Tree of Savior Forum

Decrease boss health or defense

Maybe you need to just find someone to play with. Bosses are hard solo which is nice but quite easy in a group.

Maybe the bosses get smarter later on, but I’m playing an Archer and I’m just walking in circles while holding down the attack key. The bosses are extremely easy. Killing them is frustrating because its just 10-15 minutes of hitting a dummy basically

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The point is that apparently most of you aren’t seeming to get is the bosses defense/health is ridiculous and i noticed this with my partner as well, It takes so long to kill a boss levels above or even below you for no reason.


i dont care anymore, u guys have it your way zzz… dk how many of this posts i’ve seen in the past

I think Boss Health is fine, on my lvl 30 cleric together with a friend of mine who is a lvl 30 too we got to lvl 40 boses without much problem, and i loved the fact that it takes long time to kill them especialy after lvl 30+ boss fights where we were killed mutliple times on some of them. I love that about it that it is actualy chalenging we did also hit a wall at 40 now.

Gona have to grind few levels until progression, love that fact love the game is 10++

No Faceroll Slightly chalenging content but not that hard.

Think about Rangers who just stay at distance and dps not needing even geting close would be to boring for them.

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I have to say, I disagree with this~
I think you’ve got the wrong mindset @P2Lisa. What do you think of this instead: “EXP rate from bosses should be increased”?

Bosses are fun when they’re a challenge. Bosses that take time to kill feel more thrilling and exciting and there’s a sense of accomplishment when you finally do take them down, so I definitely think they should remain tough ^^

-Amberly. …Challenge.

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Did they nerf the bosses or am I just imagining things?

Also, what does the HP have to do with the difficulty of a boss?
Didn’t know holding down a button for a few minutes is considered difficult to do.

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It’s not a challenge when you’re standing there just hitting your keys waiting for it to die because dodging the big red circles aint that hard.

Sorry, with Highlander’s Cartar Stroke, I find bosses are way too easy because I was able to two-three shot them. It’s not even funny.


It does take a long time for my battle cleric, but for my swordman friend it’s really fast. And that’s quite weird for me. I’d prefer bosses attribute adjusted to the player so every class would see it as equally challenging.

And yeah it’s boring since the mechanism is too easy.

Level 18 archer and I fought the ghost with a cleric today used a couple mana pots and spammed rank 8 multishot and he died in about 2 minutes.

Don’t know what you’re talking about.They’ve been made easier since the last test I think,or the easier leveling is just putting us around the level to beat them easier.

I’m currently near level 40 as a Pyro and have solo’d most of the bosses so far.In a party it was even easier.If you’re at or below this level and can’t beat the bosses,you need to either party up or re-evaluate your build.

WHAT??? It mostly takes me 4 hit to kill most bosses… I’m a lvl 42 highlander. No point in making it easier!

The first 10bosses did nothing, they just stood there while i melee them on cleric after that i caught up in lvls with my friends an partied with them. That’s when I noticed bosses could even do something. The challenges has been so incredible we sit to get some sp during the boss battles (we’re currently at lvl 50) besides we cant even kill bosses at a much higher lvl due to the cap.

They’re damn easy man

Tip: Don’t faceroll

. Study their attack patterns exploit as much weakness as you could. Been owning bosses with this for awhile now, and that’s despite 10Lvl gaps and class limitations (coz priest is still support and not dps)

that is not the point
i know they are easy
what the problem is that for certain classes they take too long to kill
for example, as a wizard at level 30 it takes me at least 10, 15 mins to kill bosses

i see swordsman classes have less issues with killing them

anyway either increase the damage of the classes that struggle against bosses or decrease their health because the amount of time it takes me to kill them is a little ridiculous

Boss fights are like Final Fantasy in that they take 10 years due to health/def (especially once you get to the mine) with some challenge provided by attack patterns. First handful of bosses all glitched so idk what they’re like compared to CBT 1. Haven’t used a single pot so far, playing archer, solo’d everything up to Mirtis.

Honestly, if not for the grind factor there would be no point to having parties for the bosses, so I guess there’s that.

No, the amount of time is fine. If you want to kill bosses quicker, go with party.

Bosses need better mechanics, no less battle time.
And of course certain classes need more time. You want a priest killing bosses fast? Ridiculous

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I agree with you. The boss is just plain boring. For every boss it’s just about circling it and slowly chip it’s hp to death…

I would rather have some boss that can ohko me but has a much lower health.

I do get field boss should has high hp and defence. But quest boss? I felt like it’s just a waste of time.

I think boss health is fine. The only bosses that seemed to have a ton of health is during that quest where you are trying to save the goddess from that cage. I forgot quest name and goddess name. That bird boss was crazy and the few bosses before it had alot of health also and could 1 shot me. Those were the most fun bosses ive fought yet. This is as a krivis and ive soloed every boss so far. I’m only lvl 52 though.

If anything, Keep boss stats the same, but create better AI.