Tree of Savior Forum

Cubes from Dungeons: Problematic System

If you don’t get items at all, people lose interest as well and stop trying. I don’t think you quite understand.

There are many dungeon items that cannot be traded. Along with that, the market shouldn’t be where you get 99% of your items like it is now, but there’s little incentive to keep doing dungeons when nothing drops AND are under limited access so buying is your only real option or doing a dungeon tons of levels below you just for a chance at something you want for your build.

this is exactly the opposite of what i see in actual play lol…
all day long
“need X for dg###”
“2 more slots for dg###”
“already in dungeon, need heals for dg###”

Actually that is exactly what you see. People would shout less if they could just go there and queue swiftly due to big numbers right?

I use megaphones as last measure.

it’s simply an issue of small population size. and i mean overall, not any specific server. I’m on orsha.

this will be an issue that -should- be greatly lessened with f2p release

OP, I don’t really understand why you thinking re-rolling should be profitable? If you don’t re-roll and sell your drops, it’ll be profitable.

Whether or not it’s cheaper to re-roll to GET a specific item for your own personal use and not for profit compared to buying it from the market is based on market prices. Someone showed somewhere that it is statistically cheaper to reroll for arde than just buy it on the market. That doesn’t necessarily hold true for all items. As cube re-roll prices increase, if market prices don’t increase, it might be cheaper to just buy it from the market. It’s not that hard to calculate which is cheaper statistically.

If you really want a specific item, and no one is selling it on the market, feel free to re-roll for it, but you have to understand
A) What the chances are of actually getting it over so many tries
B) You might get unlucky

Yes, dungeons need better rewards and itemization. But that has nothing to do with re-rolling or market tax or anything less.

If re-rolling isn’t profitable it will soon catch on that rolling is the bad move and you will feel punished by the system. You are actually punished for the system as it is designed.

You roll and roll for your item you aren’t getting it - random stuff instead and in the back of the head you keep wishing you hadn’t rolled.

Now imagine someone cannot afford the average price of the item he desires he will feel like he has no way of obtaining it. Getting it free will roughly take a month just doing that dungeon and everything else besides that one item is useless to him. He will feel stuck item progression wise.

Yes maybe he can in the meantime buy it off the market, but there will be much less enjoyment this way. Grinding up to X amount of silver and then buying the item has no sense of achievment. Immediately after that he will be put back into the same position:

Okay now I have my venom, now the next best upgrade would be Y and of course since he just bought he has no silver and it repeats itself.

You will constantly feel like you won’t get it out of the dungeon anyway so people will regress to silver farming (if you keep an eye on demon prison you can already high levels farming there for silver)

And that is just concerning items you can even trade - not everything you might need is tradeable - WHAT THEN?

I start wondering why it is so hard to understand that people will be devastated if they try to get an item for a month and still dont have it and this is where we are heading.

Pressing the button should be something people look forward to. It destroys silver very effectively

I’m sorry you have to farm for things and spend time playing the game? Sorry it takes you time to get good items?? That’s literally the point of the game. The point of this game IS the grind.

It isn’t a grind to do the dungeons. You cannot grind them so as you would say the dungeons miss the mark :wink:

So it makes me wonder. Most of the best gear is actually not grindable so how can the game be about the grind? Leveling is largely done with cards and questing. Loot? Couple of good field recipes but mostly dungeon/worldbosses which can be done regularly but not grinded.

If you ask me the point of this game is rather spending time leveling different characters, trying builds etc.

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^i would say that this is absolutely true.

this whole “stuck on equipment progression” is a self-made trap.

–if you declare that you need a certain piece of gear to do the next leveling stage in 3 days… but it will take up to 25 days to farm for that gear… then you’re investing between 3 and 28 days in that leveling bracket.

–if you declare you will spend max of 3 days running the dungeon, after which… if you get the piece of top gear, it will take 3 days… and if you don’t get it you will left half as fast, and take 6 days… then you’re investing 3 days, best case scenario: you find it first day, and level faster… but still only 9 days in the worst case scenario where you use up all your runs for those 3 days, don’t find the item, and simply move on without it to level less rapidly.

Dont get me wrong I didn’t mean being stuck in a sense of I need more gear to get any further. As another poster mentioned you can do everything in whites that isn’t the problem. I also cannot go any further in terms of “tiers”. I won’t get anything out of the 200 dungeon, dunno what drops in the 217 and if my information is correct everything after 240 cannot be traded anymore anyway.

At the same time though the last time I changed my equipment was at lvl 120 and since then my gear is unchanged and I am above lvl 200 by now and this is how it goes for many players and it is simply boring.

Good MMO design mandates a game currency sink. This is to combat inflation.

This may be bad for you, but it is very very good for the game economy,


Maybe you should work on your reading skills. My point isn’t that rolling cost is too high. My point is that rolling cost is difficult to handle because of the 48h market retrieve.

I cant roll if 5-10+ million are in the AH and have leftover currency to buy whatever might pop up. The 48 hour restriction is not designed to last so if they cut down on the rolling now to make it a bit easier to handle not much is lost.

i blame the game being new. i will expect over the next… year? …that a lot of new gear will be introduced at all tier levels.

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Updated with actual numbers so you can see how grinding something will turn out especially if you go into the non-tradeable section of the game.

What can I say as a veteran gamer…

ToS have poor itemization overally. Few items per item type, most of them boring as hell, only handfull of something interesting and even less of them usefull. The good ones are behind thick brickwall, well at later levels everything sems like behind a brickwall.
Drop rates sems insanly low even for whites, most people dont even self find white quality upgrades for themself with is a joke.
Some low level gear is better than high level stuff. Some item types offer you crap at 99% rate, where there is like 1 item that is outshining everything else, and nothing in between.
Additionaly the whole defense and magic defense system in the game make it even worse.

I have no idea who designed the itemization in this game, but it feels like they didnt have time and just “omg George just throw there anything so we pretend we have items”.

Taking out work needed for graphic design of items (modeling, textures, pictures etc.) it would take around 1 day for just 1 guy to code every equipment item in this game.

Probably 99% of the workload goes into useless quest items (that nobody cares about), crafting ingrediants (with are not worth so much payload behind them) and other misc items.

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Itemization being this bad is part of the problem. As you correctly point out there is only item X and there is no equal or sidegrade to it.

It is especially enhanced by very bad stat design decisions:

2h not being twice as good as a single 1h (like all MMOs they don’t manage this). Therefor most mages will go Rod + Arde since going staff is simply a dps loss.

Stat system is boring as ■■■■ anyway.

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I get the intention of the devs, I really do, but the cubes are not as effective as they thought would be, talt almost 100% is not even worthwhile and with those item rates (like 1% or less) for a rare recipe and three max runs, thats almost not worth the effort at running dungeons besides the exp, specially with lv 240 items not being tradeable, you have the chance of getting a red rare staff being and archer and thats nothing you can do about it, thats pretty **** up

used perspective distortion…

what if intention of devs was to keep players form obtaining good loot too fast?

…it is super effective!