Tree of Savior Forum

Decrease boss health or defense

Sincerelly, the bosses are fine in my opnion, I believe you just did not geared your character really well or didn’t refined your weapon.

I guess another reason why the boss is tedious now for softer class is because of the lag in game. You have to go a further distance to avoid the attack, which severely reduce your time for outputting damage.

Are you kidding bro, i’m lvl 55 atm, and solo all the boss except the one in 2nd floor chapel. Every boss has pattern of attack and i like the way they are, feeling satisfied after done boss fight

For advice, ya should check yar build and stat distribution

@Mirarara: I can safely say the lag does not really have an impact on archer-based gameplay. It really just does take that long of playing decently well with a +5 level-relevent bow to actually deal with bosses later.

@koraxcorvus: The patterns aren’t the problem, nor are they what’s being discussed. The HP of bosses around Gate Route on onward are far too high for a lot of classes, I’ve noticed, to reasonably deal with in a reasonable amount of time. It is not feasible for good, healthy gameplay to expect the ranger to just circle around the boss for 15 minutes or more while yawning and autoattacking because the SP costs to actually use their class features (as well as the cooldowns of said class features), the very reason one goes ranger over something like archer 2 or quarrel, is far too high to actually be worth using.

This is not a build/stat distribution problem, as I have tried several builds and stat distributions trying to figure out if I was just building the class wrong. I can safely say that it’s not me at this point. Either Ranger is incredibly terrible or boss HP is far too high, and I’m leaning on the latter since not everyone complaining about boss HP plays a Ranger.

My Highlander solo bosses all the way, i wouldnt say it boring cause you need to avoid and counter, you will need lot of potion if you not good, and that just quest boss, not real boss, real boss would be much hard to fight for sure. If you cant solo just party easy as pie

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I haven’t gone very far in levels in my character like most others as far as levels and bosses go but I have encountered various glitches. I agree though as far as creating better AI design for bosses, screw giving them more hp and def. That would be really boring

The bosses fight are really boring for me at least. the only one that gave me a sense of danger was the necro in the chapel 2f, which had a couple of fast attacks that I couldn’t dodge early enough so I had to modify my aproach. I’m lv 60 in my babarian and every other boss was just a trial of pacience and sp pot spam for spam skill.

They need to improve the boss A.I to be smarter and add a few new attacks, not just the shockwave, attack rush, punch, spam useless traps and cannon beam variants. In a lot of boss fights the mobs are more dangerous than the boss itself.

The bosses don’t punish you for getting affected by a trap or for you being CC, they just spam skills randomly, so I don’t see the meaning of having these features there, if it isn’t explored.

And raising their hp or defense is poor balancing, the kind that made me run away from a lot of MMOs.

Maybe when we got in end content or in the dungeon/field boss we will have an epic fight with a lot of movement and strategy, but for now, the early/middle bosses, are just plain and boring, more time and stuffs consuming than a challenge.

I would rather they add more boss ‘mechanics’ but that might not happen for awhile.

Making the bosses have more HP/defence so the fight takes longer helps make it feel like its something hard to kill. I’d rather the bosses have a decent health pool so your resources get drained fighting it but I also don’t want to be there for 1 hour on a single boss.

I think some tweaking is all they need to do. I heard in the other closed beta bosses were a joke. I’d rather they be slightly engaging at least rather than pure push-over. :expressionless:

some bosses do hit so hard they eat away about at least 50% hp and up e.g. stone orca, chappariton

I’ve been forcing myself to keep playing hoping it will get better, telling the others in my party it is probably STILL part of some tutorial which we all hope it is. Just thinking about making a new character and fight those bosses again makes me cringe.

Honestly if this wasn’t a beta i wouldn’t play this game. I want to challenge myself and not just waste my time with these useless bosses

? I have never spent more than 10 minute on a boss and i’m lvl 82 right now, I’m not seeing how anyone can spend an entire hour on a single boss, are you sure you’re not putting too much stats into defense? or perhaps it’s time to get a new weapon.

Solo’d everything up to Necroventer, level 38 Ranger. Don’t make them easier, they’re supposed to be killed in parties too, you’re in a mmo bro.

as a support class playing INT SPR healing priest I recommend, DO NOT PLAY SOLO !! XD.

Ahem, apart from this support Clreic/Mage I don’t have any problem with other DPS classes killing bosses.

boss are to easy in the start also have a lot of hp for 1 vs 1 this is not hard it jus’t takes more time… a lot of time and is easy but if you go with 1 friend you can beat him pretty easy

More HP Means?

More HP = takes more time

More HP = is Hard

don’t get me wrong, the boss fights have to take time, but if you feel that is very easy and takes too long, then it ceases to be a Boss and is simply a waste of time

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@Obnoxious: You’re not entirely wrong, but on a fundamental design level, forcing an anti-social player to have to interact with others just to deal with non-endgame content is a good way to alienate them. We get enough of that crap in the real world as it is.

A better approach would be to have something akin to boss HP scaling relative to the amount of people in the instance, so that a solo player (note: this somewhat ignores the fact that class balance is sloppy right now, so don’t come in going “I play a highlander and fourshot every boss up to 100 so bosses are super easy!” because the reality is more that your class is either too strong or others’ classes are undertuned) doesn’t spend an absolutely silly amount of time fighting the same boss.

Would surely be appreciated in Gate Route and onwards, where you spend 10-15 minutes fighting a boss just to do five minutes of questing afterwards just to fight another boss for 15 minutes. It’s taxing, it’s tiring, it’s tedious, and it’s quite frankly not fun, and the solution to this shouldn’t be “go join random parties and drag them against their will to do my bidding” because that fails to solve the actual underlying problem.

It’s not like the bosses are hard as it is, they just take a ton of time. I’d rather the design be the opposite way, where bosses attack often and you have to look for windows to do damage, but their effective HP pool is somewhat low. This will ultimately result in a more interesting and engaging boss fight while simultaneously not taking up a quarter of an hour.

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You’re not wrong, I’m also finding the bosses quite easy to beat (at least now in my early levels) and as they are now they’re not really much of a thrill, but on the other hand dropping their HP or Defense would just make them that much less exciting.

Nonetheless, I’m certain the boss fights will feel more like real boss fights once all the beta testing is complete ^^; …or so I quietly hope.

-Amberly. …Baphomet.

People are missunderstanding one thing, the bosses are not hard. The problem is that they don’t offer a challenge and just are so time consuming because of their hp/defense and how the mana system and cooldown system works. 90% of them are just generic ones that have the same attack only with different skins and the other 9% don’t offer a threat to the player, maybe only if he has no potions left. The remaining 1% are fine like the necro boss in chapel 2f. Another aspect that drags the fight a lot is the sp consuption and recovery, that make the player resorts to auto atacks that inflict no damage whatsoever. If random quest bosses are not supposed to solo, than players are not supposed to play solo at all.

It’s like we are playing that generic hard difficult game scheme that don’t improve nothing over the normal difficulty only raise the hp and damage of the enemy to become more annoying. One inspiration they could follow are the Dark Souls bosses. None of them are not soleable but every one of them is dangerous and brings the best of the player to deafeat them.

It does, you have to run double the time that you actually need to not receive any damage. It’s almost impossible for my friend whose lagging to graze the aoe attack unless he don’t stop running because the aoe attack doesn’t match the timing on the screen.

Lesser time to attack = Less DPS = Much longer boss time.

All these add up to the frustration of getting dced halfway in boss fight. Lol.

The game still lacks balancement a lot. And the boss fights suffer a lot from this. The way they promoted the game saying that they created a lot of content, lots of levels to grind, lots of bosses to fight, but no memorable experiences besides the music to me so far. One thing they could do that is simple to implement and have a positive effect is create a lore to the enemies or at least the bosses and not just pop one dragon because you activated a altar in the chapel(fuck logic).