Tree of Savior Forum

Decrease boss health or defense

Hey man. What’s your CS lvl? I still have it at lvl 5. Is worth to have at lvl 10?

Well, I think the solution to your problem is to give bosses resistance to certain debufs. Thus, unlike the title of the post, the amount of life of the boss is hardly problem

I don’t know how people don’t understand how much of an exageration my video is, but there’s meaning behind satire.

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agreed shirika87. If this is what you guys are talking about boring bosses, then no wonder. That’s a bug boss which obviously would be corrected.

Playing for the first time (as Hoplite). All I need to do to defeat them is… Stay in one place, attacking and guarding when necessary.

Even if they are 10 levels above me, there’s no challenge or glory on it.

boss are too easy it should be harder and even more harder in party…

Bosses are the one thing for me thats become a turn off for this game ive only put 8 hours in so far archer (RIP) was a big mistake and thats for another thread. But as a swordsman i still find the bosses to be boring and just overly drawn out circle strafing until it dies and if i want to speed it up though it really doesnt speed it up much at all i have to spam SP pots every 15 seconds until im out and just circle strafe until it dies, the bosses in the very beginning were fun but once you get to the crystal mine area it becomes a long drawn out boring chore of just moving around every now and then and holding down the normal attack key. I wouldnt say adjust their DEF or HP but make the AI a bit more worth while or balance them to a level where they would be harder as a party rather than just tedious all round. I lost interest and dreaded every cutscene so far that introduced a boss after that as it took a good 15 - 20 minutes of just holding the attack key and running around in circles to kill them.

Couple of things to understand:

  • Swordsmen in general right now are unbalanced. Their damage is high, their survivability is high, their risk is low, their upkeep cost is low, which means they function better in every way compared to the other 3 classes. If you’re using a Swordsman and saying/complaining that bosses die fast, that’s because you’re using a chainsaw to slice bread.

  • Bosses in MMOs are almost never truly challenging or engaging. What they are is overpowered to the point where a mistake means you could wipe out. This is still true for all classes in the game except for the aforementioned Swordsmen, who are broken as heck right now so don’t even talk to me about them.

  • Maplestory is one of the most popular games in the world and its bossing is pressing your skill keys as fast as you can while drinking your hotkeyed potions as fast as you can. Be grateful ToS at least requires you to have a brain to deal with its bosses. Yes, circling a boss is dead easy, but don’t tell me you dont dodge those linear AoEs or ground eruption attacks, or lasers, or w/e. That’s already more engaging than half the MMOs out there.

You guys are seriously complaining about “Bosses have too much HP, omg”? How about you party up for it? Cause you know, that’s what everyone in the history of MMOs has done to deal with bosses. 4 heads are 4 times faster than one, right?

I will concede one point; it wouldn’t be too bad to add some more engaging boss mechanics. Games like TERA and Dragon Nest have bosses that employ certain gimmicks that if you don’t follow, result in a total party wipe. Definitely adds a bit of flavor and variety to each run.

But even in a game like that where bosses are legitimately challenging to defeat as a party, let alone solo, I still see kids complaining about how “once you get the gimmick its too easy”. Therefore even if the devs of ToS DO decide to implement more dynamic bosses, I’m sure somebody is still gonna find a reason to complain.


@Takeo +1 Agree with your comment

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I agree with the OP. I’m starting to groan every time a Boss fight comes up because of how long it takes. To be fair, a couple of bosses have been challenging and that’s fine and all, but the vast majority don’t involve much more than strafing around in circles while chipping away at the boss’ health. Giving the boss a ton of health doesn’t necessarily make the fight challenging. As it is now in this current beta build, it makes the fight needlessly long and tedious. I’m currently in the Kvailas Forest and the last 3 boss fights I have done have mostly involved me sitting with my chin in one hand while I lazily dance around the boss’ easily avoidable attacks, slowly auto attacking it down (which leads me into the other major improvement this game could use, addressing the next to no mana regen and lack of useful ways to restore mana in combat, but that’s another issue).

Though if the claims of some of the Highlanders are to be believed in this thread, how much damage are Highlanders putting out if they can 4 or 5 shot bosses? That sounds ridiculous.

I totally agree bro. And I second this. Im fine with boss hp. I think lower down def a lil bit. And by all means pls. Make them bosses a lil smart. Like mobility / like what he said …ai smart. Like RO Baphomet will F**** u up really hard with his rage. Something like that. Not a steady hard steel punching bag hanging there in the middle. Some bosses are great though.

Just an opinion though.

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Out of all the reply here, I realized that we don’t really have to balance the boss, but we need to balance the class instead.

Swordsman is just so powerful that the other 3 classes seems to be pointless.

What you need to fight the boss easily is just to invite a swordsman (highlander etc).

They should make them easier only when soloing, and more difficult when in a party. (but maybe give them better exp/drops in party)


Haha, this just reminds me Ragnarök Battle Offline. When playing with 2 more friends, Bosses have stats tripled (making things insanely fun).

This would solve the problem so much. Even just 25% easier would make it less of an annoyance to be greeted with a boss every 5 minutes.

I still think ta easy

I keep it at lvl 5 homie. 5 seems to be the perfect hinge point…10 is just too long of a charge up time for me honestly. Those points are much better served in Moulinet, Cross Strike, and Skyliner.

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We must be playing a different game then, none of the bosses from lvl 1->50+ can nearly one shot my cleric and the bosses were about 10 lvls higher. The only boss that did decent damage so far was the one from the lvl 50 dungeon (3shot=dead). Although that decent damage already faded away since I gained a few lvls. (Note my cleric had 0 con points added up until lvl 50+).