Tree of Savior Forum

Details on the Founder's Server and Regional Servers

No, no I believe you of course.
But yea maybe it was more due to CBT2 server lags than the overall connection.

I used wtfast too… But I would have prefered a closer server that’s all, in the end getting a 10$ subscribtion at wtfast or giving 10$ to imc for better server, I would have chosen the later.

Don’t be discouraged guys. In fact, I encourage everyone from all the other regions to keep playing especially when this thing comes out for free. The more people playing in the region, the better the chances of IMC opening up a regional server. If they don’t open something up, then you aren’t going to lose anything. You wouldn’t have to invest and you still got to play a great game (albeit a bit laggy). It’s going to be okay guys. We can manage to still persuade IMC to make regional servers.


My thought exactly, i told my friend to wait to see if there will be a EU server before taking the founder’s pack,i know that lag can kill the fun in a game. But they were most definitely willing to buy one.

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Just wait and see patiently for now …and hope for the best


It’s really a shame! But oh well, I tried giving IMC a chance even with tons of disappointment after playing both CBT2 and kOBT. I’m also against this server transfer BS since it will taint new healthy servers with capped, overgeared players who will obviously dominate as they have the edge over new players. This is really the last straw. Dropping the game, will only reconsider if IMC fixes every single mistake they are doing. Though that is really most unlikely seeing how they are hungry for westerner’s $$$.

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Like i said b4, they just give % not a solid number.
50% of 2000 is not a big number to make a whole new server you know?
Just wait until F2P base, then i’m pretty sure they will open regional server.

This game tricks you a lot - clients starts to draw an action before get response from server in most cases (like moving, jumping, attacking, etc). But 300ms ping is noticeable when you try to dodge some attacks and still got hit or if you drink a potion and it applies with a somewhere big delay.

I didn’t say it at all.
I just say 100-200 ping much better than my 250-300 ping.

I don’t know for sales, but for installation, according to steamspy we’re @ 150k installs (will most likely reach 200k on the release date)

Ya, that number can be seen on steamdb too.
But nobody know the number of EA pack be bought, just IMC and steam.

Not a cookie, but a priests hat.

He’s preaching the gospel and requesting us to trust IMC with blind faith.


Haha! Thank you :smiley: noms on cookie

carries on with what I’m doing

I bet his class in game will be PriestC3. I hope his blind faith will pay off for him.

You wan’t a cookie aswell?

No wonder you talk out of your behind. You never even reached levels where the ping makes the most difference and to boot you played a class that didn’t even rely on low ping. You didn’t do any PvP or any of the hard content at all. Makes perfect sense why you’ve been so toxic all along since you were screwed from the get go.

That picture is from CBT 1, did u ever try to level up in CBT 1?
Call other toxic when u don’t know anything at all.
Such lel, much sense.
And did you say Archer didn’t rely on low ping.
What the actual fk?

Nah man I need anti-depressants soon. Good thing is with the refund I can afford them now.

######I’m joking.


Yeah, those news about the lack of even a single european server certainly doesn’t make me want to get the strongest Founder pack like I wanted at first.
Probably the lowest one at best (wait for F2P at worst), but that’s a big shame. A lot of people from various regions were waiting on some details, and it’s a shame you think only NA deserve some servers.

Hope you reconsider it, and not when it’s too late to make the game a bigger success. Still, best of luck with your american launch.
(Hope you make the chat english only until there’s some region specific servers too btw)


Wish I could report you twice for trying to get around the curse filter. I also pretty much said nothing about archers. Whose post are you reading this time troll?

I played in iCBT2 and reached level 200. It was hard as balls but I actually reached levels where ping makes a difference and played a class that relies on low ping to perform well.

You? You played a cleric and installed adware on your computer and provide nothing but annoying replies to people on the forum with nothing helpful or insightful. You act like a kid on a sugar high and expect everyone to take you seriously.


Haha, played a cleric, annoying replies, nothing helpful or insightful.
I do whatever i can to help the community, not go around and beg for server.