Tree of Savior Forum

Decrease boss health or defense

The boss is easy, just tedious. It just feels like the boss is having more and more hp + defense with the same pattern. Their growth of hp and defense is just sometimes faster than your growth in attack (or maybe it’s because you grind less in cbt, so you don’t have enough money to upgrade your equipment).

In fact, I think the boss should it is more difficult. The more difficult, more challenging is provided pro game and consequently longer play.

I do not think grace play easy things

Have same feeling. Boss should be more fun. For now its just time waste - tones of hp with almost 0 threat.
They should have more atk, but slower atk rate - so if they hit they hit hard (even ko with some skills), but player will have time to kite most of them. Then bosses can have lower hp/def - to kill them faster, but two mistakes and you are dead.

Bosses are pretty well optimized for swordsman/highlander. The issue is that other classes can’t keep up as efficiently.

Well, I still at level 30, but so far, I think the bosses are ok.

The only thing that bugs me off is that the red marks and the real boss attack have a huge delay.

It should require fast reaction, not just a move at turtle speed ( a.k.a archer moving while attacking)

I remember reading somewhere that attacks get less telegraphed at higher levels, or at least they intend to make it that way.

From what I’ve read (not all), we agree to an extend that:

  1. Bosses are quite easy
  2. Some think they’re too tanky
  3. Some think they’re too weak because some classes can kill it quickly
  4. If you want it fast, go with party (not sure if this solves the ‘easy’ issue)
  5. They’re better than iCBT1

Which I think boil down to 3 things

  • Time: How long does it takes to beat the boss
  • Damage: How many times you can get hit before KO’ed
  • Challenge: How engaged you have to be to beat the boss

First 2 are number tweaking games. It seems Swordsmen have upper hands on this one. Those potion-aholics also have ok time for the most part.

Last one is something IMC is trying to improve since previous iCBT. I’m only lvl 22 Wizard, so I don’t know much. But one silly thing is I can make bon fire in front of bosses and sit around. I think forcing players to destroy totem (like Ghost boss in the mine), or doing screen sweep so players have to jump (like 3F boss in the mine) are nice mechanics. Put pressure on players, not in form of just high damage, but something else.


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IKR, and people are complaining bosses are too easy, they should have seen cbt 1 =,= they dont take our words for it sadly

The problem is not being easy, but boring. Yesterday I drained out my sp (cryomancer) to take ~30% of its HP and had to stay recovering on a corner for almost 5 minutes while my friend allured the boss, but did not much damage because he is a priest. In the end of the battle, both of us wasn’t in danger even one moment during the fight.

Yeah let them avoid AOE attakcs, in that way you kinda need to cooperate with other people so to beat the boss in a reasonable amount of time.

I think they should encourage teamwork, instead of making it easier for solo player.

I agree, I don’t just want to grind through HP, I want to see the monster actually fighting for his life, not just spamming some random skills waiting to be killed

I’m the Cryomancer in this video. Is this enough proof of how boring these battles are?

p.s. I was top 300 in CBT1, so I have quite a bit of experience here.

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? My friend slept regularly, eat regularly, basically your everyday stuff regularly, and he got to level 102 without breaking a sweat. That was in a 18 hours span.

Btw, you all realize that there are damage modifiers in the game right? These apply to bosses as well.

If you are finding a boss is “taking too long” or its “too hard”, then chances are you didn’t come prepared for the fight.

There’s buffs, debuffs, consumables, weapon swaps, different damage bonuses, etc. If you aren’t doing much damage, buff yourself or debuff the boss and then switch to a weapon/element type that the boss is weak against.

You can tell on the screen when you see +50% pop up after you deal damage.

But if you’re just auto attacking and complaining because you can’t steam roll content, then ya sorry, no helping you.

Also, upgrade your gear.

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Congratulations, you have shown us a video of an obviously bugged boss fighting against a set of apparently ill-prepared adventurers. Point proven once more…

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@inguscio_alessandro: Forcing people to group up to deal with non-endgame content is kinda sloppy design. I’d understand if this was like level 400+ content, but this is level 50 content.

@SunBro: I know all about the damage modifiers. Guess what Archer-based classes don’t get access to really because their attacks and skills are almost overwhelmingly pierce-type?

It doesn’t help that an overwhelming number of monsters in this game are weak to slash (which makes them resistant to pierce, apparently). You’d have a point if they let Archers use swords, or really anything besides a bow but they didn’t so I don’t feel it’s a valid statement to bring up when the game is intentionally designed to arbitrarily kill your damage and give you no alternative on the ranged damage classes. The same goes for Wizards, from what I understand, as bosses apparently have a lot of magic defense.

Also, I don’t think anybody finds the bosses “too hard”.

Actually, looking at the video that was posted above, that boss is weak to pierce. I didn’t benefit from pierce damage bonuses on my ranger while fighting from that boss. I don’t think ranged weapons even benefit from the damage modifiers. Nice bug?

@shirika87: “Apparently ill-prepared adventurers” my foot. He’s level 60. That’s above the recommended level for that area. He’s using a level 40 sword. There’re no better weapons until he hits Level 75. He’s about as prepared as he could have been for that fight; likely only room for improvement is his build, but he’s a Peltasta so it’s likely he went more for tanky stats and expected to rely on his team to do damage, but it ends up being that he does the most damage by design.

A Tank and a Wizard-tree specc that everyone knows deals below average damage taking a bit longer on a boss. Hmm… I wonder why.

Most bosses are hard, some do some next level AoE mumbo jumbo damage but overall I think their HP are a tad bit high. I just find myself constantly auto-attacking the bosses for a long time to solo them.

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@shirika87: Because the wizard is hamstrung by bad cooldowns and SP costs like most classes in this game? It’s not like they’re straight utility classes, and it’s not like the monster being bugged would have changed anything. That boss isn’t hard even when not-bugged; it’s literally just like nearly every other boss in this game in that it really only has attacks that target the area right in front of it. The amount of time they have to spend, let alone any average solo player who is playing anything that isn’t coddled to death and back in this game (read: swordsman gets handheld so much in this) on boss design that isn’t difficult but has obnoxious amounts of health even if you’re geared well is absolutely absurd.

As for the class pointing out: and yet the swordsman does significantly more damage than the wizard. Feels kinda lopsided balance, don’t you think? And that’s not even taking into account the other two class types, and while granted Cleric is a support archetype through most of its classes, Archer is predominantly damage archetypes and it absolutely fights bosses like absolute garbage.

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