Tree of Savior Forum

Decrease boss health or defense

Bosses are not easy and not hard either. It REALLY depends on the class you are playing and if you go with a party.

Mage is the hardest to play if you solo him. The problem is, that you heavily depend on SP which you won’t have if you dont spend thousands of silver into blue potions. So you have to use you auto attacks quite alot, which are ofc weak compared to other classes.

RIght now, I’m playing a second character and he is priest. With my lvl 5 heal I do tons of damage and heal myself and it doesnt cost much. I really have an easy time with my priest against all the bosses I had problems with as a wizard.

So I suggest you look for a party if you want to do bosses, since they really arent that hard.

Im plaing as Ranger and if u guys are having problems with bosses u got to be doing something wrong…
Cause aside of the plate armor ones the other bosses droped easily…the Dps of the ranger is monstrous… U can use Barrage in the face of the boss and he will take most of the arrows cause of its size what causes a huge damage and u can combo: swift step (50%critc bonus)+ Steady Aim. It ill give a massive damage bonus to your skills…
So i found the class fun and pretty strong…

They aren’t hard at all.
That’s the problem.

Who wants to attack something non-threatening for 25 minutes straight?

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They dont need to drop their tankness to be fun…just improve the AI so the fight becomes challenging…
Like those RPG bosses that takes one year to kill but u dont notice the time because you are too concentrated tring to stay alive xD
For example i played diablo 3…beat the game is very easy…but if you want a challange and test your build and skill you can improve the level of dificult to the point where the boss can literally one hit you.
Im not saing ToS needs a dificult level system…just an AI and attack pattern fair to the boss level.

Dropping in after some more levels (40 now) to say that the bosses in this game are definitely quantity over quality, I’d rather fight fewer bosses with more creative AI and strategy than 284728263 behemoths that chase you slowly and spew some AOEs. The most memorable things to happen to me in a boss fight for the last ten levels was accidentally locking my pots and getting stuck in a basic snare trap, lol (and before that I barely noticed the traps existed).

I assume the traps stand in for boss debuffs but tbh they’re a lame substitute. Give me bosses inflicting poison and bleed and reflecting or absorbing my damage, more use of the field like the Mirtis battle, more distractions like the Specter’s Lightning totem.

There’s an issue when the strategy for every boss is ‘run in circles, multishot, multishot, autoattack x20, rinse, repeat’. If they have to be high HP at least make it worth my while.

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I agree. A boss should take time because it’s hard, not because you need to hit him 200.000 times.

Find some in-between point.

The bosses just need an AI improve…making their attacks to get more often and even make their pattern become random as they get weaker…of course taking their level in consideration.
The only bosses that took long me to kill were the plate armor ones…but it was because im plaing ranger…im pretty sure the mages arent taking that long to kill then.

Tottaly agree, killing bosses with archer only spamming multishot is pretty boring since my basic attack is a joke

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that boss is 2 levels lower than you… try doing that to a boss 15 ~ 20 lvls higher than you… SOLO

So, that bug happened ot you too?
Beholder summon really sucks.

the problem here is that the bosses health should scale with number of people doing it.

if i’m alone, it takes me 5 minutes to kill a boss, this goes down to 2 minutes for a party of 2/3 people.
it should scale so that the time is always the same, say around 3-5 minutes? Say around 5-7 rotations of your skills.

this does not apply to end content, just leveling bosses.

The only thing that makes the boss hard is the lag and buggy animation LOL.

I also think boss hp should be reduced, but they should hit harder and attack faster the lower their hp becomes.

After I played both Highlander and Wizard.

Highlander skill is way too OP against the boss. I can 2-3 shot boss easily even the boss is 10 level higher than me.

Wizard is very clunky against the boss. I have to dodge, dodge and dodge. Casting a few spell and run out of mana again and again which is frustrating.

My suggestion would be nerf the boss HP and Highlander skill at the same times to make it equal with other classes.

While I don’t have problems with the difficulty, maybe lowering the HP a bit wouldn’t hurt. For me, it takes too much time to kill a boss. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, but it literally takes so much time it gets frustrating. My class is a Wizard (C2) > Linker at the moment. My normal hit is around 80 and 150~400 Energy Bolt damage.

So my thoughts would be lowering the HP, but raise the difficulty. So the boss has lowered HP, but still provides a challenging vibe.


Body is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive

If actually boss fights are really easy even solo. Less HP for the bosses isn’t any solution.
You only make them even easier. This is why this suggestion is really stupid.

The point is the boss mechanics, not hp, defense or fight time.
The boss fights are supposed to last long enough.
Now a boss takes you 5-15 minutes, and if he has many more levels than you.
Less is unacceptable.

PD: I’m a ranger, fighting always alone vs bosses 15 levels more than me with no problem.

Why do solo players think it has to cater for them. I think this game is not meant to be played solo. If you are having issues with bosses then just group up ffs…

You seem to not understand that people CANNOT be killing a 15 minutes monster every 15 minutes. There are too many so called bosses to defeat as quests to take that time each. End game content, I want hard and long enough, but this is just frustrating the players.


I would (and thankfully have) but some bosses are just ridiculous HP sponges.
It isn’t even about catering to the “solo” player. It’s about making the boss fights more enjoyable.

I got a pet a while ago, and despite it being stunned multiple times, still remained the sole focus of a boss.
You know what that meant?

It meant attacking it from behind for 11 minutes because SP regen is next to impossible unless you’re spending money on pots (which are incredibly expensive until 80+) or you’re taking breaks during a boss fight (which you shouldn’t be doing) because the boss had a stupid-large amount of health (as well as AI/threat generation).

Right now, Highlanders absolutely destroy them too. Why would anybody party up with somebody else if they could just destroy a boss within a minute or three by themselves?

I’d prefer if they scaled the health to the amount of players in the instance but kept the damage as if the boss was fighting a full-party.