Tree of Savior Forum

Details on the Founder's Server and Regional Servers

IMC didn’t make an EU server because not enough EU players brought the Founders pack.

EU Players didn’t buy the founders pack because IMC didn’t make an EU Server.

Can you see the mirror in the statements? :slight_smile:

Hoping my statement gets trend copy pasted ad nausium to be honest to get the point across!


More like it’s unfortunate that there are people like you. I don’t mind not spending at all, it’s just a disappointment I’ll get over. I’m enjoying PSO2 JP anyways.

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Just a note?

How can an EU server which 44% of the purchases would enjoy.
Not sustain itself xD?

Just a question?




That’s solemnly your opinion.

I don’t think an EU server needs an EU based staff at all. It can be managed entirely remotely, because the NA server is managed entirely remotely. Even WoW started off with EU servers but no local EU community managers, until later when the game grew.

As far as I understand not even the entire IMC staff are even located in America, only a few are. They have some located in Korea, some in America and they are in constant communication with them.

This would explain the speed of which communication is given to us and why it is very hard work for a certain active Julie on these forums.

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that data is pointless dude, i mean it is raw data, they don’t even group the EU and SEA but separate in many parts, that is ■■■■■■■ eye powder come on…

But yea sure, f2p data would be way more interesting, but it means that we must wait and hope (or pray or whatever) that they will look this data when time will come, who know if they will ?

i dunno it looks like that’s too much uncertain bullshit to pay 50 bucks…

Interesting data would also have been, revenue/region.
Since EU is often like the milking cow on steam with those expensive euro prices…


Yep, some guys are missing that if they don’t open a server for the 25% of EU/Russian players, why would they do it later ? Like, when there will be 75% of EU/Russian players ? :joy:
Especially when there were 4 servers during iCBT2…

Moremoreover giving ONE piechart never proved anything… Come on guys, that’s too big. Don’t make us believe that you’re decision is based on this one chart :stuck_out_tongue:

The casual that I am would have loved to play with you but, of course, I totally support the fact that you, SEA players, should be acknowledged and have a pacific server !

I would love to play with you too but… hey, I’d rather play with my fellow Europeans using a good liaison rather than with you, friendly North Americans, using a bad one ! Sorry mate :confused:


Cant counterargument because i would have to be there in order to do tracing and pinging. Skeptically, but I will trust your word on it. Going along with that notion, this leaves us with roughly 28-30% of the founder buyers being closer to the EU.
The question still stands: how much % is needed for them to invest in an EU server?

Also if i may ask:

  • Were you part of the cbt? If yes how good/bad was play with 250 ping?
  • Why are you not connecting to the korean servers?

No EU server no money. Refund and wait. Id rather play Darksouls3 in the meantime.

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Very good question. I don’t think they will answer it though, but if they did it would shed a lot of light into the machine that is the MMO ToS International.

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thats kinda tough…of course the sales number is lower in EU cause many people wait for an announcement regarding EU server and not buy a pack at all before knowing that well get one - meaning there wont come any support from said guys after this announcement


The data they presented and their decision making logic have no correlation whatsoever.

1 server fit all for the whole world, lol, just lol

It’s not about %, it’s about a solid number.
I played on both CBT.
I have my gameplay with 250+ ping on my youtube channel.
Stream and play at the same time.
My ping is very decent, smooth and no delay at all.
I don’t have a korea account so i don’t play korea server.
Done with your questions?

Asian population got banned … and it’s all about Founder Packages … so most EU, Russians and Asians couldn’t even buy a founder packages. How about let Kim talk instead of hijacking steering comitee.
You aren’t deciding anything, nor have any influence at all…
If its a global server, then put the server at the cheapest place, aka germany . It dumb to force the server been hosted in USA where it cost twice the cost in Germany. Also Thailland and Philipines has always been the highest community to grow, you are simply cutting your customers base in half.

Now I grow quite tired, because , in 2016, there is no blocking issue to actually host server in multiple areas. So we all agree login server can be hosted in US, but map server has no obligation to be hosted in the same location.

Stop been slow and amateur and host multiple server map on different location of the world. So players will have different ping on different map and PVP station choosen based on maximum performances.

It cost nothing at all and you still maintain a single cluster


I’m more happy if IMC kickstart a project about “we need money to host EU , SEA server” and give backer some tp or cash shop stuffs depends how much they gonna pay

this way IMC will know how much they will get support (and money) from the community thats keep asking about regional servers and people who backed this project will get the confirmation about their servers

but this “pay us first and we might open yours server later” is not a win-win situation , it can back-fired as "lol sorry but there is not enough support so no regional servers, thank you anyway :kissing_heart: "


inb4 2 years will pass before they make a regional server.

Wow I’m surprised you played smoothly with 250+ping…
I was @ 300+ping and often got hit by boss attacks half a screen away…

Good for you anyway i guess… and too bad for me…

Well thats pretty sad.

Idk about how playable 200-250ms ping, but I have currently 300-330 on korean servers and it is awful.

Believe or not, just check my clip on youtube by yourself.
My experience in CBT 1 was very good.
CBT 2 got a bit lag from server side when ther server is too crowed.
I just need a GPN to make my connect stable, then my game back to normal.
My wtfast showed the ping was 60, idk it’s a bug or what but 60 ping from VN to US is illuminati

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Percentages are based on the solid numbers. Its literally the percentages IMC released. I have no idea what you mean by this.

So 250 ping in your opinion does not impact gameplay?