Tree of Savior Forum

Decrease boss health or defense

looks like only highlanders think bosses are ok :unamused:, as archer it takes a while to kill bosses , even spamming SP potion to spam skillsā€¦ lower HP a bit and it will be ok

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I wonā€™t lieā€¦as a level 72 Highlander, I was able to solo a level 95 boss last nightā€¦in like 5 minutes. Cartar Stroke, Moulinet, Cross Strike, and Skyliner are your friends.

The bosses arenā€™t ā€œHARDā€ , they are just easy and boring , but TANKY. In other words just a waste of time and pain in the behind. Hope I cleared things up for ya.

I side with this too. The boss fights are seriously damn boring. Once you hit gate route and are forced to fight one every 5 minutes it seriously drains you. I say this after getting to G3 on MH3 and MH4, as an example of my extreme patience and ability to put up with wasting time. However, MH was challenging to a certain degree. This is just like hitting a meat wall with a spoon until it falls over. Itā€™s not really satisfying, even with 4 people helping you.

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Lol, I worked Iā€™m between but no, I didnā€™t sleep. Game drew me in.

Yup, you can literally dodge everything and then on top of the bosses not doing any damage, they have a ā– ā– ā– ā–  ton of hp. So much fun! Amirite??

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the 1st 10 bosses standing there is either bugged, or for people who still hasnā€™t got used to the keyboard controls to get used to it ==ā€™ 1st cbt some of the 1st ten bosses actually gave me hard time considering its harder to level back then and we are under leveled

deppends on the levels and the classes, clerics on str lack damage to kill some :3

tell that to the others =,=

If its too hard for you then either your defense/evasion is no good, youā€™re not good at moving around, your attack power is way too low to kill it

but if your like me, solos every story boss without the need of a party ever, here are some bosses you absolutely wont beat:

  • Lv 40+ Boss on tenet chapel 2F is very quick with its dark magic
  • Lv 55+ The blue tree boss constantly uses a immune to all damage buff
  • Lv 60+ You are no match for Brambleā€¦ unlike the rest of the bosses, Bramble is like RAID difficulty

I can only second this as a lvl 41 Highlander i can only say. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THEN EASIERā€¦ srsly they are easy as ā– ā– ā– ā–  the way they are right now ._.

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I soloā€™d all three of those bosses today. Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re talking about.

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OP Said bosses take too long to kill
ITT: A whole bunch of folks act like she said ā€œtoo hardā€

Reading is really difficult.

Lower HP with better AI or strategy required would feel better, but then some classes would wreck the boss too fast. Sounds like some balancing might be needed?

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No - the required amount to kill them is fine. Shorter fights make bosses with OK mechanics a lot easier because:

  • no mana problems
  • no need to heal up all too much
  • no waiting too much on cooldowns
  • just burst down the boss and move on

Some bosses do pack a punch. Of course not all AI is perfect yet but I have encountered some challengeing ones.

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Did I miss something here? Where did HP Sponge = Difficulty? As a level 57 Ranger, Iā€™ve not found any boss in this game difficult. Iā€™ve found several bosses in this game tedious, though, because of a mix of ā€œHP Spongeā€ design combined with bad class balancing. Gate Route onwards is incredibly bad about this.

Seriously. Give me a boss where I have to look for openings to do damage but once I find those openings I can unload and knock off reasonable tangible amounts of the bossā€™s HP over a boss I have to circle for 15+ minutes shooting an autoattack. The former is at least fun to play; the latter is very unfun because I donā€™t actually get to use what makes my class different from other archer classes without running out of SP before having done any real damage to the boss.

Also, this really dumb ā€˜get hit once and get launched into a trap and take 1600+ damageā€™ thing needs to stop. Thatā€™s not difficulty, thatā€™s just bad design. Damage traps are to limit the space you can move over, not to serve as double-dipping punishments for getting hit.

tl;dr: ā€œHP Spongeā€ design combined with bad class design makes boss fights annoying and tedious, not hard.


this is what i mean, thank you

Yes, boss are supposed to be fun, not tedious. I should felt like ā€œHell yeah this is a boss battle!ā€, not ā€œNot this infinite attack spam againā€ when I met the boss.

Seriously, circling the boss while attacking him forever isnā€™t a good design, especially when some of the class just has slightly more dps (or even worst, less), but much less durability, so their dps is further reduced because there is alot of time wasted to avoid the attack as you canā€™t afford to take even few of them.