Tree of Savior Forum

DEX vs STR debate

I disagree, well, half disagree i believe archer 1 quarrel shooter c2 (for stone shot 7 second stun) scout for stealth rogue c2 and musk for burst is the best ranger pvp build

Tbh im still not sure. Compare 2 builds:

Base stats: 500 str 250 dex rank 8
Total stats(rank bonus): 900 str 250 dex (remember, if you use stat points on a stat>500, its effect is twice as effective.)


Base stats: 250 str 500 dex rank8
Total stats(rank bonus): 450 str 500 dex

Tbh i havent done the math yet, but I personally think the first one is better.

Sometimes the first one will be better, sometimes it won’t be. The data has been fairly clearly laid out in the sheet linked above.

Can u give me the link to the sheet? Its horrible to navigate the doc sheet on tos forums and I cant seem to find a way to get the link.

@satomitakashi For 3:1 Str/Dex planning to go F3, I think for sure A2 instead of A3 would be more reasonable. Going A3 for Twin Arrows when A2 already provides Heavy Shot, lvl 10 Swift Step for 25% crit chance/full up-time, and lvl 5 KS, is a waste of a circle since Fletcher skills far out-damage Twin Arrows. The difference between lvl 5 KS and lvl 10 KS is negligible as well since it stacks additively rather than multiplicatively. Rank 5 KS formula comes out to Phys+(15+Dex), whereas lvl 10 comes out to Phys+(52+Dex). Assuming 250 Dex and 900 phys for arbitrary numbers, the difference between lvl 5 and lvl 10 is only 37 total dmg, with +23 range and +292 attack speed. Though since we’re assuming F3 rank 7, skill spamming is your forte rather than auto attacking, so again we’ll ignore the range and attack speed for now.

TL;DR A2 with a 3:1 Str/Dex distribution planning for F3 is for lvl 10 Swift Step with the 25% crit rate to make up for low crit rate, lvl 10 Multi, and lvl 5 Heavy. Going A3 is a waste. Since I had already gone 3:1 Str/Dex R3, re-speccing to full Dex made more sense.

As for R3, I feel it was worth it for me because lvl 15 Barrage with lvl 50 attribute dmg is still one of my go-to’s. It hits in a wide cone, drawing bigger aggro and doing lots of dmg for a relatively low SP cost with 3 overheat, whereas Xfire only hits in that cross, and Magic Arrow is a tiny AoE. Don’t get me wrong, MA is still my highest dmging spell, but for solo mobbing, the rotation is Bounce/Oblique to draw aggro, Steady Aim, put down an MA where the melee mobs will be grouped once they reach you, then 3x Barrage. That takes care of most groups of 8+ in 4 dmg spells. In a dungeon/party setting where you have Pelts and Linkers to group mobs into a tiny circle, MA will be your bread and butter, but Barrage afterwards is less SP intensive than maxed Xfire that has 0 cd, and is easily spammable to blow your whole SP bar. Don’t get me wrong, Xfire it still great, just easy to burn out on.

The other notable skill from R3, Spiral Arrow, is immensely useful for single target with 6 hits, the potential crit dmg can go up to 60k+ for me right now at 226. Ghosts that are immmune to Barbed, and mobs with plate armor, which only take 1 shot instead of 2-3 with leather/cloth mobs, go down to Spiral Shot almost immediately. As for lvl 15 Steady Aim, the nerf we got to it in iToS is heavy, reducing it’s duration to 10 seconds from 20, but is incredibly useful for high burst when I do have it available. Because I have low base dmg with no str and full dex, +20% total attack is more useful to me than the 25% crit from A2, whereas the opposite is true of more str prioritized builds.

@Reilet I guess I came off as defensive since I perceived your comment as condescending, as if I didn’t know any better. But I get what you mean when people don’t think critically for themselves and take anything they see in a spreadsheet as law.

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No worries. I’m not here to fight with people. Only to help with information.

For specific builds you will have to do a little more work with the spreadsheet to find out how it works with yours. Otherwise, do what dmhamilt said.

Please refer to this thread. This will answer (almost) all of your questions about the STR vs DEX debate (pvp not included)

I have 110 Dex and 2x 22 from Green Gems. So that’s a total of 154 Crit Rate. How much Crit % is that at level 280?

Roughly 22% crit rate

For 30, 35 and 40 % Crit how much Dex would you need?

Btw this is for Swordies.

What level?

At level 280 (this is universal) (1 crit rate = 1 DEX) (Archers has a bonus of Level/5)

-30% is 200 crit rate
-40% is 267 crit rate

This is assuming no crit resistance, so it will be higher if you factor that in.

Crit formula is (Your crit rate - Monster crit resist) * 42/(Your level).” i guess just copy and paste and you will be fine

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What is W.Atk and what is Base Damage? Little confused.

Weapon attack, and I’ve been using base damage as a term for the number you have before you do all the fancy stuff like monster defense or critical.

Spiral Arrow, is immensely useful for single target with 6 hits, the potential crit dmg can go up to 60k+ for me right now at 226.

The damage of Spiral Arrow cannot be that high. I think the correction will be 6K. 60K is way too much. It will kill any elite mob with just 1 shot.

I am at the same lvl as you. With DEX build, I dealt around 11-13K damage with Spiral Arrow.

The damage per shot on my 179 ranger c3> rogue>scout was 1.5k to 6.5k per shot, depending on my buffs, enemy armor type, enemy ground or flying. I can see that damage with a heavy STR build + +5 ~ +10 good base attack bow. Remember that every single sipral arrow hit got the damage bonus from buffs (blessing, aspers., sacrament, bonus elemental dmg), like mult shot do for ex. Plus, if one critical, all of the hits critical too.

what is better for a2>qs3>falconer>cannonner
full dex , full str or hybrid???

All Cannon abilities favor DEX>STR, since their base damage is very high. Problem is, auto attacks doesn’t favor DEX that much, so if you’re going to turret shooting fron kneeling - yes, its worth going full dex.

thanks, but if i going falconer>musq 1:1 its fine??

I’d say its fine. You mostly can’t ruin your build going hybrid stats. Going pure DEX or pure STRi s only for ppl that have some clear thoughts on what are they doing. Yes, some min maxers will net more damage with their min maxing build, but as hybrid you’ll be of most of the time.

Agree with this. Going full dex only if the skill your going to spam has a HIGH BASE DAMAGE if not go hybrid.