Tree of Savior Forum

DEX vs STR debate

What level?

At level 280 (this is universal) (1 crit rate = 1 DEX) (Archers has a bonus of Level/5)

-30% is 200 crit rate
-40% is 267 crit rate

This is assuming no crit resistance, so it will be higher if you factor that in.

Crit formula is (Your crit rate - Monster crit resist) * 42/(Your level).

“” i guess just copy and paste and you will be fine

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What is W.Atk and what is Base Damage? Little confused.

Weapon attack, and I’ve been using base damage as a term for the number you have before you do all the fancy stuff like monster defense or critical.

Spiral Arrow, is immensely useful for single target with 6 hits, the potential crit dmg can go up to 60k+ for me right now at 226.

The damage of Spiral Arrow cannot be that high. I think the correction will be 6K. 60K is way too much. It will kill any elite mob with just 1 shot.

I am at the same lvl as you. With DEX build, I dealt around 11-13K damage with Spiral Arrow.

The damage per shot on my 179 ranger c3> rogue>scout was 1.5k to 6.5k per shot, depending on my buffs, enemy armor type, enemy ground or flying. I can see that damage with a heavy STR build + +5 ~ +10 good base attack bow. Remember that every single sipral arrow hit got the damage bonus from buffs (blessing, aspers., sacrament, bonus elemental dmg), like mult shot do for ex. Plus, if one critical, all of the hits critical too.

what is better for a2>qs3>falconer>cannonner
full dex , full str or hybrid???

All Cannon abilities favor DEX>STR, since their base damage is very high. Problem is, auto attacks doesn’t favor DEX that much, so if you’re going to turret shooting fron kneeling - yes, its worth going full dex.

thanks, but if i going falconer>musq 1:1 its fine??

I’d say its fine. You mostly can’t ruin your build going hybrid stats. Going pure DEX or pure STRi s only for ppl that have some clear thoughts on what are they doing. Yes, some min maxers will net more damage with their min maxing build, but as hybrid you’ll be of most of the time.

Agree with this. Going full dex only if the skill your going to spam has a HIGH BASE DAMAGE if not go hybrid.

Just started playing so what stat build should I do for PvE?

Assuming you’re an archer or a swordsman:
Some con, then lots of strength. If you die too much, more con.
Outside of some edge cases that’ll work.

My planned build is A3 Q3 Scout1 - for field farming and pvping.

I want to build my character around running shot and kneeling. Need advice on what build should I go. I am at lvl 80 and so far I have been going 1:1 STR DEX.

But now I am confused if I should keep spending points equally or should I go more for something like 1:2 STR DEX or 1:3 even… Please help I have 30 unspent points:D

So what most people would say is more str then dex 2 :1 is kinda the general agreement. There is mah showing certain classes benifit more then others when it comes to dex or str. Musk ,cannon sklls are high dmg and benifit more from dex for crits. Low dmg skills tend to e more on str. For kneeling it comes down to how much you do use it honestly. Im more of a 1 :2 build to dex a2 qs3 falc musk .so it kinda comes down to you. Str is good early once you get a good wep and + it to like 10dex starts to be more viable. Most saystr of dex and slot green crit rate gems

There was no such specific general agreement. What everyone agreed upon is that any ratio would be fine as the difference between pumping either more STR or more DEX is close to negligible in most cases.

But of course, those who knows how to min-max with their builds can have noticeable more DPS than just doing randomly thought stat ratio distribution like for example, a 1:3 Rogue will never outdps a pure STR Rogue because of Sneak Hit. Or how a 1:3 Wugushi will never outdps a pure STR Wugushi because poison doesn’t crit.

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The thing is you are talking about the 1:2 str/dex from the cannoner and musk perspective where you have high burst skills. With my build a3 q3 and scout all i really have is autoattacks with running and kneeling and multishot so no high burst skills. Therefore I am really confused with the stats.

What I am also confused is that kneeling shot is giving at lvl 10 (52dmg + DEX). If i didn’t stack dex at all woundt i get the same dmg on kneeling shot just from stacking str ? So in the end dmg with kneeling shot would be the same no matter if i stacked dex or str or I am missing somehting ?

Dex would provide evasion tho…

Kneeling with STR will lead to basicaly same DMG but with more Crit Power, but far less crit chance, so kneeling favors DEX over STR heavily.

Is animation cancel still possible with kneeling shot like in this video ?

If not then using kneeling shot with running shot would make me actually slower than easy to pull of animation cancel with running shot alone… So if it doesn’t work anymore I would just go high str build… without kneeling

I use mouse mode and just hold down a directaional key to ani cancel in kneeling

And what rain said about kneeling just comes down to what you want. average dmg with consant crits to pick it up or average dmg and random dmg spikes in big crits.
It comes out about the same though. But if you will want to be more mobile you will take str most likely only do heavy dex if you plan on camping in kneeling a lot more then average running.