc.

But then again… they don’t even clear the battlefield of lasting aoe and traps…

Well I’m sure pvp will have changes to it as they intend to work on the balance as staff_john said also I think it was released as ‘alpha’ in ktos so it seems like it’s in an early state.

There is no point in letting other classes use some cleric skills in pvp it just doesn’t make any sense. Clerics would be a lot less useful and unique when everyone could cast a heal or a safety zone in arena. (I don’t really like the whole thing in pve either cause I’d prefer cleric being the only one who is able to use their skills.)[quote=“Tomazelli, post:30, topic:136969”]
And btw, they said a long time ago that they plan on removing simony scrolls
I hope this is true and I hope they will, bring something else for pardoners in exchange.

I never said I like this any better than that for pvp, any bonuses gained before entering the arena shouldn’t be available to use in my opinion. However everyone to be able to use certain skills is a lot more problematic. Then again yes they could make restrictions on scrolls, but what is the point of that seriously? It’s just not a good approach. It could work but I’m 100% sure they can come up with a better solution. I mean what scrolls would be ok and what wouldn’t, where goes the line of too strong and acceptable?

I wonder if a cleric have a SZ scroll
After using their own SZ and when it in cooldown, can they use SZ again with the scroll ? or it shared the same cooldown ?

Skill scrolls have unique cooldowns so u can’t use that same skill scroll again for ( typically the skill CD time )
I only know because i used to consume a lot of Aukras scrolls alongside the skill myself, so i could alternate when one is on CD.

wow thats nice
have 2 SZ :slightly_smiling: